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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Маниченко, А.
10 законов обучения с пеленок [Електронний ресурс] / А. Маниченко. - М. : [Самвидав], 2009. - 30 с.


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Маленькие дети учатся по другим законам, нежели мы, взрослые. Всем известно, что самый любопытный человек на Земле – это младенец. Ни один взрослый не сравнится с ребёнком по степени любопытства. Но, к сожалению, мощное детское любопытство, как правило, постепенно угасает, а в школьных стенах полностью разрушается.

діти -- сім

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Depue, R. L.
Between good and evil. A master profiler's hunt for society's most violent predators [Electronic resource] / R. L. Depue. - New York : Warner Books, 2005. - 321 p.
Переклад назви: Між добро і злом: полювання на найбільш жорстоких хижаків суспільства

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соціальні відносини -- соціум

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Business law [Electronic resource]. - 2nd. ed.. - London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 2002. - 152 p.
Переклад назви: Комерційне право


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торгове право -- торгові відносини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Ribeiro, J.
Catimbo [Electronic resource] : magia do nordeste / J. Ribeiro. - Rio de Janeiro : Pallas, 1992. - 128 с.
Переклад назви: Катімбо. Магія північного сходу


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Catimbó це певний набір магічно-релігійної діяльності, що відбуваються на північному сході Бразилії. Відомий з середини сімнадцятого століття, Catimbó є результатом злиття практики магії з Європи і корінних ритуалів шаманізму, який додається в контексті переконання католицизму. В сфері богослужіння, африканських впливів можна відзначити, однак, як обмежений.

езотерика -- магія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Church-State Issues in America Today [Electronic resource] / ed. Ann. W. Duncan, Steven L. Jones. - Westport : Praeger Publishers, 2008
Переклад назви: Відносини між церквою та державою в сучасній Америці

Географічні рубрики:

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Т. 1 : Religion and Government. - 2008. - 841 p.

Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. Church and state issues are in the news now more than ever before. Political and religious leaders alike are negotiating on shaky ground as they balance their religious/moral and political perspectives with their roles as leaders. New technologies push the boundaries of moral consensus by creating new controversies such as those involving stem-cell research and medical measures to sustain or end the lives of the terminally ill. The Supreme Court continues to work to clarify the fuzzy line between religion and politics as it addresses cases regarding abortion, school prayer, and the Pledge of Allegiance, among other issues. Further controversies only lead to further divisions among Americans. At the beginning of the 21st century, there are as many interpretations of this separation as there are interpretations of particular issues such as abortion or school vouchers. This three-volume collection summarizes the history and current status of issues involving the separation of church and state through chapters examining the backgrounds, relevant constitutional concerns, and variety of perspectives on specific controversies. Framed by a general discussion of the history of the separation between church and state and through careful attention to subjects such as capital punishment, gay marriage, and clergy support of political leaders, there emerges an incredibly complex, enlightening, and provocative picture for anyone with an interest in the unique nature of religion in the United States of America.

політика -- дипломатія -- культура

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Goulding, S.
Company law [Electronic resource] / S. Goulding. - 2nd. ed.. - London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999. - 479 p.
Переклад назви: Корпоративне право


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It is well recognised that company law is a large and complex subject which has expanded rapidly in volume in recent years. Added to this is the continual reform to the existing law. This is partly due to the need to comply with obligations imposed on the United Kingdom from Brussels, but partly because of the increasing complexity of commercial life generally. There is no sign that the growth and reform is at an end. In addition, there are now two established series of specialist company law reports (Butterworths Company Law Cases and British Company Cases) which have obviously resulted in many more cases reaching the public domain for comment and analysis. Further, no work on Company Law can now ignore the extra-legal controls and influences on director’s conduct contained in the recent reports on corporate governance nor the proposals for reform put forward, in particular, by the Law Commission. This edition deals with the main features of both the Law Commission’s Report on Shareholder Remedies and the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on the reform of director’s duties.

законодавство -- корпоративні відносини

   Тип видання:   альбом   

Concept design: works from seven Los Angeles entertainment designers [Electronic resource] / ed. S. Robertson. - Culver City : Design Studio Press, 2003. - 192 p.
Переклад назви: Ескізний проект: роботи сімох лос-анджелеських дизайнерів індустрії розваг

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In every form of artistic expression there is passion, and a need to tell a story, convey an idea, or project an ideal. To be in a position to express these concepts and have the tools and foresight to communicate parallel to, or beyond one's vision, is the goal of every artist. It is in the drive of the artist where the vision receives a soul, and in the manipulation of materials where it acquires a body. Society is often measured by the level of sophistication captured in its artistic expression, and can serve as the scale from which its path is plotted. This quest to keep moving forward, not content to rest too long in the imagery and visions of those before, is what keeps the wheels of innovation and collective development spinning. It is a course that while fanning and extending outward like the branches of an immense tree always has roots referring back to its origin. The visions of worlds, tools, spaces, and methods of conveyance not yet known, are all part of the internal dialogue of the concept artist. It is this ability to step outside of one's present condition and provide a voice to the hypothetical future that places them in a distinct position; one where their understanding of technology, expression of art and method of communication result in the objects and environments that provide influence on modern societies' daily experience. In the end, art’s role is not to be amusing either for the artist or the audience…it’s to interpret life, in the past, the present — and the future.

