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Augusteijn, Joost.
The Irish Revolution 1913–1923 [Electronic resource] / J. Augusteijn. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2002. - 263 p
Переклад назви: Ірландські революції 1913-1923


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This collection of essays brings together the main historians of the Irish Revolution, 1913-1923. Through detailed research and wide-ranging analysis of key themes, they provide the most up-to-date answers to, and debate on, the fundamental questions concerning this period, including: what was the nature of the revolution; what were its causes; how was the war fought and ended; and what have been the repercussions? Essential reading for all those interested in Ireland and the study of revolution.

боротьба -- історія -- революція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Biondich, Mark.
The Balkans [Electronic resource] : revolution, War, and Political Violence since 1878 / M. Biondich. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2011. - 384 p
Переклад назви: Балкани: революція, війна та політичне насилля з 1878 р.


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The Balkans has long been a place of encounter among different peoples, religions, and civilizations, resulting in a rich cultural tapestry and mosaic of nationalities. But it has also been burdened by a traumatic post-colonial experience. The transition from traditional multinational empires to modern nation-states has been accompanied by large-scale political violence that has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands and the permanent displacement of millions more. Mark Biondich examines the origins of these conflicts, while treating the region as an integral part of modern European history, shaped by much the same forces and intellectual impulses. It reminds us that political violence and ethnic cleansing have scarcely been unique to the Balkans. As Biondich shows, the political violence that has bedevilled the region since the late nineteenth century stemmed from modernity and the ideology of integral nationalism, employed by states that were dominated by democratizing or authoritarian nationalizing elites committed to national homogeneity. Throughout this period, the Balkan proponents of democratic governance, civil society, and multiculturalism were progressively marginalized. The history of revolution, war, political violence, and ethnic cleansing in the modern Balkans is above all the story of this tragic marginalization.

історія -- політика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Blackburn, Robin.
Marx and Lincoln [Electronic resource] : an Unfinished Revolution / R. Blackburn. - London ; New York : Verso, 2011. - 268 p.
Переклад назви: Маркс і Лінкольн: нескінченна революція


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In photographs Karl Marx and Abraham Lincoln both look the part of the respectable Victorian gentleman. But they were almost diametrically opposed in their attitude toward what was called at the time the social question. Lincoln happily represented railroad corporations as a lawyer. As a politician he was a champion of free wage labor. Karl Marx, on the other hand, was a declared foe of capitalism who insisted that wage labor was in fact wage slavery, since the worker was compelled by economic necessity to sell his defi ning human attribute—his labor power—because if he did not, his family would soon face hunger and homelessness.

капіталізм -- демократія -- політологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cottrell, Robert Charles.
The Czech Republic [Electronic resource] : the velvet revolution / Robert Charles Cottrell. - New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 2005. - 144 p. - (Arbitrary Borders)
Переклад назви: Чехія: оксамитова революція


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This series examines the key consequences of arbitrary border making in world history - past and present * These studies describe arbitrary borders as places where people interact differently from the way they would had the boundary not existed * Analytical, but easy to read, these brief histories will appeal to a broad sweep of readership

революція -- декомунізація -- ненасильницький спротив -- Чехія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Eaton, K. B.
Daily life in the Soviet Union [Electronic resource] / K. B. Eaton. - Westport : Greenwood Press, 2004. - 320 p.. - (Daily Life Throught History)
Переклад назви: Повсякденне життя в Радянському Союзі


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Details what ordinary life was like during the extraordinary years of the reign of Soviet Union. Thirty-six illustrations, thematic chapters, a glossary, timeline, annotated multimedia bibliography, and detailed index make it a sound starting point for looking at this powerful nation's immediate past. What was ordinary life like in the Soviet police state? The phrase daily life implies an orderly routine in a stable environment. However, many millions of Soviet citizens experienced repeated upheavals in their everyday lives. Soviet citizens were forced to endure revolution, civil war, two World Wars, forced collectivization, famine, massive deportations, mass terror campaigns perpetrated against them by their own leaders, and chronic material deprivations. Even the perpetrators often became victims. Many millions, of all ages, nationalities, and walks of life, did not survive these experiences. At the same time, millions managed to live tranquilly, work in factories, farm the fields, serve in the military, and even find joy in their existence. Structured topically, this volume begins with an historical introduction to the Soviet period (1917-1991) and a timeline. Chapters that follow are devoted to such core topics as: government and law, the economy, the military, rural life, education, health care, housing, ethnic groups, religion, the media, leisure, popular culture, and the arts. The volume also has two maps, including a map of ethnic groups and languages, and over thirty photographs of people going about their lives in good times and bad. A glossary, a list of student-friendly books and multimedia sources for classroom and/or individual use, and an index round out the work, making it a valuable resource for high school as well as undergraduate courses on modern Russian and Soviet history. Copious chapter endnotes provide numerous starting points for students and teachers who want to delve more deeply.

