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Vondracek M. 
Nastin vyctu zakladnich gramaticko-semantickych rysu = An attempt to enumerate basic grammatical-semantic features / M. Vondracek // Лінгвіст. студії : зб. наук. пр.. - 2022. - Вип. 43. - С. 154-163. - Бібліогр.: 7 назв. - ^aчеш.

Background: Grammatical features of a lexical unit can be described with the help of the tagset, i. e., analytical morphological label. Similarly, it is possible to describe a complete grammeme on the principle of fractals, including inner structure of each grammatical category and their values with the help of sets of grammatical-semantic features. These properties bound on lexical forms are not isolated from lexical-semantic features: the first can be considered as a result of grammatica-lization of the latter. Purpose: The aim of the paper is to present the intended lexicon of grammatical-semantic properties, resulting in a list of universal grammatical meanings. There is a path from grammatical categories to the semantic components that make them up. The opposite procedure is also possible: registration of semantic features across part of speach and word types, their detection in the semantic structure of a language with special attention to grammatical categories, resp. to the border of lexical and grammatical semantics and to the process of grammaticalization. The result should be an inventory of general grammatically manifested semantic features, including their mutual systemic conditionality. Results: The structuralist approach is illustrated by the heading discontinuity. The contribution represents a fragment of an intended Lexicon of grammatical-semantic features. It presents only very general properties as components of grammatical categories and the results of their presence or non-presence for category value interpretation and for (in)compatibility of language means. Discussion: From the chosen point of view, the construction of grammar from a semantic basis seems to be as a multi-level phenomenon to such a level in which grammatical-semantic features are based on similarity and contrast in the area of lexical-semantic properties.

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