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   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

George, J.
Art of pregnancy photography [Electronic resource] / J. George. - Buffalo : Amherst Media, 2008. - 123 p.
Переклад назви: Мистецтво фотографування вагітних


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Capturing the beauty of pregnancy through photographs is an increasingly popular trend, and this timely guide covers the basics of maternity photography from both artistic and business standpoints. The details of creating a successful maternity portrait are addressed, including how to select a meaningful location, what props and fabrics to use, how to pose the subject, and how to produce a flattering lighting scheme. Helpful digital effects that can enhance skin tone and impart a wide variety of polished and artistic effects are discussed, as are tactics for incorporating other family members in the portrait. Also included are tips for building a strong connection with the subject that can lead to a profitable, lifelong client relationship.

світлина -- кадр -- жінка -- немовля

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Northrup, T.
MCSA/MCSE self-paced Training Kit (Exam 70-299) [Electronic resource] : implementing and administering security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network / T. Northrup, O. Thomas. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2004. - 894 p
Переклад назви: MCSA / MCSE в індивідуальному темпі Training Kit (Exam 70-299): впровадження та адміністрування безпеки в Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Focusing on implementing and administering network security in a Windows Server 2003 environment, this guide covers implementing, managing, and troubleshooting security policies, patch management infrastructure, security features, and much more.

мережева безпека -- програма -- адміністрування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Thomas, K.
Beginning SUSE Linux: grom novice to professional [Electronic resource] / K. Thomas. - New York : Apress, 2005. - 544 p.
Переклад назви: Основи SUSE Linux: від новачка до професіонала


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Designed for Linux newcomers, this book will teach you how to get your system up and running, including verifying proper installation, connecting to the Internet, and reproducing common Windows tasks, such as multimedia playback and office functions.

операційна система

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hansen, J. E.
Enterprise development with Visual Studio .NET, UML, and MSF [Electronic resource] / J. E. Hansen, C. Thomsen. - New York : Apress, 2004. - 955 p.
Переклад назви: Розвиток підприємства з Visual Studio .NET, UML та MSF


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Written for experienced developers, team leaders, and project managers who need a structured way of creating enterprise solutions, this step-by-step guide demonstrates how to deploy your project, analyze it, and model it using VEA.

розробка ПЗ

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

George, M. L.
Lean Six Sigma for service: how to use lean speed and Six Sigma Quality to improve services and transactions [Electronic resource] / M. L. George. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2003. - 386 p.


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This text fills the need for a service-based approach, explaining how companies of all types can cost-effectively translate manufacturing-oriented Lean Six Sigma tools into the service delivery process.

економіка -- виробництво -- комп'ютери

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Hansen, W. F.
Handbook of classical mythology [Electronic resource] / W. F. Hansen. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2004. - 394 p.. - (Handbooks of world mythology)
Переклад назви: Довідник з класичної міфології


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

"Handbook of Classical Mythology" offers newcomers and long-time enthusiasts new ways to navigate the world of Greek and Roman myths. Written by a foremost mythologist, the book begins by exploring the sources and landscapes from which the myths emerged. It then provides a richly detailed timeline of mythic episodes from the creation of the cosmos to the end of the Heroic Age--"plus" an illustrated mythological dictionary listing every significant character, place, event, and object. Whether exploring the world that gave rise to ancient mythology or researching a specific piece of the whole, the handbook is the best introduction available to the extraordinary cast of these tales (gods, nymphs, satyrs, monsters, heroes) and the natural and supernatural stages upon which their fates are played out.

міф -- героїчна епоха -- античність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hanson, V. D.
The wars of the Ancient Greeks [Electronic resource] : and their invention of western military culture / V. D. Hanson. - London : Cassell, 1999. - 224 p.. - (Cassell History of Warfare)
Переклад назви: Війни стародавніх греків: і їх винахід західної військової культури


Географічні рубрики:

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The Ancient Greeks - who believed that war is the most important thing humans do--bequeathed to the West an incomparable military legacy that still influences the structure of armies and doctrine. Understand the reasons why their unique approach to fighting was so successful and so relentless, its role at the heart of classical culture, the rise of the city state, agrarian duels, the emergence of Athenian and Spartan power, the development of war as a specialized science, and the collapse of Greek warfare after Alexander the Great.

