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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cipriani, D.
Childrens Rights and the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility [Electronic resource] : a Global Perspective / D. Cipriani. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Дитячі права і мінімальний вік кримінальної відповідальності: глобальна перспектива


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Children of almost any age can break the law, but at what age should children first face the possibility of criminal responsibility for their alleged crimes? This work is the first global analysis of national minimum ages of criminal responsibility (MACRs), the international legal obligations that surround them, and the principal considerations for establishing and implementing respective age limits. Taking an international children's rights approach, with a rich theoretical framework and the vitality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this work maintains a critical perspective, such as in challenging the assumptions of many children's rights scholars and advocates. Compiling the age limits and statutory sources for all countries, this book explains the broad historical origins behind most of them, identifying the recurring practical challenges that affect every country and providing the first comprehensive evidence that a general principle of international law requires all nations, regardless of their treaty ratifications, to establish respective minimum age limits.

дитина -- законодавство -- кримінальна відповідальність

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dodd, Julian.
An identity theory of truth [Electronic resource] / Julian Dodd. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2008. - 213 p
Переклад назви: Правдива теорія тотожності


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In this book, Dodd explains that correspondence theories of truth fail because the relation between true thought and fact is identity, not correspondence. Facts are not complexes of worldly entities which make thoughts true; they are merely true thoughts. The resulting modest identity theory allows for a defensible deflation of the concept of truth.

нейрофізіологія -- свідомість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Ferraro, M.
Investigating Child Exploitation and Pornography [Electronic resource] : the Internet, Law and Forensic Science / M. Ferraro, E. Casey. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2005. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Розслідування експлуатації дітей та дитячої порнографії: інтернет, право і криміналістика


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Crime scenes associated with child sexual exploitation and trafficking in child pornography were once limited to physical locations such as school playgrounds, church vestibules, trusted neighbors' homes, camping trips and seedy darkly lit back rooms of adult bookstores. The explosion of Internet use has created a virtual hunting ground for sexual predators and has fueled a brisk, multi-billion dollar trade in the associated illicit material. Approximately half of the caseload in computer crimes units involves the computer assisted sexual exploitation of children. Despite the scale of this problem, or perhaps because of it, there are no published resources that bring together the complex mingling of disciplines and expertise required to put together a computer assisted child exploitation case. This work fills this void, providing police, prosecutors and forensic examiners with the historical, legal, technical, and social background for the laws prohibiting child exploitation, in particular, child pornography. The book will become an indispensable resource for those involved in the investigation, prosecution and study of computer-assisted child sexual exploitation.

злочин -- дитина

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Humbert, F.
The Challenge of Child Labour in International Law [Electronic resource] / F. Humbert. - New York : Cambridge University Press, 2009. - 435 p.
Переклад назви: Проблема дитячої праці в міжнародному праві


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Child labour remains a widespread problem around the world. Over 200 million children can be regarded as child labourers, and about 10 million children are involved in producing either agricultural or manufactured products for export. Franziska Humbert explores the status of child labour in international law. Offering a wide-ranging analysis of the problem, she explores the various UN and ILO instruments and reveals the weaknesses of the current frameworks installed by these bodies to protect children from economic exploitation. After assessing to what extent trade measures such as conditionalities, labelling and trade restrictions and promotional activities can reduce child labour, she suggests an alternative legal framework which takes into account the needs of children.

дитина -- право -- дитяча праця

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jian, Guo.
Historical dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution [Electronic resource] / G. Jian, Y. Song, Y. Zhou. - Lanham : Scarecrow Press, 2006. - 464 p.. - (Historical dictionaries of ancient civilizations and historical eras ; no. 17)
Переклад назви: Історичний словник китайської "культурної революції"


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Despite the tendency of history to repeat itself, some eras are truly unique, the Chinese Cultural Revolution being a case in point. This was not a revolution, nor was it a civil war; it probably came closer to a free-forall. There were different sides, but the membership constantly changed, new ruling class against old ruling class, have-nots against haves, young against elders, uneducated against educated, countryside against city— just some of the dividing lines. This was exacerbated by ideology, but power was an even stronger drive. Some of the slogans of the time probably defi ne it just as well, such as “turning the world upside down to create a new world,” and it did look as if the monkey god had been let loose. Yet, even then, someone was pulling the strings and this someone was an aging Mao Zedong, unwilling to tolerate any rival and even to trust old comrades. For the greater part of the decade 1966–1976, the Cultural Revolution wreaked havoc in the world’s largest society, undermining the party, government, and army, weakening the economy, society, and culture, and affecting China’s 800 million people and harming or destroying an eighth of the population. The strongest hope among most of the survivors was never to live through such a period again and to make it truly unique. Given the confusion that reigned at the time and the uncertainty about many events that still prevails today, it is essential to have a book like this Historical Dictionary of the Chinese Cultural Revolution to help clear up some of the points. This book does not claim to be the last word, which is defi nitely in its favor, but it brings us another step closer to understanding what still remains an extremely convoluted and confusing era. This it does, fi rst, through a chronology tracing the events showing at least what happened and when. The introduction then endeavours to fl esh out the chronology by putting events and people in their places and showing how these events and people relate to one another. The countless details are extensively elucidated in entries on signifi cant persons, places and institutions, the more momentous events, the political and ideological movements, and much more. Since this did take place in China, the glossary is a useful tool for those researching it in Chinese. For those who want to know more, the bibliography is an excellent starting point.

