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Kalyuzhna N. 
Economic security of Ukraine under the destructive influence of exogenous determinants = Економічна безпека України в умовах деструктивного впливу екзогенних детермінант / N. Kalyuzhna, A. Khodzhaian, I. Baron // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 161-170. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To design a Methodical Approach to assessing the level of economic security of Ukraine under the destructive influence of exogenous determinants and verification of the results of its application. Methodology. The methods of analysis and synthesis are used to substantiate the functional components and aspects of ensuring the economic security of the state and to develop a system of indicators for their assessment. The index method is used in developing an integral indicator of the level of economic security of the state. Findings. It is proved that for transitive economies the impact on economic security of geopolitical and geo-economics threats of an exogenous nature, which are significantly strengthened in the conditions of globalization, is decisive. The necessity is substantiated to develop a methodology for assessing the economic security of Ukraine in the direction of developing Methodical approaches that allow providing a thorough assessment of the actual determinants of economic security, which primarily include the impact of globalization processes and the escalation of military-political threats. A Methodical Approach to the determination of indicators of economic security of the state is proposed, which is based on the separation of functional components and aspects of provision in the structure of economic security of the state. A system of indicators for evaluating elements of economic security is developed, taking into account the relationship between the values and dynamics of indicators with the influence of exogenous determinants. A toolkit for assessing the level of economic security of the state is proposed, which provides for the calculation of the integral indicator of the level of economic security based on the generalization of the values of indicators of the state of its functional components and aspects of provision. The integral indicator of the level of economic security of Ukraine was calculated during 2006 - 2020. Based on the analysis of the dynamics of the integral indicator of the level of Ukraine's economic security and its component indicators, key regularities in their absolute and relative transformations are revealed. Originality. A Methodical Approach to assessing the level of economic security of Ukraine in terms of destructive influence of exogenous determinants is proposed basing on the calculation of an integral indicator, which allows formulating conclusions regarding the state and trends of the transformation of economic security of Ukraine. Practical value. The obtained results create the basis for determining the priorities of ensuring the economic security of Ukraine, which should be both overcoming the destructive influence on the economic development of exogenous determinants, and using the opportunities created in the internal and external environment of the country to prevent threats to the economic security of the state.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж16377 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
Повний текст  Наукова періодика України 
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