Abstract database «Ukrainica Scientific»

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Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Lihonenko L. O. 
Corporate entrepreneurship: state, organizational design, problems and development prospects / L. O. Lihonenko, V. S. Mysyliuk // Economy and Forecasting. - 2021. - № 3. - С. 127-148. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The article is devoted to the exploration of relevant issues of the development of corporate entrepreneurship organizational design in Ukrainian organizations. The implementation of corporate entrepreneurship organizational design provides acceleration of internal innovation process, increase of its effectiveness, identification and intensification of new opportunities for growth and creation of new businesses. The implementation of structures, definition of their functions, and description of the processes and formal relationships, which may encourage potential corporate entrepreneurs to generate and commercialize internal innovative initiatives, are becoming extremely relevant for Ukrainian business environment. A research map and questionnaire were developed in order to conduct the empirical investigation of existing design practices for corporate entrepreneurship in Ukrainian organizations, and a survey was compiled through questionnaires with the use of Google forms. The results of the research revealed that Ukrainian organizations implement structures, processes, systems and norms, which stimulate corporate entrepreneurs, and initiate internal innovative projects. At the same time, design practices for corporate entrepreneurship in Ukrainian organizations are characterized by a lack of integrity. This blocks quick development of innovations by internal venturing teams and their transformation into a value for business. Potential corporate entrepreneurs often leave the organization to start their own businesses because of the absence of internal organizational conditions for realizing their innovative ideas. The consequence of this situation is the emergence of a powerful ambitious competitor, thus, the strategic competitive position of the organization may suffer. The practical value of the research is to obtain empirical data about the state of implementation of the corporate entrepreneurship system in Ukrainian organizations and explore the parameters of its organizational design, such as: quality of internal organizational climate and human resources for the implementation of the corporate entrepreneurship process, development and implementation of corporate entrepreneurship programs, mechanisms for financing internal entrepreneurial initiatives of employees, legal support of corporate entrepreneurship, incentives and rewards for internal entrepreneurial behavior, and information distribution models and organizational forms of corporate entrepreneurship. The research results can serve as an information base for the formulation of recommendations for implementation of integral and effective organizational design aimed at retention and development of corporate entrepreneurs, and realization of their internal entrepreneurial initiatives in organizational context.

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