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Pashkevych V. 
Investigation of sensitive elements of temperature transducers based on thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb / V. Pashkevych, V. Krayovskyy, P. Haranuk, V. Romaka, Yu. Stadnyk, L. Romaka, A. Horyn // Вимірюв. техніка та метрологія : міжвід. наук.-техн. зб.. - 2022. - Вип. 83 (ч. 3). - С. 16-22. - Бібліогр.: 10 назв. - англ.

The results of experimental studies of sensitive elements of temperature transducers based on semiconductor thermometric material Lu1-xScxNiSb, x = 0,01 - 0,10, are presented. Thermometric materials Lu1-xScxNiSb were made by fusing a mixture of components in an electric arc furnace with a tungsten electrode (cathode) in an atmosphere of purified argon under a pressure of 0,1 kPa on a copper water-cooled hearth (anode). Heat treatment of alloys consisted of homogenizing annealing for 720 h in vacuumed to 1,0 Pa at a temperature of 1073 K. Arrays of diffraction data of X-ray diffraction studies were obtained on a powder diffractometer STOE STADI-P, and using the program Fullprof calculated structural characteristics. The chemical and phase compositions of the samples were monitored by metallographic analysis (scanning electron microscope Tescan Vega 3 LMU). The basis of the sensitive element of the resistance thermometer on Lu1-xScxNiSb materials is polycrystalline samples in the form of rectangular parallelepipeds with a size of 0,5 x 0,5 x 5 (mm<^>3), to which the contacts are made of copper and/or platinum wire. Experimental measurements of electrical resistance values were performed using the four-contact method, and the values of the thermopower coefficient by the potentiometric method concerning copper and/or platinum. The thermoelectric pair platinumthermometric material was the basis of the thermoelectric converter. Modeling of thermometric characteristics of sensitive elements of the thermometer of resistance of the thermoelectric converter is carried out by a full potential method of linearized plane waves (Full Potential Linearized Augmented Plane Waves, Elk software package). The results of experimental measurements served as reference currents in modeling the characteristics. X-ray phase analysis showed the homogeneity of the studied samples of thermometric materials Lu1-xScxNiSb, as evidenced by the absence of traces of extraneous phases on the diffractograms. The dependences of the period of the unit cell a(x) Lu1-xScxNiSb are not linear, which indicates more complex structural changes than the one-act substitution of the Lu atom by Sc. Measurements of the values of the specific magnetic susceptibility <$E chi>(T, x) were performed by the relative Faraday method at T = 273 K using a thermogravimetric installation with an electronic microbalance EM-5-ZMP in magnetic fields up to 10 kGs. Experimental studies of the specific magnetic susceptibility of <$E chi>(x) sensitive elements have shown that the samples at all concentrations are Pauli paramagnetics, and the value of <$E chi>(x) is determined by the electron gas. In this case, the values of the magnetic susceptibility <$E chi>(x) are proportional to the density of electronic states at the Fermi level g(<$E epsilon sub F>). In the area of concentrations x = 0 - 0,02, the values of magnetic susceptibility <$E chi>(x) undergo insignificant changes, which indicates small changes in the concentration of current carriers. At a concentration x >> 0,02 there is a rapid increase in the density of electronic states at the Fermi level g(<$E epsilon sub F>), indicating an increase in the concentration of free current carriers.

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