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Verkhoglyadova N. I. 
Methodology for assessing the influence of external and internal factors on the development of the digital economy = Методологія оцінки впливу зовнішніх і внутрішніх факторів на розвиток цифрової економіки / N. I. Verkhoglyadova, I. V. Kononova, Ye. P. Morozova, L. I. Brovko, T. M. Ostapenko // Наук. вісн. Нац. гірн. ун-ту. - 2023. - № 3. - С. 125-130. - Бібліогр.: 25 назв. - англ.

Purpose. To develop a mathematical model and propose an algorithm for analyzing and evaluating the impact on the digital economy and forming the method for choosing the factors of the external and internal impact which require institutional management measures. Methodology. Special and general methods of scientific knowledge are used: mathematical methods - for developing a model for assessing the effects on the digital economy and choosing institutional management measures; methods of analytical research - to distinguish groups of factors; the method of analysis and synthesis - when determining the most important factors and groups of influence and developing a management algorithm. Findings. Factors influencing the directions of investment in digital technologies for mass and corporate consumers and a significant difference in the amount of financing according to them have been identified. The possibility of a decrease in the level of competitiveness of the country due to the inadequacy of investing in digital technologies for the corporate sector is indicated. Management actions to increase investment in digital technologies for the corporate sector are recommended. Originality. The mathematical model and algorithm have been developed for the analysis and assessment of impacts on the digital economy and the formation of a method for selecting impact factors that require management measures. Using a mathematical model, the area of investing in the development of the digital economy was analyzed and management proposals for this area were developed. Practical value. The developed mathematical model for the analysis and assessment of impacts on the digital economy and the algorithm for monitoring, analysis and management of impacts can be implemented for scientific and practical purposes.

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