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Marchenko V. 
Creating incentives for managing construction waste generated during the war = Формування стимулів управління будівельними відходами, утвореними в процесі війн / V. Marchenko, V. Osetskyi, A. Hrechko, B. Dergaliuk, O. Kavtysh, V. Shutyuk // Eastern-Europ. J. of Enterprise Technologies. - 2022. - № 5/13. - С. 32-42. - Бібліогр.: 30 назв. - англ.

The object of this study is a system of incentives aimed at activating the processes to manage construction waste formed during hostilities. The problem being solved is to form incentives for the growth of economic interest in construction waste management. The structural and functional readiness of the economy for the management of waste generated as a result of hostilities is investigated. It was revealed that 60 % of the participants in the waste management system are microenterprises with a profitability of 0,2 %. The level of construction waste disposal and the level of its reuse are estimated. Forecasts of the behavior of methods of waste management in the absence of changes in state policy have been made. Based on the use of forecasting methods, a trend of increasing the amount of waste dumped at landfills has been identified. The directions of state influence on the formation of economic incentives for the processing of construction waste have been proposed. A special feature of the study's results is that the inconsistency of existing incentives with the needs of participants in the field of waste management has been investigated. The problem with the activities of small enterprises is the demand for performance, at the formation of which government efforts should be directed. Distinctive features of the results are that they solve the problems of achieving a balance of economic interests of participants in the management of construction waste generated during the war. The area of practical use of the obtained results is the system of state and local management of waste handling activities.

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