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Korol V. 
Elaboration of recommendations on the development of the state internal audit system when applying the digital technologies = Розробка рекомендацій з розвитку системи державного внутрішнього аудиту в умовах використання цифрових технологій / V. Korol, O. Dmytryk, O. Karpenko, V. Riadinska, O. Basiuk, D. Kobylnik, V. Moroz, O. Safronova, E. Alisov, T. Mishchenko // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 1/13. - С. 39-48. - Бібліогр.: 40 назв. - англ.

Recommendations for the development of a state internal audit system in conditions of using digital technologies have been elaborated. It was established that the procedures of conducting state internal audits change under influence of digitization. Conformity of the stages of audit digitization and the applied digital technologies was established. Foreign experience in the digitization of the state internal audit was analyzed. It was also established that the active application of artificial intelligence technologies may be one of the probable scenarios of the development of the state internal audit system in foreign countries in the near future. Types of digital technologies were systematized depending on the field of state internal audit. It was found that the maximum effect from the use of digital technologies in the field of audit will take place in the case of their synergistic combination. Coordinated interaction between constituent elements of the state internal audit has been established. This has made it possible to present the process of development of the state internal audit system in conditions of digitization and determine its main objective: ensure greater transparency and efficiency of accounting for tangible assets by means of new digital technologies. Taking into account the above, a mechanism of development of the system of state internal audit in conditions of use of digital technologies was offered. It is based on corresponding directions and measures. It was established that to assess the efficiency of development of the state internal audit system in conditions of application of digital technologies, it is advisable to use the indicators reflecting overall results of measures taken in state financial control. The application of the proposed mechanism will make it possible to establish the effect of digital technologies on the development of the state internal audit.

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