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Охлябинин, Сергей Дмитриевич.
300 лет русской военной истории с XVII века до 1917 года [Електронний ресурс] : иллюстрированный военно-исторический словарь Российской империи / Сергей Дмитриевич Охлябинин. - М. : Эксмо, 2008. - 240 с.


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Эта необычная книга является своеобразной энциклопедией русской военной истории за 300 лет, с XVII века до 1917 года. В 450 статьях-миниатюрах словаря описываются амуниция, военная форма, эмблемы воинских подразделений Русской армии. Тексты статей посвящены самым важным и увлекательным эпизодам истории Российской империи от Петра Великого до Николая II. В книге также описаны история создания того или иного военного атрибута, исторические курьезы, с ними связанные, представлена история возникновения регулярных полков Русской армии, а также отличия разных видов войск друг от друга. Издание проиллюстрировано рисунками, выполненными самим автором.

військові атрибути -- історія Росії -- Російська імперія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

60 років волинської трагедії [Електронний ресурс] : матеріали форуму українських і польських експертів та журналістів "Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?" / ред. В. Барановський. - К. : Смолоскип, 2003. - 191 с.


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11-12 квітня 2003 року Посольство Республіки Польща в Україні та польсько-український клуб “Без упереджень” провели експертно-журналістський форум на тему: “Події на Волині: як жити з цим тягарем?” У форумі взяли участь близько 80 експертів і журналістів з України та Польщі. Форум проходив в Національному університеті “Острозька академія”. У першій частині книжки вміщено деякі виступи та тези учасників форуму. Друга частина книжки презентує передрук статей за період квітень-липень 2003 року, які були опубліковані в українських та польських друкованих ЗМІ. Відзначення 60-ї річниці трагічних подій на Волині було важливим випробуванням міцності і єдності польської політики по відношенню до України. Основи нашої політики переконують в тому, іцо Польща і Україна мають перед собою перспективу на сучасність та майбутнє. І успіх полягає в тому, що інтерпретація польсько-українських подій не стала головним критерієм польсько-українського сьогодення, особливо з огляду на суперечку щодо історії подій на Волині, якій ми надали шляхетну форму і спрямували зусилля до народного поєднання, так, як це було зроблено у спільній заяві Президентів Республіки Польща і України “До порозуміння і єднання” п’ять років тому.

друга світова війна -- міжетнічні конфлікти -- порозуміння

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Engdahl, F. William.
A century of war [Electronic resource] : anglo-American oil politics and the new world order / F. William Engdahl. - London : Pluto Press, 2004. - 314 p
Переклад назви: Сторіччя війни: англо-американська нафтова політика і новий світовий порядок.


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This book is a gripping account of the murky world of the international oil industry and its role in world politics. Scandals about oil are familiar to most of us. From George W. Bush's election victory to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, US politics and oil enjoy a controversially close relationship. The US economy relies upon the cheap and unlimited supply of this single fuel. William Engdahl takes the reader through a history of the oil industry's grip on the world economy. His revelations are startling.

збройні конфлікти -- енергетична безпека -- біоресурси

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Natkiel, Richard.
Atlas of World War II [Electronic resource] / Richard Natkiel. - New York : Barnes & Noble Books, 2000. - 192 p
Переклад назви: Атлас Другої Світової Війни


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The text for this Atlas Of World War II, first published by Bison Books Ltd., of London in 1985, and compiled by Richard Natkiel, comes from Robin L. Sommer, a prolific writer whose other wildly divergent efforts include The Little Book Of Cats: Poems And Prose, On Fifth Avenue: Highlights Of Architectural And Cultural History, and Pablo Picasso, while the 4-page Introduction is contributed by S. L. Mayer, whose works include Signal- Hitler's Wartime Picture Magazine, The Biography Of General Of The Army Douglas MacArthur, and Weapons Of The Gulf War.

