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Prayitno P. 
An analysis of performance of combined aerobic biofilter - granular adsorption - nano adsorption process in seaweed industrial wastewater treatment = Аналіз ефективності комбінованого процесу аеробного біофільтру - гранулярної адсорбції - процесу наноадсорбції при очищенні промислових стічних вод від морських водоростей / P. Prayitno, N. Hendrawati, I. Siradjuddin, S. Rulianah // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 3/10. - С. 29-36. - Бібліогр.: 34 назв. - англ.

Wastewater of Seaweed industry contains macronutrients, alkalis, moderately biodegradable organics, and has a large volume, which it is treated using a biological process (activated sludge) followed by an adsorption process. The results of this treatment are quite effective in reducing the concentration of pollutants to reach the quality standard. However, the reuse of seaweed industrial wastewater into drinking water or process water is still not effective when using a combination of these processes. On the other hand, biological treatment such as aerobic fixed film biofilter (AF2B) and nano adsorption has high effectiveness in reducing biodegradable organic matter (BOD, COD), bacteria, and other metals. Therefore, the reuse of seaweed industrial wastewater into drinking water can be done by combining the two types of processes. The aim of the research was to study the ability of the AF2B - Granular adsorption - nano adsorption process in reducing pollutants in seaweed industrial wastewater. The experiment is conducted by flowing wastewater continuously into a series of process an AF2B reactor, GAC, and CNTs column. By making changes to the factors that affect the performance of each process, and then measuring the pollutant concentration at the input and output of each process, so the performance of each process can be known. Data is analysed to obtain optimum condition in each process that used for design process in wastewater treatment plant. The results showed that of the AF2B/GAC process was able to reduce contaminants such as TSS, BOD, COD, NH3N and Chlorine by 98 %, 99 %, 97,3 %, 97,8 %, and 100 % respectively. Furthermore, in the CNTs process, all pollutants not detected until they meet drinking water quality standards.

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