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Visser, S.
Sams Teach Yourself DB2® Universal Database™ in 21 Days [Electronic resource] / S. Visser, B. Wong. - 2nd. ed.. - Indianapolis : Sams Publishing, 2003. - 624 p.
Переклад назви: Самовчитель з DB2® Universal Database™ за 21 день


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Marketshare for DB2 has been growing steadily over the past 5 years and with the recent release of DB2 Universal Database V8, the product has never had more momentum. Not only is the product used in every company on the Fortune 500, but it is becoming very popular in the small to medium sized businesses as well. Sams Teach Yourself DB2 Universal Database in 21 Days, Second Edition, focuses on performing tasks using the graphical interfaces and wizards that are provided with DB2 on the Windows platform. (DB2 also runs on z/OS, OS/400, AIX, Linux, HP-UX, and Sun Solaris.) Readers are guided through performing all the commonly used tasks to run DB2, including installing DB2, setting up DB2, creating databases and tables, populating the database with data, accessing the data, ensuring the database is tuned for performance. This book differs from the competition in that it provides examples and scenarios making it very easy for the reader to learn complicated tasks. It gives them everything they need for the commonly used tasks in a simple to understand manner. Quizzes and exercises strengthen the knowledge gained and ensure concepts are learned rather than memorized.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

van Benthem, Johan.
The age of alternative logics. Assessing philosophy of logic and mathematics today [Electronic resource] / Johan van Benthem, Gerhard Heinzmann, Manuel Rebuschi, Henk Visser. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2006. - 348 p.. - (Logic, epistemology, and the unity of science ; vol. 3)
Переклад назви: Вік альтернативної логіки. Оцінка філософії логіки та математики сьогодні


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In the last century developments in mathematics, philosophy, physics, computer science, economics and linguistics have proven important for the development of logic. There has been an influx of new ideas, concerns, and logical systems reflecting a great variety of reasoning tasks in the sciences. This volume reflects the multi-dimensional nature of the interplay between logic and science.

епістемічна модель -- IF-logic

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