друга світова війна -- військова стратегія -- битви -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Релігія   

Boyarin, Daniel.
Border Lines [Electronic resource] : the partition of Judaeo-Christianity / Daniel Boyarin. - Philadelphia : University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004. - 392 p
Переклад назви: Прикордонні лінії: розділ юдео-християнства


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The historical separation between Judaism and Christianity is often figured as a clearly defined break of a single entity into two separate religions. Following this model, there would have been one religion known as Judaism before the birth of Christ, which then took on a hybrid identity. Even before its subsequent division, certain beliefs and practices of this composite would have been identifiable as Christian or Jewish.In Border Lines, however, Daniel Boyarin makes a striking case for a very different way of thinking about the historical development that is the partition of Judaeo-Christianity. There were no characteristics or features that could be described as uniquely Jewish or Christian in late antiquity, Boyarin argues. Rather, Jesus-following Jews and Jews who did not follow Jesus lived on a cultural map in which beliefs, such as that in a second divine being, and practices, such as keeping kosher or maintaining the Sabbath, were widely and variably distributed. The ultimate distinctions between Judaism and Christianity were imposed from above by "border-makers," heresiologists anxious to construct a discrete identity for Christianity. By defining some beliefs and practices as Christian and others as Jewish or heretical, they moved ideas, behaviors, and people to one side or another of an artificial border—and, Boyarin significantly contends, invented the very notion of religion.

релігійні конфлікти -- юдаїзм -- християнство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Civil wars in Africa [Electronic resource] : roots and resolution / ed. Taisier M. Ali. - Monreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 1999. - 322 p
Переклад назви: Громадянські війни в Африці: коріння і поширення


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A collection of case studies of nine African countries, "Civil Wars in Africa" provides a comparative perspective on the causes of civil war and the processes by which internal conflict may be resolved or averted. The book focuses on the wars in Ethiopia, Liberia, Mozambique, Rwanda, Somalia, Sudan, and Uganda as well as the experiences of Tanzania and Zimbabwe, where civil war was averted, to underline conditions under which conflict can most successfully be managed. John Kiyaga-Nsubuga focuses on Yoweri Museveni and his National Resistance Movement regime's attempt to bring peace to Uganda. John Prendergast and Mark Duffield look at Ethiopia's long civil war and the role of liberation politics and external engagement. Bruce Jones studies the ethnic roots of the civil war in Rwanda. Elwood Dunn explores political manipulation and ethnic differences as causes of civil strife in Liberia. John Saul examines the role of Western powers in establishing peace in Mozambique. Hussein Adam describes the collapse of the authoritarian regime in Somalia and the subsequent rise of inter-clan and sub-clan rivalry. Taisier Ali and Robert Matthews argue that the forty-year conflict in Sudan is much more complex than the usual view that it results from the pitting of the Arab, Islamic North against the African, Christian South. Shifting the focus to how internal unrest may be managed, Hevina Dashwood examines government initiatives undertaken to maintain stability in Zimbabwe and Cranford Pratt describes the policies and institutions developed by Nyerere that enabled Tanzania to avoid ethnic, regional, and religious factionalism and intra-elite rivalries. James Busumtwi-Sam explores multilateral third-party intervention, highlighting the changing role of the OAU and the United Nations and their effectiveness in averting war. The concluding chapter draws together findings from the individual case studies and incorporates them into the larger corpus of the literature. Taisier M. Ali, formerly professor of political economy at the University of Khartoum, is presently a visiting scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. Robert O. Matthews is professor of political science, University of Toronto.

Африка -- міжетнічні конфлікти -- релігійні війни

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Whittaker, David J..
Conflict and Reconciliation in the Contemporary World [Electronic resource] / David J. Whittaker. - New York ; London : Routledge, 2002. - 133 p
Переклад назви: Конфлікти та примирення в сучасному світі


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I am grateful for the indispensable help of these people: Professor James Connolly, Soteris Geogallis (Cyprus High Commission, London), Sindy Goldberg (South Africa House, London), the late Brigadier Michael Harbottle, Malcolm Harper (United Nations Association UK), Walter Kirwan (Secretary-General, Forum for Peace and Reconciliation, Dublin), Dr Carolyn Kitching, Dr Riika Kuusisto (University of Helsinki), Simon Partridge, the late Dr Dick Richardson, Mrs Aileen Spencer (Corrymeela Link, Reading), Simon Whitby (University of Bradford Department of Peace Studies), Marianne Whittaker, Dr Robin Wilson (University of Sussex). I am most thankful to members of staff of the Catholic Institute for International Relations, London; the European Commission, London; and in Belfast to staff at the Fair Employment Commission, the Industrial Development Board and the Northern Ireland Council for Integrated Education. Librarians in the Universities of Bradford, Durham and Teesside and at the United Nations Information Centre, London, have resourcefully and readily dealt with my many enquiries. I am indebted particularly to the Series Editors at Routledge, Professor Eric Evans and Dr Ruth Henig, for invaluable advice and support. Heather McCallum, Senior Editor at Routledge, has indefatigably seen the project through. And Jane Thompson has once again most effectively produced the manuscript.