громадянська війна -- революція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Farber, Samuel.
Origins of the Cuban revolution reconsidered [Electronic resource] / Samuel Farber. - Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press, 2006. - 228 p
Переклад назви: Переосмислений погляд на походження кубинської революції


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Analyzing the crucial period of the Cuban Revolution from 1959 to 1961, Samuel Farber challenges dominant scholarly and popular views of the revolution's sources, shape, and historical trajectory. Unlike many observers, who treat Cuba's revolutionary leaders as having merely reacted to U.S. policies or domestic socioeconomic conditions, Farber shows that revolutionary leaders, while acting under serious constraints, were nevertheless autonomous agents pursuing their own independent ideological visions, although not necessarily according to a master plan. Exploring how historical conflicts between U.S. and Cuban interests colored the reactions of both nations' leaders after the overthrow of Fulgencio Batista, Farber argues that the structure of Cuba's economy and politics in the first half of the twentieth century made the island ripe for radical social and economic change, and the ascendant Soviet Union was on hand to provide early assistance. Taking advantage of recently declassified U.S. and Soviet documents as well as biographical and narrative literature from Cuba, Farber focuses on three key years to explain how the Cuban rebellion rapidly evolved from a multiclass, antidictatorial movement into a full-fledged social revolution.

революція -- Куба -- зміна державного ладу

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Fink, Carole.
1968 [Electronic resource] : the world transformed / Carole Fink, Philipp Gassert, Detle Junker. - Washington : The German Historical Institute ; New York : Cambridge University Press, 1998. - 503 p
Переклад назви: 1968: світові перетворення


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This book grew out of a conference organized by the German Historical Institute (GHI) on May 23-5, 1996, iii Berlin. For three days, thirty-five scholars from n\ne countries became acht-und-sechziger (sixty-eighters), not on the streets and barricades but in lively debate over the events and significance of the momentous year 1968. This book consists of revised versions of many of the original papers as well as entirely new essays that complement our overall theme. I thank all of the authors and also those who participated in the conference but whose work could not be included here. I am grateful to Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich (Free University Berlin), Luisa Passerini (European University Institute, Florence), Keith A. Reader (University of Newcastle), and Dieter Rucht (Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin) for chairing the various sessions and for guiding us through spirited discussions. In Berlin, the Wissenschaftszentrum afforded a comfortable setting for three days of intensive debate. I thank Friedheim Neidhardt, the center'sdirector, and his dedicated staff - Birgit Hahn, Britta Heinrich, Ilse Kischlat, Dietmar Kremser, and Burckhard Wiebe - for hosting the conference and helping with its organization. Dieter Senoner of the mayor's office kindly welcomed us to Berlin at a reception at the Rotes Rathaus. Anneke de Rudder, who took us on a "1968 Walking Tour" through the German capital, gave us the opportunity to visit the key sites of that historic year.At the GHI, I thank Barbel Bernhardt, Christa Brown, Dieter Schneider, and Barbel Thomas - all of whom were involved in the organization before, during, and after the conference. Pamela Abraham tracked down the copyrights for the illustrations and assisted in assembling the manuscript. Daniel S. Mattern, the series editor at the Institute, deserves a special note of appreciation for guiding us through the difficult process of publishing this collection and for preparing a readable, clear, and concise manuscript. Frank Smith, the executive editor for social sciences at Cambridge University Press, took great interest in this project from the begin-IX X Preface ning and helped bring about its final shape. Further, I thank the two anonymous readers for their very useful critical evaluations of the manuscript. Finally, I thank my two coeditors. Carole Fink provided the original plan, which she presented to me at another GHI conference, in Berkeley, California, in May 1994. In subsequent discussions, we discovered that "1968" is a particularly well-suited topic for understanding the intellectual challenges that increasing global interdependence poses to historians of the twentieth century. We were later joined by Philipp Gassert, who worked with us to organize the conference and edit the book. I shall miss these last three and a half years of spirited collaboration among three very engaged historians. The topic of this book dovetails nicely with the efforts of the GHI in Washington to promote comparative research. In fact, most of the four to five international conferences the Institute rganizes annually are based on this perspective, comparing events, ideas, and structures in the United States and Europe. At times we have even taken a global perspective, with 1968: The World Traniformed being a case in point. In this age of globalization, historians should also become global players - at least mentally.

