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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Ионина, Н. А.
100 великих городов мира [Електронний ресурс] / Н. А. Ионина. - М. : Вече, 2001. - 191 с.. - (100 великих)


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Города начинались по-разному. Одни вставали на перекрестках караванных путей, другие поднимались в безлюдных пустынях. Есть города-крепости, города-казармы, города, выросшие вокруг речных пристаней или морских портов, монастырей, фабрик или рынков. Грешный Вавилон и святой Иерусалим, вечный Рим и запретная Лхаса, деловая Женева и карнавальный Рио, таинственная Чичен-Ица и гостеприимный Париж, высокогорный Ла-Пас и отвоеванный у моря Амстердам... Новая книга из серии "100 великих" расскажет об истории и судьбе как исчезнувших городов древности, так и о тех, которые пронесли через века свой неповторимый облик.

країна -- столиця -- фортеця -- порт

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Муравьёва, Т. В.
100 великих мифов и легенд [Електронний ресурс] / Т. В. Муравьёва. - М. : Вече, 2003. - 480 с.. - (100 великих)

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В книге представлены 100 наиболее известных мифов и легенд народов мира: это древние мифы шумеров и аккадцев, египтян и индейцев, греков и римлян, представлены индийская, китайская и японская мифология, библейские сказания и легенды средневековой Европы, а также былины, предания и сказания древней Руси. Кроме краткого пересказа их содержания, который по своей стилистике приближен к оригиналам, прослеживается процесс возникновения и развития, история изучения мифов и сказаний; а также их отражение в литературе и искусстве.

билина -- переказ -- сказання

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Зигуненко, С. Н.
1000 чудес науки и техники [Електронний ресурс] / С. Н. Зигуненко, А. Ю. Низовский. - М. : Олимп, 2002. - 200 с.


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Мир вокруг полон чудес! Мы не устаем вновь и вновь удивляться и восхищаться, поражаясь величию некоторых вещей и явлений или сомневаясь в их существовании. Чудеса бывают! И многие из них — творение рук человеческих. Исследователи, ученые, инженеры во все времена являли миру невероятные открытия, идеи, изобретения, осуществляли безумные проекты, делая невозможное возможным. Детектор лжн н самолет-невн-димка, римские акведуки и инфразвук, атомная бомба, луноход, небоскребы — когда-то все это было лишь выдумкой писателей-фантастов, А сегодня эти «чудеса» стали реальностью. Оии рядом с нами — и они созданы человеком!

винаходи -- наука -- технологія

   Тип видання:   альбом      науково-популярне видання   

Ancient Rome [Electronic resource] : an illustrated history / ed. Brian Kinsey. - New York : Cavendish Square Publishing, 2010. - 168 p
Переклад назви: Стародавній Рим: ілюстрована історія


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Ancient Rome tracks the progress from the legendary founding of Rome by Romulus in 753 BCE, to the heights of the Roman Empire around 117 CE, and on to the death of Theodosius (the last man to rule over a unified Roman Empire) in 395 CE.

античність -- Рим -- стародавня епоха

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Breeze, David J..
Edge of empire - the Antonine wall [Electronic resource] : rome's scottish frontier / David J. Breeze. - Edinburgh : Birlinn Limited, 2008. - 128 p
Переклад назви: Край імперії - Вал Антонія: шотландський кордон з Римом


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Two thousand years ago, southern Scotland was part of a great empire, the Roman Empire. About AD 140, a Roman army marched north from Hadrian's Wall and built a new frontier across the Forth-Clyde isthmus, from modern Bo'ness to Old Kilpatrick. In this fascinating new book, David Breeze tells the story of the invasion, the building of the Antonine Wall, its occupation and abandonment. The material used to tell this story includes contemporary coins and literary sources together with the inscriptions and sculpture from the Antonine Wall, as well as the archaeological remains of the monument.The unique distance slabs not only record the process of building, but provide a series of snapshots depicting the preparations, invasion and victory achieved by the Roman army over 1800 years ago and stunning new photography by David Henrie of Historic Scotland illustrates all aspects of this most northerly Roman frontier. These photographs help us to appreciate the Antonine Wall in its landscape and understand the reasons for its construction. Both scholarly and beautifully illustrated, this new book underlines the reasons why the Antonine Wall has been proposed as a World Heritage Site.

античність -- Римська імперія -- Каледонія -- фортифікація

   Тип видання:   словник   

Berger, A.
Encyclopedic dictionary of roman law [Electronic resource] / A. Berger. - Philadelphia : American Philosophical Society, 1953. - 479 p.. - (Transactions of the american philosophical society. Vol. 43, part 2)
Переклад назви: Енциклопедичний словник римського права


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An encyclopedic dictionary, with extensive bibliographies, designed for teachers and students of Roman Law in the classroom, for students of legal history who have little or no knowledge of Latin, and for readers of juristic or literary Latin works in translations that may not be reliable when legal terms or problems are involved.