комунізм -- тоталітаризм -- пропаганда -- тиск на свідомість

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Kazdin, Alan E..
Encyclopedia of Psychology [Electronic resource] : in 8 vol. / Alan E. Kazdin. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 4128 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія психології : у 8 томах


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After more than a century of extraordinary growth and development, the science of psychology at last has a reference source that defines the study of mind and behavior. Here in eight superbly organized volumes is the definitive guide to every area of psychological theory, research, and practice. International in scope, the Encyclopedia of Psychology is the first place to turn to for authoritative information on every area of the field. Organized alphabetically, the articles range from 500 to 7,000 words in length including 400 biographies. An extensive system of cross-references and blind entries facilitate research from article to article and clarify links within the field. And an exhaustive index locates topics quickly and easily--providing many points of access across areas of interest and fields of study. The Encyclopedia of Psychology serves a remarkable variety of readers: students and their teachers in every area of psychology as well as in such related fields as sociology, social work, nursing, and allied health; researchers in the cognitive sciences and neurosciences; and clinicians, counselors, and other mental health and human service professionals. It will be the definitive information, research, and reference source for many years to come.

психологія -- свідомість -- поведінка -- особистість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Klein, Naomi.
The shock doctrine [Electronic resource] : the rise of disaster capitalism / Naomi Klein. - New York : Metropolitan Books, 2001. - 720 p
Переклад назви: Доктрина шоку : розквіт капіталізму катастроф


Географічні рубрики:

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In this groundbreaking alternative history of the most dominant ideology of our time, Milton Friedman's free-market economic revolution, Naomi Klein challenges the popular myth of this movement's peaceful global victory. From Chile in 1973 to Iraq today, Klein shows how Friedman and his followers have repeatedly harnessed terrible shocks and violence to implement their radical policies. As John Gray wrote in The Guardian, "There are very few books that really help us understand the present. The Shock Doctrine is one of those books."

війна -- тероризм -- катастрофа -- кризова свідомість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Mogilner, Marina.
Homo imperii [Electronic resource] : a history of physical anthropology in Russia / Marina Mogilner. - Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2013. - 504 p.
Переклад назви: Людина імперії: історія фізичної антропології в Росії

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It is widely assumed that the “nonclassical” nature of the Russian empire and its equally “nonclassical” modernity made Russian intellectuals immune to the racial obsessions of Western Europe and the United States. Homo Imperii corrects this perception by offering the first scholarly history of racial science in prerevolutionary Russia and the early Soviet Union. Marina Mogilner places this story in the context of imperial self-modernization, political and cultural debates of the epoch, different reformist and revolutionary trends, and the growing challenge of modern nationalism. By focusing on the competing centers of race science in different cities and regions of the empire, Homo Imperii introduces to English-language scholars the institutional nexus of racial science in Russia that exhibits the influence of imperial strategic relativism. Reminiscent of the work of anthropologists of empire such as Ann Stoler and Benedict Anderson, Homo Imperii reveals the complex imperial dynamics of Russian physical anthropology and contributes an important comparative perspective from which to understand the emergence of racial science in nineteenth- and twentieth-century Europe and America.

Росія -- антропологія -- імперська свідомість

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Myers, B. R.
The cleanest race [Electronic resource] : how North Koreans see themselves and why It matters / B. R. Myers. - New York : Melville House, 2010. - 224 p
Переклад назви: Найчистіша раса: як північні корейці бачать себе і чому це важливо


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What do the North Koreans really believe? How do they see themselves and the world around them? Here B.R. Myers, a North Korea analyst and a contributing editor of The Atlantic, presents the first full-length study of the North Korean worldview. Drawing on extensive research into the regime's domestic propaganda, including films, romance novels and other artifacts of the personality cult, Myers analyzes each of the country's official myths in turn—from the notion of Koreans' unique moral purity, to the myth of an America quaking in terror of “the Iron General.” In a concise but groundbreaking historical section, Myers also traces the origins of this official culture back to the Japanese fascist thought in which North Korea's first ideologues were schooled. What emerges is a regime completely unlike the West's perception of it. This is neither a bastion of Stalinism nor a Confucian patriarchy, but a paranoid nationalist, “military-first” state on the far right of the ideological spectrum. Since popular support for the North Korean regime now derives almost exclusively from pride in North Korean military might, Pyongyang can neither be cajoled nor bullied into giving up its nuclear program. The implications for US foreign policy—which has hitherto treated North Korea as the last outpost of the Cold War—are as obvious as they are troubling. With North Korea now calling for a “blood reckoning” with the “Yankee jackals,” Myers's unprecedented analysis could not be more timely.

