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Pasichnyi V. 
Studying the influence of berry extracts on the quality and safety indicators of half-smoked sausages = Дослідження впливу ягідних екстрактів на показники якості і безпечності напівкопчених ковбасок / V. Pasichnyi, N. Bozhko, V. Tischenko, A. Marynin, Ye. Shubina, R. Svyatnenko, O. Haschuk, O. Moroz // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/11. - С. 33-40. - Бібліогр.: 51 назв. - англ.

In order to prevent oxidative damage, an experiment was conducted to determine the effectiveness of berries extracts (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot and Ribes nigrum L.) in the production of half-smoked sausages. The recipe of half-smoked sausages with a polycomponent composition of raw materials includes semi-fat pork with muscle tissue, tendon-free lean pork, tendon-free Muscovy duck meat, side pork, hydrated bamboo fiber. Berry extracts (Aronia melanocarpa Elliot and Ribes nigrum L.) at concentrations of 0,2 - 0,5 % to the weight of crude minced meat were added to the examined samples of minced meat. Sample No. 1 was a control, that is, made without the addition of extracts of berries. During the storage of products with extracts, an acidic number, a peroxide number, a thiobarbituric number, and the predefined indicators of microbiological safety were determined. The addition of chokeberry extract in the amount of 0,2 - 0,5 % to the minced meat weight significantly slows down the hydrolytic oxidation of lipids in finished products, effectively inhibits the peroxide oxidation of fat. The use of blackcurrant extract also has an antioxidant effect but is weaker. Stabilizing the peroxide oxidation of lipids in half-smoked sausages has the effect of inhibiting the formation of secondary oxidation products, which is confirmed by the results reported here. The amount of secondary oxidation products was the smallest at the end of the shelf life of the product with a concentration of chokeberry extract of 0,5 % and was 0,197 - 0,001 mg MA/kg, which is 3,74 times lower than that in the control. The addition of extracts of chokeberry and black currant reduces microbiological contamination and has a bacteriostatic effect. The most effective is the introduction of chokeberry extract in the amount of 0,05 %, which reduces the oxidative damage to fat by more than three times.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Л927.2


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