юриспруденція -- історія права

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Подосинов, Александр Васильевич.
Ex oriente lux! Ориентация по странам света в архаических культурах Евразии [Електронний ресурс] / А. В. Подосинов. - М. : Языки русской культуры, 1999. - 720 с.

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Книга посвящена мало изученной в мировой историографии проблеме - как ориентировался в пространстве человек в архаических культурах, какое значение в этой ориентации имели особенности строения его тела, устройство Земли и движение небесных светил, в первую очередь Солнца и Луны, как устанавливались астрономические ориентиры стран света, какую роль играла ориентация по странам света в сакральной и профанной жизни общества (ориентация городов, храмов, дворцов, жилищ, погребений, культовых действий, географических карт и т. д.). Исследование проведено на материале практически всех архаических культур Евразии - от Китая до Рима и от древних кельтов до монголов - с использованием всех видов источников: лингвистических, литературных, археологических, иконографических, этнографических и др. Антропологический взгляд на природу пространственной ориентации человека позволяет выявить универсальные категории в постижении пространства и вплотную подойти к пониманию наиболее общих архетипов сознания homo sapiens.

орієнтаційна система -- координати -- астрономія -- архаїчні суспільства

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bannon, C. J.
Gardens and Neighbors [Electronic resource] : private Water Rights in Roman Italy / C. J. Bannon. - Ann Arbor : University of Michigan, 2009. - 310 p.
Переклад назви: Сади і сусіди: Приватні Права на води в Римській Італії


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As is increasingly true today, fresh water in ancient Italy was a limited resource, made all the more precious by the Roman world's reliance on agriculture as its primary source of wealth. From estate to estate, the availability of water varied, in many cases forcing farmers in need of access to resort to the law. In Gardens and Neighbors: Private Water Rights in Roman Italy, Cynthia Bannon explores the uses of the law in controlling local water supplies. She investigates numerous issues critical to rural communities and the Roman economy. Her examination of the relationship between farmers and the land helps draw out an understanding of Roman attitudes toward the exploitation and conservation of natural resources and builds an understanding of law in daily Roman life


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hans wurm’s ringbuch c. 1507 [Electronic resource] / ed. K.P Myers. - [S. l.] : ARMA, 2002. - 33 p.


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Средневековое иллюстрированное руководство по греко-римской борьбе баварца Ханса Вюрма.

бойові мистецтва

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Сильвестрова, Е. В.
Lex Generalis. Императорская конституция в системе источников греко-римского права V-X вв. н.э. [Електронний ресурс] / Е. В. Сильвестрова. - М. : Индрик, 2007. - 248 с.


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Настоящая монография посвящена проблемам систематизации источников права в Поздней Римской и Византийской империи в V-VI вв. н. э., а также в IX начале X вв. В работе исследуется процесс становления и развития понятий закон, кодекс, правоустановите

право -- закон -- кодекс

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Clark, Katerina.
Moscow, the fourth Rome [Electronic resource] : stalinism, cosmopolitanism, and the evolution of Soviet culture, 1931–1941 / Katerina Clark. - Cambridge : Harvard University Press, 2011. - 431 p
Переклад назви: Москва, четвертий Рим: сталінізм, космополітизм і еволюція радянської культури, 1931-1941


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In the early sixteenth century, the monk Filofei proclaimed Moscow the "Third Rome." By the 1930s, intellectuals and artists all over the world thought of Moscow as a mecca of secular enlightenment. In Moscow, the Fourth Rome, Katerina Clark shows how Soviet officials and intellectuals, in seeking to capture the imagination of leftist and anti-fascist intellectuals throughout the world, sought to establish their capital as the cosmopolitan center of a post-Christian confederation and to rebuild it to become a beacon for the rest of the world. Clark provides an interpretative cultural history of the city during the crucial 1930s, the decade of the Great Purge. She draws on the work of intellectuals such as Sergei Eisenstein, Sergei Tretiakov, Mikhail Koltsov, and Ilya Ehrenburg to shed light on the singular Zeitgeist of that most Stalinist of periods. In her account, the decade emerges as an important moment in the prehistory of key concepts in literary and cultural studies today-transnationalism, cosmopolitanism, and world literature. By bringing to light neglected antecedents, she provides a new polemical and political context for understanding canonical works of writers such as Brecht, Benjamin, Lukacs, and Bakhtin. Moscow, the Fourth Rome breaches the intellectual iron curtain that has circumscribed cultural histories of Stalinist Russia, by broadening the framework to include considerable interaction with Western intellectuals and trends. Its integration of the understudied international dimension into the interpretation of Soviet culture remedies misunderstandings of the world-historical significance of Moscow under Stalin.

