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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Zhun H. H. 
Development of a technology for manufacturing a heat-shielding structure on nitrogen cryocontainers, excluding heat transfer through gas / H. H. Zhun, V. V. Starikov, V. P. Koverya // Фізика низ. температур. - 2022. - 48, N 9 (спец. вип., ч. 2). - С. 774-782. - англ.

One of the important stages in the creation of the scientific and technical foundations for the calculation, design and manufacturing technology of the lowest heat-conductivity thermal protection from screen-vacuum thermal insulation (SVTI) is the development of a process for achieving the optimal vacuum P0 <<= 10<^>-3 Pa in the SVTI layers, since at this pressure, thermal conductivity (<$E lambda sub eff>) through the SVTI is carried out only due to the radiant (<$E lambda sub rad>) and contact-conductive (<$E lambda sub k.k>) components. It is proposed to obtain such a pressure in thermal insulation by using cushioning material in it, which was previously degassed in a separate vacuum chamber at 370 - 380 K for 12 h in order to remove water molecules from its structure and then replace them with nitrogen molecules. These molecules have 3 - 4 times less heat of adsorption; therefore they are pumped out faster. As a result, it becomes possible to accelerate (by ~ 20 h) to achieve optimal vacuum in thermal insulation, as well as 11 % lower effective thermal conductivity [equal to (14,1 - 14,3) x 10<^>-5 W/(m-K)]. The analysis carried out (according to the developed methodology) showed that the achieved optimal effective thermal conductivity of thermal insulation in a cryocontainers is determined by 33 % of radiant thermal conductivity [4,7 x 10<^>-5 W/(m-K)] and 67 % of the contact-conductive component [9,4 x 10<^>-5 W/(m-K)].

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В368.33 + К724.12


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