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Kozbakova A. 
Development of an information system and software for effective building evacuation plan = Розробка інформаційної системи і програмного забезпечення для ефективного плану евакуації будівлі / A. Kozbakova, Y. Amirgaliyev, A. Kalizhanova, Z. Aitkulov, A. Astanayeva, G. Kabidolliyeva // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 2/2. - С. 36-50. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

The main goal of the work is to create the optimal emergency evacuation plan in general education institutions according to the schedule at a certain time. The work developed an information model of the evacuation system, taking into account the schedule of classes and classrooms. The methodology of the system approach, which ensures the compatibility of heterogeneous devices to find an operationally optimal evacuation plan in real time, was developed. A conceptual scheme of an evacuation system using heterogeneous sources of receiving and transmitting information about emergencies is proposed. Determined the input and output sources of receiving and transmitting information about the number of people in the building. Developed software for the rapid and most effective evacuation of people from the educational institution and can be used for other types of buildings. The importance of this work is the creation of an integrated evacuation information system based on mathematical modeling of multi-criteria optimization problem of flow distribution and design, construction technology receiving and transmitting data and information notification systems for the selected type of building. in order to adopt an operational evacuation plan. The results of this paper allow the systematic organization of evacuation training, preparing resources so that in the event of an emergency it is possible to quickly respond and conduct the evacuation process to avoid major consequences. The use of information technology greatly increases the efficiency of evacuation systems, so the development of new integrated and intelligent info-communication approaches to solve the problem of evacuation is currently very relevant.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ц9-52


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