сталінський ампір -- імперський кітч -- архітектурна гігантоманія -- тоталітаризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Landels, John G..
Music in Ancient Greece and Rome [Electronic resource] / J. G. Landels. - London : Routledge, 1999. - 296 p
Переклад назви: Музика в Стародавній Греції і Римі

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Music in Ancient Greece and Rome provides a comprehensive introduction to the history of music from Homeric times to the Roman emperor Hadrian, presented in a concise and user-friendly way

культура -- історія -- музика

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Religion, dynasty, and patronage in early christian Rome, 300-900 [Electronic resource] / ed. K. Cooper, J. Hillner. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 345 p.
Переклад назви: Релігія, династія та заступництво в Ранному Християнському Римі, 300-900 р.


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‘In all ages, whatever the form or name of government, be it monarchy, republic, or democracy, an oligarchy lurks behind the fac¸ade.’1 With these words Sir Ronald Syme began his landmark investigation into the lively political networks of the late Republican noble families of the city of Rome, families who drew their power from ancestry and landed wealth as much as from the political process. This statement holds gradually less true for their successors at the end of antiquity, who struggled to maintain their position in the face of set-backs such as civil war in Italy in the 470s and 480s, and again from 534 to 554. The fifth and sixth centuries saw a progressive erosion of the landed wealth of Rome’s aristocratic families. While they had long resisted the centralizing instincts of Rome’s principal land-owner, the emperor, new pressures and opportunities led the Roman aristocracy to seek a more cooperative relationship with Rome’s bishop, whose ever greater ex officio holdings came to rival those of the emperor, and were more secure in the face of political upheaval.

історія Риму

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Mueller, Hans-Friedrich.
Roman Religion in Valerius Maximus [Electronic resource] / Hans-Friedrich Mueller. - London : Routledge, 2002. - 266 p.
Переклад назви: Давньоримська релігія та Валерій Максим


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Valerius Maximus was an indefatigable collector of historical anecdotes illustrating vice and virtue. His Memorable Deeds and Sayings are unparalleled as a source for the opinions of Romans in the early empire on a vast range of subjects. Mueller focuses on what Valerius can tell us about contemporary Roman attitudes to religion, attacking several orthodoxies along the way. He argues that Roman religion could be deeply emotional. That it was possible to believe passionately in the divinity of the emperor - even when, like Tiberius, he was still alive - and that Rome's gods and religious rituals had an important role in fostering conventional morality. The study further explores elements of ancient rhetoric, Roman historiography, and Tiberian Rome. The fact that Valerius was a contemporary of Jesus means his work is also valuable in reflecting the attitudes and beliefs of the ruling class to which Christ and his followers were politically subject, and which formed the background to the growth and persecution of Christianity.

Стародавній Рим -- історичний анекдот

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wild, Fiona.
Rome [Electronic resource] / F. Wild. - London : Dorling Kindersley, 2011. - 448 p. - (Eyewitness travel)
Переклад назви: Рим


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The new-look "DK Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" - now complete with a free pull-out city map, clearly marked with sights from the guidebook - will lead you straight to the best attractions this cultural city has to offer. You'll find detailed listings of the best hotels, restaurants, bars and shops for all budgets in this fully updated and expanded guide, and insider tips on everything from soaking up the charms of the cafe scene to gaping at the ancient ruins that line the streets. And, you'll find in-depth coverage of all Rome's unforgettable sights from the Colosseum to Villa Borghese. DK's uniquely visual "Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" includes unique cutaways, floorplans and reconstructions of the city's stunning architecture, and 3D aerial views of the best districts to explore on foot. And the new-look guide's indispensible map is so easy-to-use - keep it with the book or remove and use on its own. The map has detailed street views of all the key areas, and there are transport maps and information on how to get around, including the most useful tickets to buy for your stay. There's even a chart showing the distances between major sights for walkers. "DK Eyewitness Rome Travel Guide" shows you what others only tell you.

місто -- туризм -- історія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fields, N.
Rome's Saxon shore [Electronic resource] : coastal defences of Roman Britain AD 250-500 / N. Fields. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2006. - 64 p.. - (Fortress)
Переклад назви: Саксонський берег Риму: прибережній захист римської Великобританії 250-500 н. е.


