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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Harold, E. R.
Effective XML [Electronic resource] : 50 Specific Ways to Improve Your XML / E. R. Harold. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2003. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Ефективний XML: 50 конкретних шляхів для поліпшення вашого XML


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

If you want to become a more effective XML developer, you need this book. You will learn which tools to use when in order to write legible, extensible, maintainable and robust XML code


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harold, E. R.
Java™ I/O [Electronic resource] / E. R. Harold. - 2nd. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2006. - 726 p.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

All of Java's Input/Output (I/O) facilities are based on streams, which provide simple ways to read and write data of different types. Java provides many different kinds of streams, each with its own application. The universe of streams is divided into four large categories: input streams and output streams, for reading and writing binary data; and readers and writers, for reading and writing textual (character) data. You're almost certainly familiar with the basic kinds of streams--but did you know that there's a CipherInputStream for reading encrypted data? And a ZipOutputStream for automatically compressing data? Do you know how to use buffered streams effectively to make your I/O operations more efficient? Java I/O, 2nd Edition has been updated for Java 5.0 APIs and tells you all you ever need to know about streams--and probably more. A discussion of I/O wouldn't be complete without treatment of character sets and formatting. Java supports the UNICODE standard, which provides definitions for the character sets of most written languages. Consequently, Java is the first programming language that lets you do I/O in virtually any language. Java also provides a sophisticated model for formatting textual and numeric data. Java I/O, 2nd Edition shows you how to control number formatting, use characters aside from the standard (but outdated) ASCII character set, and get a head start on writing truly multilingual software.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Harold, E. R.
XML in a nutshell [Electronic resource] / E. R. Harold, W. S. Means. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2002. - 634 p.


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

This powerful new edition provides developers with a comprehensive guide to the rapidly evolving XML space. Serious users of XML will find topics on just about everything they need, from fundamental syntax rules, to details of DTD and XML Schema creation, to XSLT transformations, to APIs used for processing XML documents. Simply put, this is the only reference of its kind among XML books.

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