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Volynets L. 
Principle of the assessment of the readiness of motor transport enterprises for economic development based on a two-component methodological approach = Принцип оцінки готовності автотранспортних підприємств до економічного розвитку на основі двокомпонентного методичного підходу / L. Volynets, I. Gorobinska, S. Nakonechna, A. Petunin, S. Romanyuk, I. Khomenko, N. Zachosova // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 4/13. - С. 12-21. - Бібліогр.: 18 назв. - англ.

The object of this study is to assess the financial stability and readiness of motor transport enterprises for economic development. The proposed two-component methodological approach makes it possible to optimize the assessment of the readiness of enterprises for development based on the calculation of the integral indicator of investment sufficiency and the level of material cost. The proposed methodical approach was tested, which showed the low resource capacity of enterprises. The dynamics of the integral indicator of investment sufficiency showed that, in general, for enterprises engaged in road freight transportation, its level is much lower than the standard value, which is equal to 3. Its value fluctuated on average at the level of 1,2 - 1,7, that is, it was in the range of lack or limited resources for economic development. This indicates the dominance of survival strategies, not development, among motor transport enterprises, and a weak state policy that does not stimulate investment activity in a legal transparent environment. It is proposed to take into consideration the developed approach in the implementation of the state policy of supporting and stimulating enterprises that actively invest, and increase legal turnover, income, and labor reimbursement. The obtained results can be used both at the level of individual motor transport enterprises and for aggregated assessment in the industry as a whole. An additional advantage of the developed two-component methodological approach to assessing the state and readiness of the enterprise for development is the possibility of using different components for each component, differentiating their weight in the integral assessment, and the possibility of adjusting target ranges.

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