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Belodedenko S. 
Estimating the residual resource of basic structures using a model of fatigue durability under complex loading = Оцінка залишкового ресурсу базових конструкцій на підставі моделі втомної довговічності при комплексному навантаженні / S. Belodedenko, O. Hrechanyi, V. Hanush, A. Vlasov // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 3/1. - С. 33-41. - Бібліогр.: 21 назв. - англ.

This paper reports the construction of a durability model of basic structures, which takes into consideration the complex stressed state under the cyclic action of the complex load. The models that take into consideration this factor are categorized on the basis of equivalent for a certain indicator of the stressed-strained state. The equivalence models based on the tangent stresses and strains have been recognized as the most effective ones. However, they hold when the ratio of the limits of fatigue under tangent and normal stresses exceeds 0,5. In addition, determining the latter requires specific testing equipment. The concept of basic bearing structures for industrial equipment has been formulated. The issue related to the multi-axis fatigue of basic structures was considered from the standpoint of combining the reliability indicators of systems. The durability model has been derived from the rule of combining resource safety indices. The load is represented as a combination of individual subprocesses of simple types of deformation with their amplitudes and asymmetries. A model of durability with multi-axis fatigue has been built, which takes into consideration the parameters of the form of the strain cycle, and the type of process (synphase, disproportionate, unchanging static stress). The possibility of obtaining parameters for the multi-axis fatigue model during tests for three-point bending under conditions of varying the multiplicity of the span has been confirmed. According to this scheme, fatigue tests of prismatic samples of the steels 09G2 and 40H were carried out. For them, the parameters of fatigue resistance were found; additionally, the ratio of the fatigue limit for tangent stresses of displacement and fatigue limits for normal bending stresses, which is equal to 0,385, was established. A test procedure has been devised to determine the initial data for the multi-axle fatigue model, which is suitable for conventional test machines and simple-shape samples. The latter advantage is important precisely for basic structures, from fragments of which it is difficult to fabricate a sample of a complex shape.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: Ж605-02


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