графічний дизайн -- моделювання -- футурологічні візії

   Тип видання:   автореферат   

Матиящук, Светлана Владимировна.
Cистема договорных отношений по электро и теплоснабжению в условиях развития когенерации: автореферат диссертации на соискание ученой степени доктора юридических наук: 12. 00. 03 [Електронний ресурс] / С. В. Матиящук ; Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет. - Санкт-Петербург : [б. в.], 2012. - 54 с.
На правах рукописи


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Энергетические рынки нашей страны постоянно растут и совершенствуются, усложняются и развиваются договорные отношения их участников, изменяются форматы самих рынков, корректируются их функции. В то же время отчетливо прослеживается тенденция к интеграции рынка электрической и рынка тепловой энергии, которые вследствие своей общей технологической направленности нуждаются в специфическом регулировании. Отношения, складывающиеся на этих рынках, отличаются рядом экономических особенностей, обусловленных спецификой технологического функционирования производственных объектов электро- и теплоэнергетики, что предопределяет общую правовую модель регулирования этих отношений. Для студентов, аспирантов, преподавателей, научных работников.

цивільне право -- підприємницьке право -- сімейне право -- міжнародне приватне право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bruel, A.
De la parenté à la parentalité [Electronic resource] / A. Bruel, J. Faget ; ues L.. - Ramonville Saint-Agne : Érès, 2001. - 94 p.
Переклад назви: Родичі на батьківство


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Il n'est pas très difficile de parler de parents, et donc de parenté, quand on est juriste : la notion relève incontestablement du droit. Il en va différemment de la parentalité. En effet, ce terme, bien que couramment employé par les sociologues, n'existe pas. Il s'agit d'un néologisme qui n'a reçu à ce jour aucune définition, ni dans un dictionnaire de langage usuel, ni comme terme juridique. Toutefois le recours à cette notion nouvelle révèle une demande, un besoin, bref une évolution qui traduit les préoccupations sociétales face à une fonction parentale aujourd'hui souvent malmenée, alors qu'apparaissent de nouvelles configurations familiales (monoparentalité, homoparentalité, familles recomposées…). Alors parenté ou parentalité ? Devons-nous opposer ces deux termes ou privilégier l'un d'eux ? Juristes, psychologues et sociologues s'attachent ici à définir ces notions et leurs avatars, tels que les éclairent leurs pratiques professionnelles. Leurs regards croisés devraient permettre de redonner un sens à la fonction parentale et de restaurer le fondement de la protection des droits de l'enfant.

батьківство -- сім

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brownlee, Jason.
Democracy prevention [Electronic resource] : the politics of the U.S.-Egyptian Alliance / Jason Brownlee. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 296 p
Переклад назви: Демократична профілактика: політика американо-єгипетського альянсу


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When a popular revolt forced long-ruling Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to resign on February 11, 2011, U.S. President Barack Obama hailed the victory of peaceful demonstrators in the heart of the Arab World. But Washington was late to endorse democracy - for decades the United States favored Egypt's rulers over its people. Since 1979, the United States had provided the Egyptian regime more than $60 billion in aid and immeasurable political support to secure its main interests in the region: Israeli security and strong relations with Persian Gulf oil producers. During the Egyptian uprising, the White House did not promote popular sovereignty but instead backed an "orderly transition" to one of Mubarak's cronies. Even after protesters derailed that plan, the anti-democratic U.S.-Egyptian alliance continued. Using untapped primary materials, this book helps explain why authoritarianism has persisted in Egypt with American support, even as policy makers claim to encourage democratic change.

демократія -- геополітика -- міжнародні відносини

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Waters, Catherine.
Dickens and the Politics of the Family [Electronic resource] / Catherine Waters. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1997. - 246 p
Переклад назви: Діккенс і політика сім


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The fictional representation of the family has long been regarded as a Dickensian speciality; yet any close examination of his novels reveals a remarkable disjunction between his image as the quintessential celebrant of the hearth, and his interest in fractured families. Drawing on feminist and new historicist methodologies, Catherine Waters argues that Dickens' novels record a shift in notions of the family away from stress on the importance of lineage and blood toward a new ideal of domesticity assumed to be the natural form of the family.

