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   Тип видання:   підручник   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Chemical compounds [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / project ed. C. B. Montney ; ed. N. Schlager , J. Weisblatt, D. E. Newton. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2006. - 981 p.
Переклад назви: Хімічні суміші


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This book describes 180 chemical compounds, some familiar to almost everyone, and some less commonly known. Each description includes some basic chemical and physical information about the compound, such as its chemical formula, other names by which the compound is known, and the molecular weight, melting point, freezing point, and solubility of the compound.

хімія -- неорганічна хімія -- хімічна сполука -- хімічна реакція -- розчин

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Lewis, M.
SQL Server security distilled [Electronic resource] / M. Lewis. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : Apress, 2003. - 352 p.


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This book takes an in-depth look at what you can do to secure data in SQL Server, shows how to authenticate access to data on the server, and authorizes what users can and can't do with that data, in versions 6.5, 7.0, and 2000.

субд -- сервер бд

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Gilbert, M.
The Routledge atlas of the first world war [Electronic resource] / M. Gilbert. - 2th. ed.. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 165 p.. - (Routledge Historical Atlases)
Переклад назви: Routledge атлас Першої світової війни

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From its origins to its terrible legacy, the tortuous course of the Great War is vividly set out in a series of 174 fascinating maps. Together the maps form a comprehensive and compelling picture of the war that shattered Europe, and illustrate its military, social, political and economic aspects.

армія -- світова війна -- карта

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Gilbert, M.
The Routledge Atlas of the Arab-Israeli Conflict [Electronic resource] / M. Gilbert. - 8th. ed.. - London : Routledge, 2005. - 200 p.
Переклад назви: Routledge Атлас арабо-ізраїльського конфлікту


Географічні рубрики:

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Brought right up to date with the latest momentous events, this extremely timely new edition of a best-seller, from arguably the most high profile historian writing today, traces the tangled and bitter history of the Arab-Jewish struggle from the early twentieth century to the present day.

конфлікт -- війна

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Greek law in its political setting: justifications not justice [Electronic resource] / ed. L. Foxhall, A. D.E. Lewis. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 1996. - 260 p.
Переклад назви: Грецький закон в його політичному положенні: виправдання не правосуддя


Географічні рубрики:

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This volume explores the ways in which law integrated with other aspects of life in ancient Greece. The papers collected here reveal a number of different pathways between law and political, social, and economic life in Greek societies. Emanating from several scholarly traditions, they offer a range of contrasting but complementary insights rarely collected together. What emerges clearly is that law in Greece only takes on its full meaning in a broadly political context. Dynamic tensions govern the relationships between this semi-autonomous legal arena and other spheres of life. An ideology of equality before the law was juxtaposed with a practical reality of individuals' unequal abilities to cope with it. It is hard to draw firm lines between the settlement of cases in court and the spill-over of legal actions into the agora, the streets, the fields, and the houses. Hence it is hardly surprising if justice can all too easily give way to justification.

закони Греції -- грецьке право

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Newton, M.
The Encyclopedia of Kidnappings [Electronic resource] / M. Newton. - New York : Facts On File, 2002. - 373 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія викрадень


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Unfortunately, there have been enough abductions, hijackings and political hostage takings to necessitate The Encyclopedia of Kidnappings, a reference volume encompassing major (and sometimes minor) kidnappings throughout history. Michael Newton (Encyclopedia of Serial Killers) allots brief entries to victims, kidnappers, locations and relevant law enforcement bodies. The Iran hostage crisis, the Lindbergh baby, and Leopold and Loeb are covered, but the book also relates the 1855 kidnapping of an Arizona rancher's daughter by Mexican outlaws, the abduction and murder of Emmett Till, and numerous Eastern European "skyjackers" trying to flee the Soviet bloc. The four paragraphs on "DISAPPEARED, THE" covering Argentina, Chile and other countries can only suggest the grief and devastation wrought by thousands of political murders.

злочин -- викрадення

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Lewis, Michael.
The English Verb [Electronic resource] : an Exploration of Structure and Meaning / M. Lewis. - Florence : Heinle ELT, 1986. - 180 p
Переклад назви: Англійське дієслово: дослідження структури і значення


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мова -- граматика

   Тип видання:   життєпис   

Lewisohn, Mark.
The Complete Beatles Chronicles [Electronic resource] / M. Lewisohn. - New York : Harmony Books, 1992. - 368 p
Переклад назви: Повна хронік "Бітлз"

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For Beatles lovers. The Complete Beatles Chronicle will take you on the journey of the Beatles through out there career.

