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Lagodiienko V. V. 
Economic aspects of assessment and marketing of carbon emissions by enterprises based on the principles of sustainable development = Економічні аспекти оцінки та маркетинг викидів вуглецю підприємствами на принципах стійкого розвитку / V. V. Lagodiienko, O. I. Datsii, O. P. Petrenko, M. A. Tepliuk, M. O. Budiaiev // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 111-117. - Бібліогр.: 24 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To analyze the economic aspects of carbon emissions by industry and conduct a marketing assessment of the emissions trading system (ETS). To develop recommendations for the introduction of market mechanisms for regulating emissions. Methodology. Special and general methods of scientific knowledge are used: abstract-logical analysis to identify the predominant causes of greenhouse gas (GHG) generation; statistical methods of analysis to establish the correlation of capital investments and emissions; induction and deduction to identify complex management approaches to reducing harmful emissions; mathematical - for the formalization of the factors of the ETS market and their functional dependencies, necessary for the analysis of the market. Findings. A correlation between capital investments and emissions has been established, which confirms the long-term trend of implementing a strategic policy of enterprises to reduce emissions. The presence of sectoral differences in correlation coefficients indicated the need for differentiation of institutional support for industries as a tool for changing the export structure. The effects of Carbon Border Adjustments Mechanism (CBAM) influence on the economy of Ukraine are indicated. Recommendations for harmonizing issues regarding Ukraine's obligations to reduce emissions are proposed. Measures to reduce risks for the economy during the introduction of the national ETS are proposed. Originality. Factors of the ETS market and their functional dependencies that are necessary for market analysis are presented mathematically. An equivalence function is proposed for the assessment of individual specific indicators of enterprises. The factors that determine prices and the amount of demand at the ETS market are stratified. Principles of this market are formulated. Practical value. It is proposed to introduce regional emission control laboratories and agree on the recognition of their certificates by Ukraine and the EU.

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