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Gordiyenko T. 
Group expert evaluation of quality criteria of the educational program for the field of metrology and information-measuring technique / T. Gordiyenko, O. Velychko // Вимірюв. техніка та метрологія : міжвід. наук.-техн. зб.. - 2022. - Вип. 83 (ч. 1). - С. 35-40. - Бібліогр.: 19 назв. - англ.

The article's urgency of researching the importance of the applied national criteria for the quality of the educational program (CQEP) for higher education institutions (HEI) was established. The approach to group expert assessment of the weight of CQEP for the educational program (EP) in the field of metrology and information-measuring technique was studied. Members of one of the sectoral expert councils on technical specialties are involved in carrying out such assessments. To achieve this goal, the composition and requirements of the CQEP sub-criteria are analyzed, the algorithm of group expert assessment of the CQEP weight was proposed and substantiated, and the priority of the CQEP sub-criteria based on the conducted assessment was established. Conducting a quality assessment of EPs by experts and the National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education according to clearly established criteria and sub-criteria helps to improve the quality of EPs of HEI. Although the HEI should pay attention to all the established criteria (sub-criteria), more attention should be paid to those identified by experts as the most important and those that significantly affect the quality of EP. It is established that such criteria include, first of all, training through research, human resources, teaching, and learning in the educational program. At the same time, the experts of technical specialties have the most doubts about the sub-criteria of the CQEP for internal quality assurance of the EP (K8), and this criterion itself is not considered important by them. At the same time, a large number of CQEP sub-criteria regarding the structure and content of the EP are also questionable, although they consider this criterion to be important. Therefore, these sub-criteria of the CQEP need special attention during the next revision of the set of CQEP to better balance the system of sub-criteria of the CQEP.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж10 р(4УКР)3-3


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