тоталітарна свідомість -- чучхе -- самоусвідомлення -- пропаганда -- шовінізм

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Ottaviani, G.
Crib Death [Electronic resource] : sudden Unexplained Death of Infants – The Pathologist’s Viewpoint / G. Ottaviani. - Heidelberg : Springer, 2007. - 146 p.
Переклад назви: Смерть у дитячому ліжку: раптова незрозуміла смерть немовлят


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Crib death (SIDS) is the most frequent cause of death for infants during the first year. A systematic study of the autonomic nervous system and cardiac system has been performed on a large number of infants and fetuses who died suddenly and unexpectedly, as well as in age-matched control cases. The neurological and cardiac findings are described here, and the relationship between SIDS and unexplained fetal death is discussed.

дитяча смертність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Pinker, S.
How the mind works [Electronic resource] / S. Pinker. - London : Penguin Books, 1998. - 672 p.
Переклад назви: Як працює розум


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The Pulitzer Prize finalist and national bestseller How the Mind Works is a fascinating, provocative work exploring the mysteries of human thought and behavior. How do we see in three dimensions? How do we remember names and faces? How is it, indeed, that we ponder the nature of our own consciousness? Why do we fall in love? In this bold, extraordinary book, Pinker synthesizes the best of cognitive science and evolutionary biology to explain what the mind is, how it has evolved, and, ultimately, how it works. This edition includes a new afterword that explores the impact of the book and its relevance today.

мислення -- людська поведінка -- свідомість

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

The Gale encyclopedia of children's health: infancy through adolescence [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / ed. K. M. Krapp, J. Wilson. - Detroit : Thomson Gale, 2005
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія здоров'я дитини


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Vol 1 : A - C. - P. 1-550

Vol. 2 : D - K. - P. 551-1058

Vol. 3 : L - R. - P. 1059-1601

Vol. 4 : S - Z. - P. 1602-2178

Perfect for parents and allied health students, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides in-depth coverage of pediatric diseases and disorders, along with issues related to physical and cognitive/behavioral development. Written without hard-to-understand medical jargon, the four-volume set uses language parents can understand, while still providing enough depth to benefit today's health science students. The set, which covers every major body system, is arranged into five main entry types: Diseases & Disorders; Development; Immunizations; Drugs; Procedures. With a distinct emphasis on the health issues affecting children under the age of four, the Gale Encyclopedia of Children's Health provides a much-needed service to new parents and promises to be a frequently used resource in any library.

педіатрія -- дитяча хвороба

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Twain, Mark.
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court [Electronic resource] / Mark Twain. - New York : Dover Publications, 2001. - 272 p
Переклад назви: Янкі з Коннектикуту при дворі короля Артура


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This book--at times disjointed, rambling, self-referential, and irreverent--is decades ahead of its time. It's an interdisciplinarian's dream as Twain takes on economics, geography, politics, ancient and contemporary history, and folklore with equal ease. Mostly though, one appreciates his knack for exaggeration, the tall tale, and the outright lie. It's a triumph of tone, as he lets you in on his wild wit, his keen observation, and his penchant for bending the truth without losing his credibility as a guide. The book's structure is also modern: He recounts his days as a paddlewheel steam boat "cub," piloting the hundreds of miles of the Mississippi before the Civil War, then, in Part 2, returns to retrace his paddleboat route. Although a few of his many digressions don't work (they sometimes sound formulaic or too detailed) most of the narrative is extremely entertaining. Twain seems caught between admiration and disdain for the "modern" age-but he also rejects over-sentimentality over the past. He writes with beauty and cynicism, verve and humor. Very highly recommended!

пригодницький роман -- дитяча література

   Тип видання:   художня література   

Twain, Mark.
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn [Electronic resource] : кн. 2 / Mark Twain. - New York : Bantam Classics, 1981. - 454 p. - (The Adventures of Tom Sayer)
Переклад назви: Пригоди Гекльберрі Фінна


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Book Description Hilariously picaresque, epic in scope, alive with the poetry and vigor of the American people, Mark Twain's story about a young boy and his journey down the Mississippi was the first great novel to speak in a truly American voice. Influencing subsequent generations of writers – from Sherwood Anderson to Twain's fellow Missourian, T.S. Eliot, from Ernest Hemingway and William Faulkner to J.D. Salinger – Huckleberry Finn, like the river which flows through its pages, is one of the great sources which nourished and still nourishes the literature of America.

