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Kovalenko V. 
Determination of the dependence of the structure of Zn-Al layered double hydroxides, as a matrix for functional anions intercalation, on synthesis conditions = Визначення залежності структури Zn-Al подвійно-шарових гідроксидів, як матриці для інтеркалювання функціональними аніонами, від умов синтезу / V. Kovalenko, A. Borysenko, V. Kotok, R. Nafeev, V. Verbitskiy, O. Melnyk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/12. - С. 12-20. - Бібліогр.: 60 назв. - англ.

Layered double hydroxides, especially Zn-Al, are valuable matrices for intercalation with various functional anions: dyes, medicines, food additives, etc. For the purposeful development and optimization of the technology for the synthesis of Zn-Al hydroxides intercalated with functional anions, the phase composition and crystal structure of Zn-Al nitrate layered double hydroxide samples (Zn:Al = 4:1) synthesized at solution flow rates of 0,8 and 1,6 l/h, pH = 7, 8, 9, 10 and t = 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 <^>oС were studied. XRD showed that all samples synthesized at different temperatures, pH, and solution flow rates were Zn-Al layered double hydroxides with an <$Ealpha>-Zn(OH)2 crystal lattice of medium crystallinity, with an admixture of an oxide phase with a ZnO lattice. Three sections of the dependence of the crystallite size of the sample on the synthesis temperature were distinguished: 10 - 20 <^>oC, 30 - 50 <^>oC, and 60 vC, within which an put forward about a change in the mechanism or kinetics of LDH formation at temperatures of 30 <^>oC and 60 <^>oC. An increase in the pH of the synthesis and the flow rate of solutions led to an increase in crystallinity. A retrospective comparative analysis of the phase composition and crystal structure of Zn-Al-nitrate and Zn-Al-tripolyphosphate (tartrazine or Orange Yellow S) LDH samples was carried out. It was found that the use of large and multi-charged functional anions caused significant adsorption on precipitate nuclei and difficult intercalation. As a result, low crystallinity was formed (Tartrazine anion) or a significant part of LDH was decomposed to oxide (tripolyphosphate and Orange Yellow S anions).

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