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Khleif A. A. 
A numerical implementation study of the stresses and noise generated by the gear engagement in the gearbox = Чисельне дослідження напруги і шуму, створюваних включенням передач у коробці передач / A. A. Khleif // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 4/1. - С. 47-55. - Бібліогр.: 14 назв. - англ.

With the development of automotive technology and the increase in the performance of the moving parts in the car, the most important of which is the engine and gearbox. Where companies are working to increase the sound insulation of the movement of these parts outside and reduce the noise and stress generated because of movement, to study these noises and stresses, and to know the vibrations that give a high sound rate and wave pressure. Where it worked on a standard gearbox and simulated the movement of gears. To find out the stresses that are calculated because of this movement, the external stress caused by this movement of the gears, as well as the speed of the gears in the case of rotation, is also known. The results proved the contact areas of the main lip on the outer cover are greatly affected during the gearbox rotation process and also at high vibrations. The effect of vibrations and the Hertzian rate is significantly affected by it. At frequencies that reached 1500 Hz the value of stresses and deformation was relatively large. The acceleration and due to the different gear teeth, the acceleration value in this case was 3000 m/s<^>2. The maximum value of shear stresses reached 9,5 x 10<^>4 Pa at the frequency between 1500 and 2000 Hz. The value of the vibration 1500 Hz is the highest value that achieved high noise as it was 112 dB, which is a 112 dB higher than the rest of the vibrations. The achievement of the condition of the presence of large noise when vibration 1500 Hz is reached is achieved by analyzing the noise produced by a car's gearbox at that level. The amount of noise pressure and its wave through the outside air of the gearbox, where the amount of wave pressure of the noise reached a maximum value of 400 Pa and the lowest value - 500 Pa.

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