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Beglov K. 
Automatic control of the boiler heat power based on changing hydrocarbon fuel's calorific value = Автоматичне керування тепловою потужністю котла на основі зміни теплоти згоряння вуглеводневого палива / K. Beglov, O. Kozlov, Yu. Kondratenko, T. Markolenko, V. Krivda // Міжнар. наук.-техн. журн. Проблеми керування та інформатики. - 2023. - № 2. - С. 75-92. - Бібліогр.: 29 назв. - англ.

This paper is devoted to the development and research of an advanced approach to automatic control of the heat output of the boiler when compensating the load disturbances by regulating the composition of the combusted hydrocarbon fuel mixture. The proposed approach gives the opportunity to design the boiler's automatic control system (ACS) with the possibility of creating the conditions for the formation and determination of the current calorific value of the gases mixture, which corresponds to the current heat load of the boiler, as well as determining the flue gas flow and temperature in the boiler. The implementation of the developed approach of the boiler's load control allows for providing a constant nominal flue gas flow at any level of heat output. The fuel composition control process consists of mixing certified and noncertified hydrocarbon gases, which ensures maximum efficiency and compliance with environmental emission standards. The effectiveness study of the proposed approach is carried out in the development of the heat output ACS for the GM-50 boiler and conducting a computational experiment of operating at a power different from the nominal one. The obtained results fully confirm the high efficiency of the developed approach, as well as the expediency of its application for boilers of various types and capacities when operating at a power different from the nominal one.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: З361-05


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