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Majdi H. 
Identifying of the effect of the number of tesla fuses in a coiled collector on direct and reverse heat transfer = Вияв впливу кількості запобіжників тесла у спиральному колекторі на пряму і зворотну тепловіддачу / H. Majdi, A. Abdullah, M. Altalib, W. Abbas, O. Hamid, H. I. Al-Saaidi // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 5/8. - С. 31-36. - Бібліогр.: 15 назв. - англ.

Work was done on the Tesla valve in this study with a coiled and three-dimensional shape, where a different number of these channels and a direct and reverse flow turbine were used to compare the changes that obtain the amount of pressure and temperatures. With the conception of the technology of transferring heat energy in various heat exchangers, it became necessary to develop our technologies that increase the transmission of this energy, and we must refer to the inventions that contributed to the development of the heat transfer system and the three energy laws. They contributed to the development of some mechanical systems, where the Tesla valve is considered one of the valves that have two directions of flow, the first is direct, in which the pressure value is low, and the other is reverse, which occurs when movement is disturbed due to the direction of the channel in which it can be used. This concept can be used to improve heat transfer. Where the results establish that an in-crease in the number of channels positively affects the pressure and thus gives more outlets for the passage of water, a study has shown. In the case of four channels an exit temperature of 304,14 K was obtained, which is the highest temperature reached in cases where the direction of flow is direct. The pressure value was in the case in which the channel is a quadrilateral, and the pressure value reached 209 pa. This data are useful and important because the direct exit score has reached 305,74 K for the Tesla valves, which are designed to give enough time for the heat to transfer to the water. The main principle of the Tesla valve is the reverse direction, which works to obstruct the movement of the fluid, and thus increases the pressure and reduces the velocity of the flow.

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