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Sarukhanyan A. 
A study of hydrodynamic viscous fluid flow parameters change regularities in case of a conical diffuser = Дослідження закономірностей зміни гідродинамічних параметрів течії в'язкої рідини в конічному дифузорі / A. Sarukhanyan, Y. Vardanyan, G. Vermishyan // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 4/7. - С. 61-71. - Бібліогр.: 13 назв. - англ.

Studies of patterns of changes in hydrodynamic parameters of the viscous incompressible fluid in a conical diffuser were conducted. The specificity of the viscous liquid flow in a conical diffuser is that the kinetic energy of the flow, depending on the opening angle, is converted into pressure energy. Depending on Reynolds numbers and diffuser opening angles, the velocity vector field is stationary. With an increase in the Reynolds number, the symmetry of the flow relative to the axis of the diffuser is broken. A general solution to the approximate Navier - Stokes equations is given, based on the diffuser opening angle and the Reynolds number. A method for integrating the boundary value problem has been developed, and the patterns of velocity changes across the diffuser length at a parabolic distribution of velocities in the inlet section are obtained. By integrating partial differential equations that match all boundary conditions, the solution to the boundary value problem can be found. Graphs of changes in radial and axial velocities along the length and with a fixed value of the opening angle are shown; the flow pattern and the transition of a single-mode flow to multimode regimes are obtained. For a fixed opening angle and Reynolds number, the conditions for flow separation from a fixed wall are derived, where the flow velocity changes the sign. A mixing process is observed in the multi-mode region, which is accompanied by numerous pulsation phenomena and an unstable diffuser operation, where the resulting solutions are inappropriate. Based on the results of the studies obtained, it is possible to correctly design a conical diffuser, namely, under the condition of non-separated flow, to choose the opening angle and its length.

Індекс рубрикатора НБУВ: В253.320.22


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