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   Тип видання:   монографія   

Gross, M. L.
Moral dilemmas of modern war: torture, assassination, and blackmail in an age of asymmetric conflict [Electronic resource] / M. L. Gross. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 337 p.
Переклад назви: Моральні дилеми сучасної війни: катування, тероризм та шантаж у вік асиметричних конфліктів


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Asymmetric conflict is changing the way that we practise and think about war. Torture, rendition, assassination, blackmail, extortion, direct attacks on civilians, and chemical weapons are all finding their way to the battlefield despite longstanding international prohibitions. This book offers a practical guide for policy makers, military officers, students, and others who ask such questions as: Do guerillas deserve respect or long jail sentences? Are there grounds to torture guerillas for information or assassinate them on the battlefield? Is there room for nonlethal weapons to subdue militants and safeguard the lives of noncombatants? Who are noncombatants in asymmetric war? What is the status of civilians who shelter and aid guerillas? And, do guerillas have any right to attack civilians, particularly those who aid and shelter members of the stronger army? If one side can expand the scope of civilian vulnerability, then why can't the other? To read and comment on Michael Gross's blog article on the UN Human Rights Council Report on Gaza

збройний конфлікт -- військова агресія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Gender equality. Dimensions of women’s equal citizenship [Electronic resource] / ed. L. C. McClain, J. L. Grossman. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 470 p.
Переклад назви: Ґендерна рівність. Міра рівної громадськості жінок


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Citizenship is the common language for expressing aspirations to democratic and egalitarian ideals of inclusion, participation, and civic membership. However, there continues to be a significant gap between formal commitments to gender equality and equal citizenship – in the laws and constitutions of many countries as well as in international human rights documents − and the reality of women’s lives. This volume presents a collection of original works that examine this persisting inequality through the lens of citizenship. Distinguished scholars in law, political science, and women’s studies investigate the many dimensions of women’s equal citizenship, including constitutional citizenship, democratic citizenship, social citizenship, sexual and reproductive citizenship, and global citizenship. Gender Equality takes stock of the progress toward – and remaining impediments to – securing equal citizenship for women, develops strategies for pursuing that goal, and identifies new questions that will shape further inquiries.

ґендерне питання -- рівноправність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

The End of a Natural Monopoly [Electronic resource] : deregulation and Competition in the Electric Power Industry / ed. P. Z. Grossman, D. H. Cole. - Oxford : Elsevier, 2003. - 228 p.
Переклад назви: Кінець природних монополій: дерегуляція і конкуренція в електроенергетиці


Географічні рубрики:

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For a hundred years, scholars and government officials understood, or thought they did, the electric power industry. Electric power, based on a single, large service provider, connected by wires to all of its customers, was thought to be an industry that could only operate efficiently as a monopoly; indeed it was something called a "natural monopoly." Since it had to be a monopoly, with all the attendant inefficiencies and potential market abuses monopoly entails, government regulation was necessary.

економіка -- електроенергетика -- монополія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Grossi, Р.
A History of European Law [Electronic resource] / Р. Grossi. - Rome : Wiley-Blackwell, 2007. - 220 p.
Переклад назви: Історія європейського права


Географічні рубрики:

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After accepting the kind offer of Jacques Le Goff and the publisher to compile the volume in the Making of Europe series dedicated to legal history, I found myself faced with an unenviable task. I shall attempt here to sketch the outline of a historical and juridical narrative that spreads over more than fifteen centuries and the entire European continent, whilst following this series’ habitual combination of unstinting intellectual rigour with an equally unstinting accessibility of discussion. I must therefore scrupulously avoid the comfortable recourse of closed scholarly debate, and instead make it a priority to communicate with those outside the limited circle of experts.

юриспруденція -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Grossman, Mark.
Political corruption in America [Electronic resource] : an encyclopedia of scandals, power, and greed / Mark Grossman. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2003. - 283 p
Переклад назви: Політична корупція в Америці: енциклопедія скандалів, влади та жадібності


Географічні рубрики:

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This book is dedicated to my good friends Paula Herbst and Carol Hoffman,whose friendship and inspiration continue to be my guiding light; to my parents, who have always been my personal heroes; and to my good friend Audrey Taylor in Great Britain, who loves her pursuit of everything Thomas Paine and is a someone I am glad to have befriended.

політика -- політологія -- корупція

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