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Eller B. 
Inner shear resistance increasing effect of Concrete Canvas in ballasted railway tracks = Ефект підвищення опору внутрішньому зсуву бетонного полотна баластного шару залізничної колії / B. Eller, S. Szalai, M. Sysyn, D. Harrach, J. Liu, S. Fischer // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 64-70. - Бібліогр.: 27 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To prove that the GCCM (geosynthetic cementitious composite mat) - type Concrete Canvas (CC) - is an adequate supplementary layer on the top of the subgrade. As its drainage function is known, this article tries to prove the reinforcement possibility. This layer is relatively thin; nevertheless, it can behave like the geogrids. It is the main path to finding out the opportunity of the interlocking effect and its impact on the railway ballast's inner shear resistance. Methodology. The laboratory measurements were performed in a multi-level shear box, which allows simulating the multi-level shift of the ballast layer. The tests were planned with and without the CC layer. After shearing, the samples were also tested for load-bearing capacity (E2; according to the Hungarian Standard) and particle breakage. On the other hand, the contact surface between the lowest part of the ballast and CC was also measured by a sophisticated 3D laser scanner (GOM ATOS) and graphically by AutoCAD software. Findings. After the results of the laboratory experiments are analyzed, the following parameters are calculated and determined: 1) the reinforcement ratio as the tangent of the inner shear resistance curves in the 5 - 15 mm horizontal shearing interval as well as the area under graphs by integration in the 0 - 40 mm interval; 2) the change in load-bearing capacity of the layer-structure with and without CC; 3) the amount of the cement particles; 4) the amount of the broken particles; 5) contact surface between the lowest layer of ballast and CC; 6) flatness of CC sheets after shearing. Based on the results, the Concrete Canvas provides significant reinforcement to the railway ballast. Originality. Any other type of measurement with Concrete Canvas in a multi-level shear box is unknown. The topic is unique. Practical value. In the future, these results may provide baseline data to verify the suitability of the Concrete Canvas in the railway sub- or superstructure for various types of transport.

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