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Petrivskyi V. 
Development of a modification of the method for constructing energy-efficient sensor networks using static and dynamic sensors = Розробка модифікації методу побудови енергоефективних сенсорних мереж з використанням статичних і динамічних датчиків / V. Petrivskyi, V. Shevchenko, S. Yevseiev, O. Milov, O. Laptiev, O. Bychkov, V. Fedoriienko, M. Tkachenko, O. Kurchenko, I. Opirskyy // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/9. - С. 15-23. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

Due to the widespread use of sensors and sensor networks in the tasks of territory coverage, the relevant criteria are maximizing coverage and minimizing energy consumption. At the same time, the compliance of the network with these criteria is an urgent problem in the modern technological world. A modification of the method for constructing energy-efficient sensor networks is proposed by introducing an additional criterion for minimizing the number of sensors and limiting the number of sensors used, which allows reducing the energy consumption of sensor networks by 19 %. In the resulting optimization problem, the optimality criteria are the functions of minimizing the area of uncovered territory, the value of energy consumption, and the number of sensors. The optimum solution is formed by pairs of values of the coverage radius and the level of intersection of the coverage areas, which provide maximum coverage while minimizing energy consumption and the number of sensors used. To solve the problem, the parameter convolution method and the genetic algorithm were used. In the case of dynamic sensors, the problem is to find such a trajectory of the sensor that provides the maximum flyby of the territory with a minimum length. A grid algorithm is proposed to find the necessary trajectory. The presented algorithm consists in dividing the territory into nodes and estimating the value of the covered territory by the sensor in this node. After the formation of estimates, the search for a Hamiltonian path was used. The case of a multiply connected territory with the possibility of turning it into a simply connected one is considered. A scheme for finding the parameters of energy-efficient coverage of the territory using static and dynamic sensors is proposed.

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