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Saad S. M. 
Analysis of the effect of e-currencies on financial performance based on information technology = Аналіз впливу електронних валют на фінансові показники на основі інформаційних технологій / S. M. Saad, A. K. Jabbar // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 2/13. - С. 31-37. - Бібліогр.: 26 назв. - англ.

E-currency is a form of digital currency that employs encryption to safeguard transactions, limit the manufacture of new units, and verify asset transfers. Bitcoin exchange rates and returns are the primary subjects of this study. In order to measure volatility, the standard deviation of logarithmic returns is determined. This study used a special test to determine whether or not the data were normal. Findings of high volatility were also made using a plot, a statistical process control chart, and other methods. Normality test (casual test) has been investigated accordingly to approve and validate the results. The F-test has been considered as the main indicator for the validity of the results. It has been based on the F-value of 9,3. As well as the financial performance has been done using the time and currency with upper and lower limits. The maximum limit is 34 with a G-value of 0,34. Furthermore, market return-based e-currency has been investigated and analyzed using free and fixed limits for both main variables time and currency. According to these data, the greatest value is 23 in fixed limit circumstances, while it is 18,4 in broad trend cases. The financial performance-based ANP method has been examined using the ANP approach with return values for the currency. The upper limit reached 544 with 0,43 as a G-value. An increasing number of people are valuing volatility. Because of the present high level of volatility, investing in Bitcoin is seen as a high-risk endeavor. The purpose of this study is to assist investors in developing a strategy that maximizes returns while minimizing risk.

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