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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Tompkins, W. J.
Interfacing sensors to the IBM-PC [Electronic resource] / W. J. Tompkins, J. G. Webster. - Englewood Cliffs : Prentice-Hall, 1987. - 400 p
Переклад назви: Взаємодія датчиків для IBM-PC


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This volume thoroughly explores all the principles and techniques necessary for connecting any type of sensor to the IBM PC or equivalent computers -- e.g., sensors, transducers, data conversion, and interface techniques.

комп'ютер -- датчик -- інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Tomoko, N.
Pattern magic [Electronic resource] / N. Tomoko. - [S. l. : s. n.], 2005. - 97 p.
Переклад назви: Шаблон магії


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Эта книга будет очень интересна для всех, кто увлекается моделированием и дизайном одежды. Незнание японского языка не помешает Вам разобраться в том, как смоделировать ту или иную модель, - в книге даны пошаговые инструкции в рисунках.

одяг -- рукоділля -- шиття

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Tomlins, C. L.
Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic [Electronic resource] / C. L. Tomlins. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 1993. - 406 p.
Переклад назви: Закон, праця та ідеологія в ранній Американській республіці


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Law, Labor, and Ideology in the Early American Republic is a fundamental reinterpretation of law and politics in America between 1790 and 1850, the crucial period of the Republic's early growth and its movement toward industrialism. The book is the most detailed study yet available of the intellectual and institutional processes that created the foundation categories framing all the basic legal relationships involving working people at work. But it also brings out the political and social significance of those categories, and of law's role in their creation. Tomlins argues that it is impossible to understand outcomes in the interaction between law and labor during the early Republic unless one also understands the preeminence that legal discourse was assuming at the time in American society as a whole, and the particular social and political reasons for that preeminence. Because of the breadth and novelty of its interpretation this is a book not just for those interested in the history of law or the history of labor, but for anyone interested in the broad stream of American political and social history.

законодавство -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Tomlinson, R.
The Big Breach [Electronic resource] : from Top Secret to Maximum Security / R. Tomlinson. - Moscow : Narodny Variant Publishers, 2001. - 243 p.
Переклад назви: Злом. Секрет максимальної безпеки


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The fall of the Berlin wall and the end of the Cold War marked the beginning of a period which has seen an unprecedented crisis systematically unfold within the intelligence services of Britain and many other countries. These events - which MI6 and the CIA comprehensively failed to predict - destroyed much of the raison d'ˆtre of both MI6 and MI5, its domestic counterpart. Organisations which had been created and formed primarily in response to the perceived and actual threats from the Soviet bloc could not easily adapt to the new circumstances. What use now for hundreds of Soviet specialists, of people who had built up a comprehensive expertise on every twist and turn in the Kremlin? Or for those who had spent years building files on subversives and fellow travellers? New conditions require new solutions. But as the world changes and enters a much less certain future, no longer dominated by the two great power blocs, Britain's security services have notably failed to discover a new role for themselves.

спецслужба -- сучасна історія -- холодна війна

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