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Ivanov D. D. 
Organization of the specialized medical care in conditions of limited resources (military status) (on the example of the provision of nephrology aid in Ukraine) = Організація спеціалізованої медичної допомоги в умовах обмежених ресурсів (військовий стан) (на прикладі надання нефрологічної допомоги в Україні) / D. D. Ivanov // Нирки. - 2023. - 12, № 2. - С. 100-106. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The paper considers the features of the provision of pediatric and adult nephrology medical care during martial law in Ukraine from February 2022 to May 2023. The influence of military stages on the nephrology care are presented, territorial zones during the conflict are highlighted, event tracks are shown. Separately, the activity of the Ukrainian Association of Nephrologists/Ukrainian Association of Pediatric Nephrologists, new opportunities for integrating nephrology into the system of medical knowledge are considered. Along with the negative trends, positive results were revealed that made it possible to move forward in the system of specialized medical care, namely an increase in transplant activity, a wider use of "long" treatment regimens with rituximab, and the use of digital kidney biopsy. Statistical data, SWOT analysis at the stages of the military conflict are given, an analysis is presented for refugees who left for the European Union to receive kidney replacement therapy. The enormous role of humanitarian programs for maintaining the structure of nephrological care in Ukraine is emphasized. The accumulated experience is unique and can serve as material for the analysis of similar situations in the world in the future.

Шифр НБУВ: Ж100881 Пошук видання у каталогах НБУВ 
Повний текст  Наукова періодика України 
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