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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Allard, P.
A Little Manual of Restorative Justice [Electronic resource] / P. Allard. - Ottawa : Just.Equipping, 2008. - 65 p.
Переклад назви: Маленький посібник відновного правосуддя


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The people who have been asked to contribute to this little manual on restorative justice have all been involved for many years in the restorative justice movement in Canada and abroad. The little manual wants to put into your hands a basic training tool. The themes addressed in the various modules are themes that the writers\practitioners have found useful in seeking to educate communities about restorative justice and engage citizens in a deeper reflection about the criminal justice system. Some of the modules are brief and seek only to draw attention to a few key elements and leave you with questions for discussion. Some others are lengthier and seek to provide you with food for thought. Depending on the length of the educational sessions, all of the modules may not be covered. It is estimated that proper coverage of all modules, allowing time for significant input from participants, would take at least three full days. Ideally, we recommend spreading it over a week. The modules could also be presented on a weekly basis depending on the availability of the audience. If the manual leads you to reflect more deeply with others on the potential and complexity of restorative justice and to want to learn more about how it can provide a meaningful way of transforming justice, it would have fulfilled its goal.

правосуддя -- права -- обов'язок

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

The Irish Yearbook of International Law [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Allain, S. Mullally. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2007
Переклад назви: Ірландський щорічник міжнародного права


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Vol. 2. - 379 p.

The Irish Yearbook of International Law stimulates further research into Ireland's practice in international affairs and foreign policy, filling a gap in existing legal scholarship and assisting in the dissemination of Irish thinking and practice on matters of international law. On an annual basis, the Yearbook presents peer-reviewed academic articles and book reviews on general issues of international law. Designated correspondents provide reports on international law developments in Ireland, Irish practice in international fora and the European Union, and the practice of joint North-South implementation bodies in Ireland. In addition, the Yearbook reproduces documents that reflect Irish practice on contemporary issues of international law. Publication of the Irish Yearbook of International Law makes Irish practice and opinio juris more readily available to governments, academics, and international bodies, when determining the content of international law. In providing a forum for the documentation and analysis of North-South relations, the Yearbook also makes an important contribution to post-conflict and transitional justice studies internationally. As a matter of editorial policy, the Yearbook promotes a multilateral approach to international affairs, reflecting and reinforcing Ireland's long-standing commitment to multilateralism as a core element of foreign policy.


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