геополітика -- світ -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Conflict in the Workplace [Electronic resource] / ed. H. Falconer, M. Bagshaw. - New York : Routledge, 2004. - 184 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти на робочому місці

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Conflict, bullying and harassment can destroy the foundations of the most enterprising organisations. Bullying is now a key complaint received by HR departments. Destructive conflict creates stress, which can lead to poor morale and performance, increased staff turnover and an overall decline in organisational effectiveness. The good news is destructive conflict can be reduced – but this is a sensitive issue, requiring managers to call on tried and tested techniques. Published for HR and line managers, IRS Managing Conflict in the Workplace will help employers to recognise and resolve destructive conflict issues more effectively, enabling them to become more positive, productive and efficient. It gives invaluable advice on conflict prevention, mediation and negotiation; it explains how to manage conflict in a wide variety of situations; and includes guidance on the new statutory requirements for disciplinary and grievance procedures.

психологія конфлікту -- корпоративна етика -- професійна взаємодія -- колектив

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Brand, U.
Conflicts in environmental regulation and the internationalization of the state [Electronic resource] : contested terrains / U. Brand. - New York : Routledge, 2008. - 293 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти в екологічному регулюванні та інтернаціоналізація держави


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This book examines the global regulation of biodiversity politics through the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the WTO and other international treaties. Using historical-materialist state and regulation theory, it assesses how the discourse and politics of sustainable development have contributed to the internationalisation of the state.

навколишнє середовище -- екологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Rowan, John R..
Conflicts of rights [Electronic resource] : moral theory and social policy implications / J. R. Rowan. - Boulder : Westview Press, 1999. - 238 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти права: теорія моралі та соціальні наслідки політики


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The language of rights is utilized frequently in debates over contemporary social issues—a fetus’s “right to life” versus a woman’s “right to choose,” for example. Because these debates pertain to what our social policies should be, it is clear that the rights in question are moral rights, and that existing legal rights ought to be changed or maintained accordingly. The problem, however, is that moral rights require moral justification. In Conflicts of Rights, John Rowan takes this next step, and investigates possible moral justifications for rights alleged to exist in four contexts: abortion, affirmative action, welfare, and pornography freedoms. In doing so, he reaches conclusions about the morally appropriate policy for each issue, and also about the effectiveness of rights language in general.

права людини -- суспільна мораль -- цензура

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Conlict in the Former USSR [Electronic resource] / ed. by M. Sussex. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2012. - 264 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти у колишньому СССР


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Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, conl ict in the former USSR has been a key concern in international security. This book i lls a gap in the literature on violent conl ict, evaluating a region that contains all the modern ingredients for instability and aggression. Bringing together leading experts on war and security, the book addresses current debates in international relations about power, interests, globalisation and the politics of identity as major drivers of contemporary war. Incidents such as the 2008 Russo-Georgian conl ict, the wars in Chechnya, and Russia’s struggles over national identity and resources with former communist states are all thoroughly examined. With new issues like energy security, terrorism and transnational crime, and older tensions between East and West threatening to deepen once more, this is an important contribution to the international security literature.

військові конфлікти -- російська інвазія -- Придністров'я -- Чечня -- Грузія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Darby, John.
Contemporary peacemaking [Electronic resource] / J. Darby, R. M. Ginty. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - 418 p
Переклад назви: Сучасна миротворчість


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Contemporary Peace Making draws on recent experience to identify and explore the essential components of peace processes. Each chapter examines a different element in recent peace processes. The collection is organized around five main themes: planning for peace during periods of violence, the process of negotiations (including pre-negotiation), the effects of violence on peace processes, peace accords—constitutional and political options—and securing the settlement and building the peace

мирні процеси -- військові конфлікти -- насильство -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Koplow, D. A.
Death by Moderation [Electronic resource] : the U.S. military’s quest for useable weapons / D. A. Koplow. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2010. - 263 p.
Переклад назви: Поміркована Смерть: військові США в пошуках корисної зброї