пригоди -- дитяча література

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Іванова, Л. Г.
Україна між Сходом і Заходом [Електронний ресурс] : до проблеми становлення національної ідеї в українській суспільно-політичній думці в контексті східноєвропейського розвитку (І половиха ХІХ ст.) / Л. Г. Іванова. - К. : НПУ ім. М. П. Драгоманова, 2007. - 192 с.


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національна свідомість -- політичний процес

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Іллєнко, Ю.
За українську Україну [Електронний ресурс] : відкритий лист українцям / Ю. Іллєнко. - К. : МАУП, 2005. - 240 с.


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Збірка художньо-публіцистичних творів видатного сучасного українського кінематографіста Юрія Іллєнка слово за словом, думка за думкою незворотно доводить, що майбутнє нашої Батьківщини в руках нас самих, українців. Треба лише зрозуміти як скористатися своїми можливостями. У роки Другої світової війни в окопах друкований аркуш був на вагу золота. Тому на листівках читали наказ: "Прочти и передай товарищу". Коли ми впритул наблизимося до виборів у Верховну Раду, то темники Медведчука-Кучми видуться нам безневинними дитячими забавками. Інформаційні канали будуть заблоковані для всіх, крім нової Влади. Тоді ця книжка знадобиться: "Прочитай і передай товаришеві. Прочитай і відішли своїм батькам, дітям друзям і навіть тим, хто традиційно відхрещується від своїє долі словами: "Мене це не стосується". Для широкого загалу.

історія України -- етнонаціоналізм -- політологія -- публіцистика

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Абетка [Електронний ресурс] / уклад. І. Малкович. - 11-е вид.. - К. : А-БА-БА-ГА-ЛА-МА-ГА, 2008. - 36 с.


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Взагалі книжка подана в яскравому світлі. Великі, броскі іллюстрації, вірші легко запам`ятовуються , в кінці книжки яскравий англійський алфавіт. Багатоманітність кольорів, незнайомі тваринки обов’язково cподобаються малюку. Та й подарунок це чудовий, особливо якщо це буде перша абетка в житті! Ця книга здобула ряд перемог на престижних книжкових конкурсах: "Найкраще дитяче видання 1999 р." на конкурсі "Книга року"; ґран-прі Івана Федорова конкурсу "Мистецтво книги"; 1-шу премію Форуму видавців України (1999) та ін. Проілюстрував книгу Кость Лавро - один із найталановитіших українських книжкових графіків.


   Тип видання:   художня література   

Абрамов, С. А.
Рыжий, Красный и человек опасный [Електронний ресурс] : сказка-быль / С. А. Абрамов. - М. : ТОО, 1990. - 384 с.


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Это фантастика. Но абсолютно ненаучная. Не ищите в этих повестях космических путешествий или встреч с пришельцами. Они - о Фантастике, которая сопровождает каждого из нас всю жизнь, живет рядом, но открывается только тем, кто ее достоин. Во-первых, детям. А во-вторых, тем взрослым, которые сумели сохранить в себе детство. А уж тогда с нами такое происходит - ну, просто фантастика! В нашей библиотеке вы можете бесплатно почитать книгу « Рыжий, красный и человек опасный ».

дитяча література -- фантастика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Агранович, Софья З..
Homo amphibolos. Археология сознания [Електронний ресурс] / Софья З. Агранович, Сергей В. Березин. - Самара : Бахрах-М, 2005. - 344 с.


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Эта книга названа "Homo amphibolos" - человек двусмысленный. Исследуя генетическую природу психологических феноменов человеческого сознания и кардинальных категорий культуры, авторы выстраивают принципиально новую гипотезу, объясняющую происхождение человека и архаические истоки его сознания.

психологія -- архетипи -- свідомість

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Актуальні питання освіти і науки [Електронний ресурс] : матеріали ІV міжнар. наук.- практ. конф., 10-11 листоп. 2016 р. / Харківський національний економічний університет імені Семена Кузнеця ; голова ред. кол. Т. В. Колбіна. - Харків : ХОКОГЗ, 2016. - 500 с.


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До збірника увійшли кращі статті з теоретичних і практичних питань в освітній та науковій галузі, які подано до участі в ІV міжнародній науково-практичній конференції “Актуальні питання освіти і науки“, Харків, 10-11 листопада 2016 р. Адресований науковцям, викладачам ВНЗ, ад’юнктам, аспірантам, працівникам галузі філософії, філології, педагогіки, психології, медицини, а також широкому кругу фахівців.

компетентнісний підхід -- міжкультурна комунікація -- глобалістична свідомість

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