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Реферативна база даних - результати пошуку

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Пошуковий запит: (<.>ID=REF-0000838390<.>)
Загальна кількість знайдених документів : 1

Kharsun L. 
Adaptation of risk management in the supply chains of e-commerce enterprises under the conditions of political instability = Адаптація управління ризиками в ланцюгах постачання підприємств е-комерції в умовах політичної нестабільності / L. Kharsun, O. Kavun-Moshkovska, M. Kotova, A. Nechyporuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 5/13. - С. 6-20. - Бібліогр.: 35 назв. - англ.

The research considers the construction of a supply chain management system for e-commerce enterprises in the face of political threats and the manifestation of the risks of military conflicts. In the system of political risks to the functioning of supply chains (SC) of e-commerce enterprises, the threats of military conflicts and civil confrontations are highlighted. It has been established that despite the indirect and relatively low sensitivity of e-commerce to political risks, there is a high probability of negative impact on the mechanism of functioning of supply chains of e-commerce enterprises of military conflicts. The characteristic directions of influence of the risks of military conflicts on the activities of e-commerce enterprises are revealed. Five groups of risks for the supply chain of an e-commerce enterprise caused by military conflicts have been identified: infrastructure, contractual, economic, financial, social, reputational. The consequences and directions of influence of factors of military-political instability on the functional areas of logistics of the supply chain of e-commerce enterprises are determined. The ranking was carried out using the expert method of risks of military conflicts for supply chains of e-commerce enterprises. It was established that in 1st place with an importance coefficient of 0,18 there is a risk of deterioration of information relations. It was estimated that the average period for the restoration of supply chains since the beginning of hostilities is 2 - 3 months. The study schematically depicts the cyclical causality of the functioning of the supply chain of an e-commerce enterprise in the face of aggravation of military-political conflicts. An algorithm for the construction of a risk management system for e-commerce enterprises has been developed.

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