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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

C++ Cookbook [Electronic resource] / J. Cogswell, C. Diggins, R. Stephens, J. Turkanis. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2005. - 592 p.
Переклад назви: Куховарська книга C++


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Despite its highly adaptable and flexible nature, C++ is also one of the more complex programming languages to learn. Once mastered, however, it can help you organize and process information with amazing efficiency and quickness. The C++ Cookbook will make your path to mastery much shorter. This practical, problem-solving guide is ideal if you're an engineer, programmer, or researcher writing an application for one of the legions of platforms on which C++ runs. The algorithms provided in C++ Cookbook will jump-start your development by giving you some basic building blocks that you don't have to develop on your own.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ingle, V. K.
Digital signal processing using MATLAB V.4 [Electronic resource] / V.K. Ingle, J.G. Proakis. - Boston : PWS Publishing Company, 1997. - 420 p.
Переклад назви: Цифрова обробка сигналу з використанням MATLAB V.4


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This supplement to any standard DSP text is one of the first books to successfully integrate the use of MATLAB® in the study of DSP concepts. In this book, MATLAB® is used as a computing tool to explore traditional DSP topics, and solve problems to gain insight. This greatly expands the range and complexity of problems that students can effectively study in the course. Since DSP applications are primarily algorithms implemented on a DSP processor or software, a fair amount of programming is required. Using interactive software such as MATLAB® makes it possible to place more emphasis on learning new and difficult concepts than on programming algorithms. Interesting practical examples are discussed and useful problems are explored. This updated printing revises the scripts in the book, available functions, and m-files (available for downloading from the Brooks/Cole Bookware Companion Resource Series? Center Web site) to MATLAB® V5 (created with 5.3).


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Stephens, M.
Extreme programming refactored: the case against XP [Electronic resource] / M. Stephens, D. Rosenberg. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 432 p.
Переклад назви: Екстремальне програмування після рефакторинга: Справа проти XP


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This text provides a thorough and systematic analysis of XP practices, proposing better ways of achieving XP's agile goals that are applicable to a much wider range of projects.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Stephenson, P.
Investigating computer-related crime [Electronic resource] / P. Stephenson. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Розслідування комп'ютерних злочинів


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Written by an information security specialist, this second edition of Investigating Computer-Related Crime discusses cybercrime, its investigation, and the difficulties encountered by both public law enforcement officials and private corporate investigators. The book offers insights into collecting evidence, interrogating suspects and witnesses, handling crime in progress, as well as issues involving the authorities, and helpful case studies. Updated chapters incorporate new kinds of attacks, current work of the Digital Forensic Research Workshop and their investigative model, new operating systems, the impact of the Patriot Act, and new ways of analyzing computer media.

злочин -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Stephens, R.
Microsoft Office programming: a guide for experienced developers [Electronic resource] / R. Stephens. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 736 p.
Переклад назви: Microsoft Office програмування: керівництво для досвідчених розробників


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Guide describes the best features of the Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Outlook object models that are genuinely useful in real applications. Covers Windows 2000, XP, and 2003.

офісна програма

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Ingle, Stephen.
The social and political thought of George Orwell [Electronic resource] : a reassessment / Stephen Ingle. - London : Routledge, 2006. - 239 p
Переклад назви: Суспільно-політична думка Джорджа Оруелла: переоцінка


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

I have been teaching in the areas of politics and literature for a number of years and have been fascinated especially by the work of George Orwell. In the early 1990s I began work on a book on Orwell and thought at the time that my interest in him would be satisfied. However, George Orwell: A Political Life, published by Manchester University Press in 1993, left me feeling that I wanted to say more than the essentially hybrid format of that book had allowed me to say about his political ideas. In 2003, Orwell’s centenary year, I was invited to give a number of papers on aspects of Orwell’s thought and was disingenuous enough to imagine that these could easily be brought together to make a book. Routledge were good enough to express an interest in the project, and so I immediately began to work on my individual papers. But of course I discovered that a great deal more work had to be done on each, and gaps between them, too, had to be filled. I am very grateful to those at Routledge who expressed an interestin the original project and to those, especially Harriet Brinton, who bore with me when it became clear that the task would be more difficult than originally envisaged. I would also like to express my gratitude to two friends, Claire Lightowler and Stanley Kleinberg, who read most of the original draft – in fact, in Stanley’s case, all the original draft. Their comments were very helpful and caused me frequently to rethink my approach. I am not a good proofreader; in fact, if I were any younger I would have been classified as dyslexic. In those days, however, that option was not available – only indolence. It has been my great good fortune to have a friend who is a meticulous proofreader and I am most grateful for the help that John Stewart offered and gave. Finally, my wife has been enormously and unstintingly supportive of my work. This project would not have been possible to complete without her help. All of these people are partly responsible for the successful completion of what follows, but only I am responsible for its deficiencies.

антиутопія -- антикомунізм -- публіцистика

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