соціальне становище -- шлюб -- сімейний стан -- нуклеарна родина

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Mosey, D.
Early Contractor Involvement in Building Procurement [Electronic resource] : contracts, Partnering and Project Management / D. Mosey. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 316 p.
Переклад назви: Рання участь підрядника у закупівлі будівництва: контракти, партнерські відносини та управління проектами


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Can contractors and specialists add value to a project by their early involvement in design, pricing, risk management and programming? How can this be structured and what role do contracts have to play? What is the impact on procurement and project management? Commentators from Banwell to Egan have recommended earlier contractor appointments, and this has also been linked to successful project partnering. How are the two related? Early Contractor Involvement in Building Procurement considers the case for a two stage procurement approach based on a system of agreed project processes during the preconstruction phase. It examines the ways in which a contract can describe and support this model throughout its procurement, partnering and project management, and is illustrated with case studies taken from projects and programmes across the construction and engineering industry. The roles of the various parties involved, the obstacles they encounter and the benefits they can achieve are examined in detail. There is practical guidance on how to improve speed, economy, sustainability, change control, dispute avoidance, and client satisfaction. This book bridges the gap between contract law, partnering and project management and will be essential reading for middle and senior management at construction contractors, consultants and clients in both the public and private sectors.


   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / A. DeConde, R.D. Burns, F. Logevall. - New York : Charles Scribner's Sons, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія американської зовнішньої політики


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Vol.1 : Chronology A - D. - 642 p.

Vol. 2 : E-N. - 616 p.

Written by a professor of political science, this reference work provides an accessible introduction to U.S. foreign policy from the American Revolution to present-day events such as the war in Iraq. The volume contains about 500 entries, which are arranged alphabetically and range from a few paragraphs to several pages in length. Access to articles is aided by cross-references and a precise index. Many articles include suggestions for further readings. The encyclopedia also contains a detailed bibliography. Black-and-white pictures and maps complement the text.

політика -- міжнародні відносини -- дипломатія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence [Electronic resource] / ed. N. A. Jackson. - Abingdon : Routledge, 2007. - 789 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія домашнього насильства


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The Encyclopedia of Domestic Violence is a modern reference from the leading international scholars in domestic violence research. This ground-breaking project has created the first ever publication of an encyclopedia of domestic violence. The primary goal of the Encyclopedia is to provide information on a variety of traditional, as well as breakthrough, issues in this complex phenomenon. The coverage of the Encyclopedia is broad and diverse, encompassing the entire life span from infancy to old age. The entries include the traditional research areas, such as battered women, child abuse and dating violence. However, this Encyclopedia is unique in that it includes many under-studied areas of domestic violence, such as ritual abuse-torture within families, domestic violence against women with disabilities, pseudo-family violence and domestic violence within military families. It is also unique in that it examines cross-cultural perspectives of domestic violence. One of the key special features in this Encyclopedia is the cross-reference section at the end of each entry. This allows the reader the ability to continue their research of a particular topic. This book will be an easy-to-read reference guide on a host of topics, which are alphabetically arranged. Precautions have been taken to ensure that the Encyclopedia is not politically slanted; rather, it is hoped that it will serve as a basic guide to better understanding the myriad issues surrounding this labyrinthine topic. Topics covered include: Victims of Domestic Violence; Theoretical Perspectives and Correlates to Domestic Violence; Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Religious Perspectives; Understudied Areas within Domestic Violence Research; Domestic Violence and the Law; and Child Abuse and Elder Abuse.

відносини в сім -- насильство -- злочин

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Espionage, Intelligence and Security [Electronic resource] : in 3 vol. / editors: K. L. Lerner, B. W. Lerner. - Detroit : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія шпигунства, розвідки і безпеки


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Vol. 1 : A - E. - 424 p.

Vol. 2 : F - Q. - 463 p.

Vol. 3 : R - Z index. - 432 p.

"Provides a comprehensive, subject specific guide to the history, uses, scientific principles, and technologies of espionage, intelligence, and security, with special emphasis placed on the current ethical, legal, and social issues surrounding this very topical subject." - Представляет глубокий, с учетом выбранной темы, экскурс по истории, использованию, научным принципам и технологиям шпионажа, разведки и безопасности, уделяя особое внимание текущим этическим, правовым и социальным вопросам связанным с этой весьма актуальной темой.

резидентура -- дипломатія -- міжнародні відносини -- державна таємниця

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Гончар, О. В.
English for Law Students [Електронний ресурс] : підручник з англійської мови для студентів І-ІІІ курсів юридичних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів / О. В. Гончар, О. П. Лисицька [и др.]. - Х. : Право, 2004. - 416 с.