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Although the exact dates of construction of the so-called Saxon Shore forts are uncertain, the development of the frontier system that ran form the Wash to the Solent on the south-east coast of Roman Britain was spread over at least a century and a half. Many of the new forts were notable for the superior strength of their defences, with thicker stone walls bristling with projecting curved bastions. These and other features were clearly designed to them more difficult to storm than old-style frontier forts with their classic playing-card shape and internal towers. Defense earlier in the Roman era had meant aggressive response in the open field or even offensive pre-emptive strikes into enemy territory. The new trend was to build stronger, the emphasis being on solid, more static defense, anticipating attack and absorbing it rather than going out to meet it. Most of the major harbours and estuaries of the east and south-east coasts of Britain were fortified in this manner. There was a similar series of military installations across the Channel in Gaul, extending along the northern coast as far as what is now Brittany. Whatever their precise tactical and strategic function, a continuing debate to which this book contributes, the construction of these stone forts represented a huge outlay of money, and commitment of manpower and materials. The Saxon Shore Forts are among the most impressive surviving monuments of Roman Britain. This book addresses a number ofthe fascinating questions they provoke - Who built these Forts? When and for what purposes? How were they built? How did they operate? Who garrisoned them, and for how long?

прикордонна система -- фортеця -- оборона

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Sabin, P.
The Cambridge History of Greek and Roman Warfare [Electronic resource] / P. Sabin, H. V. Wees, M. Whitby. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2008
Переклад назви: Кембриджська історія грецької та римської війни


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Vol. II : Rome from the Late Republic to the Late Empire. - 2008. - 546 p.

Warfare was the single biggest preoccupation of historians in antiquity. In recent decades fresh textual interpretations, numerous new archaeological discoveries and a much broader analytical focus emphasising social, economic, political and cultural approaches have transformed our understanding of ancient warfare. Volume II of this two-volume History reflects these developments and provides a systematic account, written by a distinguished cast of contributors, of the various themes underlying the warfare of the Roman world from the Late Republic to the sixth-century empire of Justinian and his successors. For each broad period developments in troop-types, equipment, strategy and tactics are discussed. These are placed in the broader context of developments in international relations and the relationship of warfare to both the state and wider society. Numerous illustrations, a glossary and chronology, and information about the authors mentioned supplement the text. This will become the primary reference work for specialists and non-specialists alike.

війна -- відносини -- армія -- імперія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Plokhy, S.
The cossacks and religion in early modern Ukraine [Electronic resource] / S. Plokhy. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2001. - 401 p
Переклад назви: Козаки та релігія в ранній сучасній Україні


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The Ukrainian Cossacks, often compared in historical literature to the pirates of the Mediterranean and the frontiersmen of the American West, constituted one of the largest Cossack hosts in the European steppe borderland. They became famous as ferocious warriors, their fighting skills developed in their religious wars against the Tartars, Turks, Poles, and Russians. By and large the Cossacks were Orthodox Christians, and quite early in their history they adopted a religious ideology in their struggle against those of other faiths. Their acceptance of the Muscovite protectorate in 1654 was also influenced by their religious ideas. This study examines the confessionalisation of religious life in early modern period Ukraine, and shows how Cossack involvement in the religious struggle between Eastern Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism helped shape cultural identities not only in the Ukraine but also in Russia and Poland.

релігійна ідеологія -- римський католицизм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Williamson, C.
The laws of the Roman people [Electronic resource] : public law in the expansion and decline of the Roman Republic / C. Williamson. - Michigan : The University of Michigan Press, 2005. - 506 p.
Переклад назви: Закони римського народу: публічне право в розширенні і занепаді Римської республіки


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This intellectually powerful and highly original book examines Roman expansion through the lens of public lawmaking, the process of negotiation and debate by which citizen assemblies resolved conflict and expressed consensus. Williamson incisively examines how problems of expansion were managed, and boldly argues that in the end it was expansion itself—both of the electorate and its leadership—that overwhelmed the problem-solving capacities of public lawmaking and led to the breakdown of the Republic

право -- історія -- Рим

   Тип видання:   атлас   

Scarre, Chris.
The Penguin Historical Atlas of Ancient Rome [Electronic resource] / Chris Scarre. - London : Penguin Books, 1995. - 144 p
Переклад назви: Історичний Атлас Стародавнього Риму


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Traces the Roman Empire's rise and fall, looking at its provinces and cities, trade and economy, armies and frontier defenses; following its foreign wars and internecine struggles; charting its transformation into a Christian theocracy; and assessing its lasting impact on the modern world. Full-color maps and illustrations throughout.

Римська імперія -- стародавня історія -- культура античності

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського