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Burchynskyi S. H. 
Pilocytic astrocytoma: a literature review = Пілоцитарна астроцитома: огляд літератури / S. H. Burchynskyi // Міжнар. неврол. журн. - 2022. - 18, № 3. - С. 25-28. - Бібліогр.: 35 назв. - англ.

Pilocytic astrocytoma is a frequent name for a benign brain tumor that grows from astrocytes, the cells that support the neurological system. Harvey Cushing showed pilocytic astrocytoma (PA) for the first time in 1931, based on a series of cerebellar astrocytomas. Gliomas classified as grade I by the WHO have a favourable prognosis, and pilocytic astrocytomas fall within this category. There were cranial nerve deficits as well as ataxia symptoms and evidence of elevated intracranial pressure in the individuals in this investigation. Because of the relationship between the tumor's location, size, and existence of concomitant hydrocephalus, symptoms and signs of PAs are most often seen after many months. The most frequent symptoms are headache, nausea, blurred vision, vomiting, back discomfort, elevated intracranial pressure, and diplopia. Histopathologically PA has a low to moderate level of cellularity and is composed of cells with long bipolar (hair-like) processes and elongated and cytologically bland nuclei, as well as areas with loose, multipolar (protoplasmic astrocyte-like) texture composed of cells with bland, round-to-oval nuclei and numerous short cytoplasmic extensions. These areas are rich in Rosenthal fibers. The most common treatment for PA is surgery to remove the tumor. The prognosis is generally good if the tumor is totally removed. When surgery is not an option because of the tumor's location, older children and adults may benefit from radiation treatment to help eliminate any leftover tumor cells. Sometimes, chemo or other forms of targeted treatment are used.

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