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Saidakova N. O. 
Structure and features of the dynamics of primary disability in the adult population of Ukraine as a result of non-oncological urological diseases = Структура й особливості динаміки первинної інвалідності дорослого населення України внаслідок неонкологічних урологічних захворювань / N. O. Saidakova, S. P. Pasiechnikov, M. V. Mitchenko, G. E. Kononova, V. I. Hrodzinskyy, V. G. Bieliakova // Нирки. - 2022. - 11, № 3. - С. 154-159. - Бібліогр.: 16 назв. - англ.

The purpose of the work: to study the structure and features of the dynamics of primary disability among the adult population of Ukraine as a result of non-oncological urological diseases. Materials and methods. The reporting form N 14 of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine, the statistical sources of the Ukrainian State Research Institute of Medical and Social Problems of Disability, documentation of regional centers for medical and social expertise are used. During the 5-year observation period, 12,9 % more patients avoided disability and 4,7 % less received groups I and II. A decrease by 37,4 % (to 20,0 %) in the share of chronic pyelonephritis as a cause of disability was observed in all regions except Kyiv. Structure of other causes of disability: urolithiasis - 45,0 %, polycystic kidney disease - 22,1 %, single kidney - 18,8 %, hydronephrosis - 15,4 %, congenital defects - 12,1 %, urethral stricture - 4,7 %. Against the background of the general increase in disability assignments with age, group III disability among others was more common (7,7 % - at the age of up to 39 years, 63,1 % - at pre-retirement age, 67,8 % - at retirement age).

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