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Kuznetsova L. I. 
Forsight in Ukraine: problems of organization in the context of world practice / L. I. Kuznetsova, O. H. Bilotserkivets' // Economy and Forecasting. - 2021. - № 1. - С. 102-115. - Бібліогр.: 12 назв. - англ.

The article presents the results of a research on world and European experience of foresight research. Attention is focused on the organization of foresight research and institutional support of foresight in EU countries. The authors substantiate the necessity of expanding the practice of foresight research in Ukraine in the conditions of those changes in the nature of the world economy that occur under the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and on the verge of upcoming change in the Kondratiev long cycles. Current trends in the world economy facilitate access to foreign markets, but at the same time create certain risks for national economies. Increasing competition between domestic and foreign producers for many countries means the bankruptcy of domestic enterprises, especially medium- and high-tech ones, which are unable to compete with corporations that are more powerful. Domestic prices for almost all goods increasingly depend on prices in other markets, which can form imbalance between the cost and price of labor and destroy the labor market, increasing migration of the working population, especially those with high levels of human capital, which reduces the country's opportunities in education, science and production and even multiplicatively affects economic growth. In these conditions, it becomes extremely important to determine the guidelines for future economic development and society, which actualizes the whole range of foresight research. For Ukraine, where foresight research is limited, the experience of those countries where foresight has become an integral part of strategic planning is vital. The article is devoted to the study of this experience, which identifies the basic organizational measures of foresight research, the main aspects of foresight institutionalization and the problems that hinder the development of foresight in Ukraine. The publication was prepared within the research project on "Institutional and organizational basis for the foresight research "Economy of Ukraine - 2050" (state registration N 0121U108846).

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