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Підручник становить за мету ознайомити студентів-юристів із країнознавчою термінологією України, Великобританії, США - про державний устрій цих країн, політичні партії, виборчі системи, правові системи, систему судочинства. У підручнику міститься матеріал про право Європейського Союзу, права людини, міжнародне право, конституційне право, трудове право.

мовознавство -- право -- правова система -- іноземна мова

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Yuval, M.
Equality for same-sex couples [Electronic resource] : the legal recognition of gay partnerships in Europe and the United States / M. Yuval. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2002. - 397 p.
Переклад назви: Рівність для одностатевих пар: юридичне визнання гей-партнерств в Європі та Сполучених Штатах


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There is always need of persons not only to discover new truths, and point out when what were once truths are true no longer, but also to commence new practices, and set the example of more enlightened conduct. The past provides many instances where the law refused to see a human being when it should have. . . . The challenge for future generations will be to define what is most essentially human. The extension of the Common Benefits Clause to acknowledge [same-sex couples] as Vermonters who seek nothing more, nor less, than legal protection and security for their avowed commitment to an intimate and lasting human relationship is simply, when all is said and done, a recognition of our common humanity.

одностатевий шлюб -- гомосексуальність -- відносини -- право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Otto Pohl, J.
Ethnic cleansing in the USSR, 1937–1949 [Electronic resource] / J. Otto Pohl. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 1999. - 200 p.. - (Contributions to the study of world history)
Переклад назви: Етнічна чистка в СРСР, 1937-1949


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Between 1937 and 1949, Joseph Stalin deported more than two million people of 13 nationalities from their homelands to remote areas of the U.S.S.R. His regime perfected the crime of ethnic cleansing as an adjunct to its security policy during those decades. Based upon material recently released from Soviet archives, this study describes the mass deportation of these minorities, their conditions in exile, and their eventual release. It includes a large amount of statistical data on the number of people deported; deaths and births in exile; and the role of the exiles in developing the economy of remote areas of the Soviet Union. The first wholesale deportation involved the Soviet Koreans, relocated to Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan to prevent them from assisting Japanese spies and saboteurs. The success of this operation led the secret police to adopt, as standard procedure, the deportation of whole ethnic groups suspected of disloyalty to the Soviet state. In 1941, the policy affected Soviet Finns and Germans; in 1943, the Karachays and Kalmyks were forcibly relocated; in 1944, the massive deportation affected the Chechens, Ingush, Balkars, Crimean Tatars, Crimean Greeks, Meskhetian Turks, Kurds, and Khemshils; and finally, the Black Sea Greeks were moved in 1949 and 1950.

радянський уряд -- Радянський союз -- міжнародні відносини

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

McGlynn, C.
Families and the European Union Law, Politics and Pluralism [Electronic resource] / C. McGlynn. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2006. - 230 p.
Переклад назви: Сім'я та законодавство Європейського Союзу, політика і плюралізм


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In the first book to offer a comprehensive analysis of family law in the European Union, McGlynn argues that a traditional concept of 'family' which has many adverse effects - on individuals, on families (in all their diverse forms), and indeed on the economic ambitions of the EU is forming the basis for the little-recognised and under-researched field of EU family law. This book examines three different aspects of family life - childhood, parenthood and partnerships - and critically analyses existing EU law in relation to each. It examines the emerging field of EU family law, providing a highly sceptical account of recent developments and a robust challenge to the arguments in favour of the codification of European civil law, including family law.

закон -- Європа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Eekelaar, J.
Family Law Advocacy [Electronic resource] : how Barristers help the Victims of Family Failure / J. Eekelaar, M. Maclean. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 132 p.
Переклад назви: Захист сімейного права: як адвокати допомогають жертвам сімейних відмов


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  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The role of the law in settling family disputes has been a matter of particular debate over the past 25 years. In keeping with the general public perception, the media has been largely critical about the role of lawyers in family law matters, sustaining a general lack of confidence in the legal profession, and a more specific feeling that, in family matters, lawyers aggravate conflict or even represent a female conspiracy. The climate in which family lawyers practice in England and Wales is a harsh one. The authors of this path-breaking study felt it was time to find out more about the contributions of barristers in family law cases in the UK. Much of the study is comprised of an in-depth examination of the day-to-day activity of members of the UK Family Law Bar through observation of individual barristers as they performed their role in the context of a court hearing. In answering questions, such as whether the family justice system is excessively adversarial, whether family barristers earn too much from human unhappiness, or indeed whether those working in the front line of child protection earn enough, the authors reach some surprising conclusions. "The barrister is both mentor and guide for the client" is how they begin their conclusion; "we hope that we have shown that society should value their contribution better" is how they finish.

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