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This book addresses an important but little-noticed phenomenon in the revolutionary world of military technology. Across a wide range of otherwise-unrelated weapons programs, the Pentagon is now pursuing arms that are deliberately crafted to be less powerful, less deadly, and less destructive than the systems they are designed to supplement or replace. This direction is historically anomalous; military forces generally pursue ever-bigger bangs, but the modern conditions of counter-insurgency warfare and military operations "other than war" (such as peacekeeping and humanitarian assistance) demand a military capable of modulated force. By providing a capacity to intervene deftly yet effectively, the new generations of "useable" weaponry should enable the U.S. military to accomplish its demanding missions in a manner consistent with legal obligations, public relations realities, and political constraints. Five case studies are provided, regarding precision-guided "smart bombs," low-yield nuclear weapons, self-neutralizing anti-personnel land mines, directed-energy anti-satellite weapons, and non-lethal weapons.

зброя -- армія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Phillips, Charles.
Encyclopedia of Wars [Electronic resource] / Charles Phillips, Alan Axelrod. - New York : Facts On File, Inc., 2005. - 1453 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія війн


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Attempting a comprehensive catalog and commentary devoted to the wars of the world is, tragically enough, a labor that might consume several lifetimes. We took about 10 years, during which time we incurred a heavy debt to the authors whose works are listed in the bibliographies that accompany each entry in this encyclopedia. In addition to these books, which typically focus on a particular war, historical period, nation, or personality, we had the inestimable benefit of five masterpieces of military encyclopedia making. First and foremost was George Childs Kohn’s Dictionary of Wars (revised edition, New York: Checkmark Books, 1999), which guided us in both our selection and coverage of many of the wars included here. Another indispensable guide was Micheal Clodfelter’s Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Reference to Casualty and Other Figures, 1500–2000 (second edition, Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland and Company, 2002). In addition, like all military historians, we made frequent and extensive use of The Harper Encyclopedia of Military History: From 3500 B.C. to the Present by R. Ernest Dupuy and Trevor N. Dupuy (fourth edition, New York: Harper- Collins, 1993); The Oxford Companion to Military History, edited by Richard Holmes (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2001); and The Oxford Companion to American Military History, edited by John Whiteclay Chambers II (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 1999). In the creation of this encyclopedia, we also worked directly with distinguished military historians, who contributed to this book as writers of individual articles or as readers on our editorial board. We acknowledge and offer our thanks to Edward Countryman, Allan R. Millett, Mark Parillo, John Childs, Ian Gentles, Geoffrey Parker, John Lynn, Ian K. Steele, and, in memorium, to John Erickson. Finally, no book sees the light of day without an editor, and ours, Claudia Schaab of Facts On File, is one of the very best. She kept our focus on the details but never let us lose sight of the light at the end of the tunnel.

мілітарна історія -- збройні конфлікти

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Carey, Neil G..
Fighting the Bolsheviks [Electronic resource] : the Russian War Memoir of Private First Class Donald E. Carey, U.S. Army, 1918-1919 / N. G. Carey. - Novato : Presidio Press, 1997. - 240 p
Переклад назви: Б'ючи більшовиків: російські військові мемуари рядового першого класу Дональда Кері, армія США, 1918-1919


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історія -- війна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Shultz, Richard H..
Insurgents, terrorists, and militias [Electronic resource] : the warriors of contemporary combat / Richard H. Shultz, Andrea J. Dew. - New York : Columbia University Press, 2006. - 327 p
Переклад назви: Повстанці, терористи і бойовики: воїни сучасного бою.