музика -- історія

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Gilbert, Martin.
Jerusalem [Electronic resource] : illustrated History Atlas / M. Gilbert. - [S. l.] : [б. в.], [19_ _?]. - 128 p
Переклад назви: Єрусалим: ілюстрований історичний атлас


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місто -- історія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Newton, Michael.
The Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi [Electronic resource] / M. Newton. - Jefferson : McFarland & Company, 2010. - 252 p.
Переклад назви: Ку-Клукс-Клан у Міссісіпі


Географічні рубрики:

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Since 1866 the Ku Klux Klan has been a force to reckon with in Mississippi. Enduring through repeated cycles of expansion and decline, Klansmen have rallied, marched, elected civic leaders, infiltrated law enforcement, and committed crimes ranging from petty vandalism to assassination and mass murder. Despite Mississippi’s 142-year history as one of the Klan’s most persistent and violent realms, surveys of “Klannishness” in the Magnolia State have thus far been restricted to vignettes and footnotes within broader histories of Reconstruction or the long campaign for civil rights by African Americans. The Ku Klux Klan in Mississippi intends to fill that gap in scholarship, examining the Mississippi KKK, its allies, and its long-suffering victims in the context of their changing times.

расизм -- сегрегація -- дискримінація -- рабовласництво

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lewisohn, Cedar.
Street Art [Electronic resource] : the graffiti revolution / Cedar Lewisohn. - London : Tate, 2010. - 162 p
Переклад назви: Вуличне мистецтво: революція графіті


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Over the last decade, street art—art made in public spaces including graffiti, stickers, stencil art, and wheat-pasting— has become one of the most popular and hotly discussed areas of art practice on the contemporary scene. Developing out of the graffiti-writing tradition of the 1980s through the work of artists such as Banksy and Futura 2000, it has long since reached the mainstream. Street Art is the first measured, critical account of the development of this global phenomenon. Tracing street art’s origins in cave painting through the Paris walls photographed by Brassai in the ’20s through the witty, sophisticated imagery found on city streets today, the book also features new and exclusive interviews with key figures associated with street art of the last 35 years, including Lady Pink, Barry McGee, Shepard Fairy, Futura 2000, Malcolm McLaren, Miss Van, and Os Gemeos. Street Art reveals the extent to which the walls and streets of cities around the world have become the birthplace of some of the most dynamic and inspirational art being made today.

сучасне мистецтво -- графіті -- вулична субкультура -- стріт-арт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

The History of Cartography [Electronic resource] / ed. G. Malcolm Lewis, David Woodward. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 1998. - 687 p
Переклад назви: Історія картографії


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"Certain to be the standard reference for all subsequent scholarship."—John Noble Wilford, New York Times Book Review, on the History of Cartography series. "The maps in this book provide an evocative picture of how indigenous peoples view and represent their worlds. They illuminate not only questions of material culture but also the cognitive systems and social motivations that underpin them" (from the introduction). Although they are often rendered in forms unfamiliar to Western eyes, maps have existed in most cultures. In this latest book of the acclaimed History of Cartography, contributors from a broad variety of disciplines collaborate to describe and address the significance of traditional cartographies. Whether painted on rock walls in South Africa, chanted in a Melanesian ritual, or fashioned from palm fronds and shells in the Marshall Islands, all indigenous maps share a crucial role in representing and codifying the spatial knowledge of their various cultures. Some also serve as repositories of a group's sacred or historical traditions, while others are exquisite art objects. The indigenous maps discussed in this book offer a rich resource for disciplines such as anthropology, archaeology, art history, ethnology, geography, history, psychology, and sociology. Copious illustrations and carefully researched bibliographies enhance the scholarly value of this definitive reference.

мапи -- географія -- картографія -- топоніміка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dirt [Electronic resource] : the quirks, habits, and passions of keeping house / ed. Mindy Lewis. - Berkeley : Seal Press, 2009. - 313 p
Переклад назви: Бруд: примхи, звички і пристрасті домоводства


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This is a collection to which everyone can relate: a multidimensional look at the universal challenge of keeping our stuff, our dwellings, and our personal space clean and uncluttered. How we feel about keeping house speaks volumes about who we are, our roots, relationships, and our outlook on life.

прибирання -- гігієна помешкання -- охайність оселі

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