армія -- влада -- доктрина

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Natural law theory [Electronic resource] : contemporary essays / ed. R. P. George. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1992. - 371 p.
Переклад назви: Теорія природного права: сучасні нариси


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Natural law theory is enjoying a revival of interest in a variety of scholarly disciplines including law, philosophy, political science, and theology and religious studies. This volume presents twelve original essays by leading natural law theorists and their critics. The contributors discuss natural law theories of morality, law and legal reasoning, politics, and the rule of law. Readers get a clear sense of the wide diversity of viewpoints represented among contemporary theorists, and an opportunity to evaluate the arguments and counterarguments exchanged in the current debates between natural law theorists and their critics. Contributors include Hadley Arkes, Joseph M. Boyle, Jr., John Finnis, Robert P. George, Russell Hittinger, Neil MacCormick, Michael Moore, Jeffrey Stout, Joseph Raz, Jeremy Waldron, Lloyd Weinreb, and Ernest Weinrib.

теорія права -- філософія права

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Georgakopoulos, N. L.
Principles and methods of law and economics. Enhancing normative analysis [Electronic resource] / N. L. Georgakopoulos. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2005. - 394 p.
Переклад назви: Принципи та методи права та економіки


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This introductory book targets the reader who has the ambition to apply economic analysis but may be missing a technical introduction to its mathematical techniques or seeks a structured elaboration of its philosophical principles. The text juxtaposes economic analysis with moral philosophy, political theory, egalitarianism, and other methodological principles and then progresses to the details of methods such as model-building, derivatives, differential equations, statistical tests, and the use of computer programs.

моральна філософія -- політична теорія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Marcum, D. B.
Digital library development [Electronic resource] : the view from Kanazawa / D. B. Marcum, G. W. George. - Westport : Libraries Unlimited, 2006. - 269 p.
Переклад назви: Розвиток електронної бібліотеки: погляд з Канадзави


Географічні рубрики:

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The Kanazawa Institute of Technology is Japan's largest institution of higher education specializing in engineering and technology. It is a world leader and collaborator in electronic initiatives, often on the forefront of systems design and telecommunications advancement. It is also the site of an annual symposium series on digital library development. Marcum and George have pulled together an international cadre of leading thinkers and experimenters, all of whom have participated in these symposia, to provide their considered opinions concerning the influence of digital technology on teaching and learning in general, and the role of the library in the educational enterprise in particular. Their contributions have, in turn, been arranged into four thematic groupings, which range from envisioning the future, and facing major challenges, to creating projects and programs, and developing digital libraries. An informative read for anyone involved in higher education.

цифрова бібліотека -- електронна бібліотека -- бібліотечна справа

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Georges, Gregory.
50 Fast Photoshop 7 Techniques [Electronic resource] / G. Georges. - New York : Wiley Publishing, Inc., 2002. - 340 p.


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50 Fast Photoshop "X" Techniques for is an immensely useful book for anyone wanting to take advantage of the very latest release of the world's top digital imaging tool, Adobe Photoshop. The techniques are valuable to both pros and hobbyists alike - they enable everyone to enjoy successful creation of fine art images and prints! The step-by-step and richly illustrated collection of awesome techniques are easily accessible and understandable to users on every level. This is a new kind of Photoshop book-one that can help both casual users through professional users save time while creating professional quality images and effects!

фото -- дизайн -- обробка зображення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Thomas, K.
Ubuntu pocket guide and reference [Electronic resource] / K. Thomas. - [S. l.] : MacFreda, 2009. - 151 p.
Переклад назви: Кишеньковий довідник Ubuntu


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"A great resource covering Ubuntu from A to Z without all the extra fluff" -- Ryan Troy, administrator, Ubuntuforums.org. Read by over 500,000 people, Ubuntu Pocket Guide and Reference is the world's most popular Ubuntu book. Written by award-winning expert Keir Thomas, it will quickly transform you into a power user. In its clear and concise pages, you'll learn step-by-step about installation, the Ubuntu desktop, the tricks and techniques of efficient day-to-day usage, the command-line, software management, and, finally, system security. Appendixes provide a glossary of terms, and a guide to technical documentation.

операційна система

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Jewitt, D.
Trans-Neptunian objects and comets [Electronic resource] / D. Jewitt, A. Morbidelli, H. Rauer ; ed. K. Altwegg, W. Benz, N. Thomas ; Saas-Fee Advanced Course 35, Swiss Society for Astrophysics and Astronomy. - Berlin : Springer, 2008. - 258 p.
Переклад назви: Транснептунові об'єкти та комети


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The study of the Solar system, particularly of its newly discovered outer parts, is one of the hottest topics in modern astrophysics with great potential for revealing fundamental clues about the origin of planets and even the emergence of life. The three lecturers of the 35th Saas-Fee Advanced Course, which have been updated and collected in this volume, cover the field from observational, theoretical and numerical perspectives.