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Since the end of the Cold War, conventional militaries and their political leaders have confronted a new, brutal type of warfare in which non-state armed groups use asymmetrical tactics to successfully fight larger, technologically superior forces. In order to prevent future bloodshed and political chaos, it is crucial to understand how these unconventional armed groups think and to adapt to their methods of combat. Richard H. Shultz Jr. and Andrea J. Dew investigate the history and politics of modern asymmetrical warfare. By focusing on four specific hotbeds of instability—Somalia, Chechnya, Afghanistan, and Iraq—Shultz and Dew conduct a careful analysis of tribal culture and the value of clan associations. They examine why these "traditional" or "tribal" warriors fight, how they recruit, where they find sanctuary, and what is behind their strategy. Traveling across two centuries and several continents, Shultz and Dew examine the doctrinal, tactical, and strategic advantages and consider the historical, cultural, and anthropological factors behind the motivation and success of the warriors of contemporary combat. In their provocative argument, Shultz and Dew propose that war in the post-Cold War era cannot be waged through traditional Western methods of combat, especially when friendly states and outside organizations like al-Qaeda serve as powerful allies to the enemy. Thoroughly researched and highly readable, Insurgents, Terrorists, and Militias examines how non-state armies fight, identifies the patterns and trends of their combat, and recommends how conventional militaries can defeat these irregular yet highly effective organizations.

парамілітарні угруповання -- тероризм -- військові найманці

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Libraries, conflicts and the Internet [Electronic resource]. - Сopenhagen : IFLA/FAIFE, 2002. - 61 p.
Переклад назви: Бібліотеки, конфлікти та Інтернет


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бібліотека -- інтернет

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Mercenaries and paid men [Electronic resource] : the mercenary identity in the middle ages / ed. John France. - Leiden : Brill Academic Pub, 2008. - 428 p
Переклад назви: Найманці та платне військо: ідентичність найманця у Середньовіччі


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Mercenaries have always had a poor press. Theirs is one of the world's oldest professions, but the very word has profoundly negative connotations of infidelity and ruthlessness. But if they were like this, were they so different from soldiers?

військові -- історія -- середньовіччя

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Neer, Robert M..
Napalm [Electronic resource] : an american biography / Robert M. Neer. - Cambridge : Belknap Press, 2013. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Напалм: американська біографія


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Napalm, incendiary gel that sticks to skin and burns to the bone, came into the world on Valentine s Day 1942 at a secret Harvard war research laboratory. On March 9, 1945, it created an inferno that killed over 87,500 people in Tokyo more than died in the atomic explosions at Hiroshima or Nagasaki. It went on to incinerate sixty-four of Japan s largest cities. The Bomb got the press, but napalm did the work. After World War II, the incendiary held the line against communism in Greece and Korea Napalm Day led the 1950 counter-attack from Inchon and fought elsewhere under many flags. Americans generally applauded, until the Vietnam War. Today, napalm lives on as a pariah: a symbol of American cruelty and the misguided use of power, according to anti-war protesters in the 1960s and popular culture from "Apocalypse Now" to the punk band Napalm Death and British street artist Banksy. Its use by Serbia in 1994 and by the United States in Iraq in 2003 drew condemnation. United Nations delegates judged deployment against concentrations of civilians a war crime in 1980. After thirty-one years, America joined the global consensus, in 2011. Robert Neer has written the first history of napalm, from its inaugural test on the Harvard College soccer field, to a Marine Corps plan to attack Japan with millions of bats armed with tiny napalm time bombs, to the reflections of Phan Thi Kim Phuc, a girl who knew firsthand about its power and its morality

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Murphey, Rhoads.
Ottoman warfare 1500–1700 [Electronic resource] / Rhoads Murphey. - London : UCL Press, 1999. - 278 p.. - (Warfare and history)
Переклад назви: Військові кампанії Османської імперії 1500–1700 рр.


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Ottoman Warfare is an impressive and original examination of the Ottoman military machine, detailing its success in Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East. Focusing primarily on the evolution of the Ottoman military organization and its subsequent impact on Ottoman society in a period of change, the book redresses the historiographical imbalance in the existing literature, analyzing why the Ottomans were the focus of such intense military concern.Several books have been written on the fiscal, technological, tactical, and political dimensions of Ottoman military history; little has been attempted, however, to recreate or evoke the physical and psychological realities of war as experienced by Ottoman soldiers. Rhoads Murphey seeks to rectify this imbalance, favoring operational matters and providing a detailed study of a number of campaigns: we are offered, for example, vivid descriptions of life in the trenches with the diggers at Baghdad in 1638, who dug a total of five miles at 50 yards a day. Murphey's analysis does not focus on the Ottoman's success or failure in particular campaigns per se; he focuses on understanding the actual process of how the Ottoman military machine worked.This long-awaited work will become the definitive study of Ottoman warfare in the early modern period, and will be invaluable to those studying the Ottoman Empire and early modern European history in general.

Османська імперія

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