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Bezverkhyi K. 
International standardization of non-financial reporting = Міжнародна стандартизація нефінансової звітності / K. Bezverkhyi, N. Poddubna, O. Moshkovska // Зовн. торгівля: економіка, фінанси, право. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 83-91. - Бібліогр.: 27 назв. - англ.

The lack of uniform approaches to the development of non-financial reporting, the presence of various international standards of non-financial reporting, makes it impossible to develop optimal ways of developing such reporting in Ukraine, which worsens the CSR information provision of domestic business entities. The purpose of this study is to determine ways of developing non-financial reporting based on international standards with the aim of implementing it in Ukraine. For this, general scientific and special research methods were used: synthesis, induction and deduction, system analysis, logical generalization; abstract and logical. On the basis of the analyzed international standards of non-financial reporting, we have identified ways of developing non-financial reporting in Ukraine, namely: implementation of international standards of non-financial reporting; establishment of mandatory requirements for non-financial reporting for companies of certain sizes and industries; development of tools for measuring non-financial indicators; strengthening control and reporting on non-financial indicators; raising the awareness of stakeholders regarding the importance of non-financial reporting and its impact on society. It was established that the development of non-financial reporting based on international standards requires wider attention and support from interested parties. Raising the awareness of these parties about the importance of non-financial reporting and its impact on society can be achieved through information campaigns, training programs, conferences and other events that contribute to their greater understanding. It is also important to consider feedback and suggestions from interested parties on how to develop non-financial reporting to address the needs of different groups and ensure the effectiveness of the process.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: У052.9(4УКР)229.0-15 + У052.9(0)20-149.3-15 я86


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