астрономія -- пояс Койпера

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Hansen, Robert C..
Small antenna handbook [Electronic resource] / R. C. Hansen. - Hoboken : John Wiley & Sons, 2011. - 352 p.
Переклад назви: Довідник з малих антен


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Harold Wheeler, in his classic 1947 papers (Wheeler, 1947a, 1947b), created the field of electrically small antennas (ESA), although, as shown in the history (Appendix A), the early antennas were all electrically small. This field has long been important for frequencies below roughly 1 GHz, where a half-wavelength is about 6 in. These electrically small antennas have characteristics in common that limit performance: low radiation resistance, high reactance, low efficiency, narrow bandwidth, and increased loss in the matching network. Most of these limitations are shared by two other classes of antennas: superdirective antennas and superconducting antennas. The original intent was to update Electrically Small, Superdirective, and Superconducting Antennas with a second edition. Sufficient material became available to broaden the scope of that book; the result is this book with a new title. This book provides mathematical foundations for important topics including ENG shells, ESA with m or « cores, including lossy cores, and focused/subwavelength imaging. Chapter 1 contains detailed electromagnetic derivations of Chu and Thal Q formulations, formulas for Q when m or « cores are used, and effects of loss on Q. Finally, work on fundamental limitations using spheroids instead of the radian sphere is covered. Chapter 2 is a treatise on bandwidth and matching, and Foster’s reactance theorem. Precise data are given for Fano’s matching limitations and bandwidth improvement. The effects of loss in matching circuits and cables on VSWR are shown. The relatively new field of non-Foster matching is next discussed. Finally, performance of a short monopole that is matched is compared with that of monopole with high-impedance preamp. Chapter 3 provides updated coverage on canonical antennas: dipoles, loops, self-resonant ESA, PIFA, and dielectric resonator antennas. A comparison is made of Q of various antennas with the Chu–Thal fundamental limitation. In Chapter 4 are presented six ideas that are clever but with performance numbers that are poor. Eighteen nutty antenna ideas are detailed in Chapter 5; the list keeps growing! Chapter 6 on superdirective antennas has been updated with recent data on the use of self-resonant elements. These allow modest supergain but bandwidth and tolerance limitations remain. Also included is new material on maximum directivity of arrays. The last chapter, on superconducting antennas, has been updated with new delay line data. The earlier conclusion that superconductors should be considered for the matching network, but not the antenna, still holds. Aworld history of ESA is presented in Appendix A. Antenna terms important to ESA are defined in Appendix B. Appendix C contains a paper by Karawas and Collin (2008) on NIM shells enclosing an ESA dipole. The analytical errors associated with perfect lenses and subwavelength focusing are treated in detail by Collin (2010) in Appendix D. Each chapter includes extensive references. An overall subject index and an author index are provided at the end of the book. We antenna engineers have done what is possible by rearranging the wires; future significant advances will come through the use of new low-loss magnetic materials and through the use of circuits to compensate for impedance deficiencies.

радіотехніка -- радіочастоти -- телевізійні антени

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Georgescu, Vlad.
The Romanians [Electronic resource] : a history / Vlad Georgescu, Matei Calinescu. - Columbus : Ohio State University Press, 1991. - 378 p
Переклад назви: Румуни: історія


Географічні рубрики:

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A history of the Romanian people which seeks to make intelligible their aspirations, achievements and plight. The author, who died in 1988, had been for many years the Director of the Romanian Radio Service for Europe. The book covers the course of Romanian history from Roman times to the 1980s. It focuses on the social structures, economics and political institutions of the principalities inhabited by the Romanian people in the course of their history.

історія Румунії -- Трансильванія -- Волощина -- Залізна Гвардія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Thomas, P.
A modern approach to Graham and Dodd investing [Electronic resource] / P. Thomas. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 350 p
Переклад назви: Сучасний підхід до інвестування


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An updated approach to classic security analysis The principles of value investing outlined by Graham and Dodd in the 1940s continues to be used today by individuals and companies who face challenging investment decisions. A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing examines the classic Graham and Dodd approach to valuation and updates it for the twenty-first century. Thomas Au, a credentialed analyst with a leading insurance company and an ex-Value Line analyst, reworks the basics of value investing from net present value, financial statement analysis, and return on capital to return and leverage, asset allocation, and diversification. Through case studies and real-time analysis, A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd Investing presents readers with examples that will make analysis and portfolio theory more relevant and powerful. Thomas P. Au (Hartford, CT) is a Vice President and Portfolio Manager for the investment arm of a large insurance and healthcare provider. His specialty is emerging and international markets. He received his BA, cum laude, with a double major in economics and history, from Yale University, and an MBA in finance from New York University.

економіка -- інвестиції -- бізнес

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