студентські заворушення -- сексуальна революція -- зміна культурної парадигми -- лібералізація суспільства

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Fremont-Barnes, G.
The Royal navy 1793-1815 [Electronic resource] / G. Fremont-Barnes. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2007. - 96 p.. - (Battle Orders)
Переклад назви: Королівський флот 1793-1815


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By the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 Britain was the undisputed master of the seas owing to the power and strength of the Royal Navy. Its fleets, comprising ships of the line, frigates, and gunboats, had doubled in size since the outbreak of the French Revolutionary Wars in 1793, totaling almost a thousand capital vessels. This book examines the commanders, men, and ships of the Royal Navy during the French Revolution and Napoleonic wars, and discusses the Navy's command structure (from the Admiralty down to ship level) and its organization at sea. The tactics employed in action by a fleet, a squadron, and individual ships are also discussed, as are the medical services available, providing a fascinating insight into the navy that ruled the waves.

війна -- корабель -- фрегат -- революція -- військовий транспорт

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Huffines, A. C.
The Texas war of Independence 1835-1836 [Electronic resource] : from outbreak to the Alamo to San Jacinto / A. C. Huffines. - Oxford : Osprey Publishing, 2005. - 97 p.. - (Essential Histories)
Переклад назви: Війна Техаса за незалежність 1835-1836: від початку до Аламо в Сан-Хасінто


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The Texas Revolution is remembered chiefly for the 13-day siege of the Alamo and its immortal heroes. This book describes the war and the preceding years that were marked by resentments and minor confrontations as the ambitions of Mexico's leaders clashed with the territorial determination of Texan settlers. When the war broke in October 1835, the invading Mexicans, under the leadership of the flamboyant President-General Santa Ana, fully expected to crush a ragged army of frontiersmen. Led by Sam Houston, the Texans rallied in defense of the new Lone Star state, defeated the Mexicans in a mere 18 minutes at the battle of San Jacinto and won their independence.

революція -- битва -- держава

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Jiaqi, Yan.
Turbulent decade [Electronic resource] : a history of the cultural revolution / Y. Jiaqi, G. Gao. - Honolulu : University of Hawai‘i Press, 1996. - 686 p
Переклад назви: Бурхливе десятиліття: Історія культурної революції.


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The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution occurred in the second decade after Mao Zedong and his comrades came to power in 1949. A comprehensive narrative account of this colossal event, written by Yan Jiaqi, one of the principal leaders of China's pro-democracy movement, and his wife, Gao Gao, a noted sociologist, appeared in Hong Kong in 1986 and was quickly banned by the Communist government. Not surprisingly, censorship and restricted circulation in China resulted in underground reproduction and serialization. The work was thus widely read, coveted, and appreciated by a populace who had just freed itself from the cultural drought and political dread of the event. Yan and Gao later spent two years revising and expanding their work. The present volume, Turbulent Decade: A History of the Cultural Revolution, is based on the revised edition and has been masterfully edited and translated by D. W. Y. Kwok in consultation with the authors. Following Professor Kwok's eloquent introduction and a short foreword in which the authors analyze the basic causes of the Cultural Revolution, Part One of the narrative focuses on the years 1965-1967. In two short years, Mao managed to turn public opinion against Liu Shaoqi, president of the Republic, and launch the Cultural Revolution. The reader is introduced to the Red Guards and encounters the cult of personality, the first resistance to the Cultural Revolution, the attack on Zhou Enlai, and the persecution and death of Liu Shaoqi. Part Two examines the rise and fall of Lin Biao during the years 1959-1971. Lin's bid for power, which began with the consolidation of his personal clique in the army and mass-level persecution in the late stages of theCultural Revolution, ended in a failed coup and his death in an air crash. Part Three follows Jiang Qing from 1966 to her arrest in 1976 for her part in instigating mass violence and the persecution of key figures, including Zhou Enlai. During this period, the political fortunes of Deng Xiaoping rose and fell for a second time, the first protest at Tiananmen Square in 1976 ended in a bloody suppression, and that same year the Gang of Four were arrested. Unlike social scientific treatments of political phenomena, Turbulent Decade includes little discussion of economics, still less of international relations, and no institutional analysis. Instead, the authors' fervent belief in the truthful telling of history through its leading personalities pervades the work.

історія -- культура -- революція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kuzio, T.
Democratic revolution in Ukraine [Electronic resource] : from Kuchmagate to Orange revolution / T. Kuzio. - London : Routledge, 2009. - 198 p.
Переклад назви: Демократична революція в Україні: від Кучмаґейту до Помаранчевої революції


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Kudelia S. Revolutionary Bargain: the Unmaking of Ukraine's Autocracy through Pacting. - 78-101 p.

In 2000 a beheaded journalist was found in a remote forest near Kyiv. The corpse led to a scandal when it was revealed that it was that of a journalist critical of the authorities. The President was heard on tapes made covertly in his office ordering violence to be undertaken against the journalist. The scandal led to the creation of a wide protest movement that culminated in the victory of democratic opposition parties in 2002. The democratic opposition, led by its presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko, fought a bitter and fraudulent election campaign in 2004 during which he was poisoned. Widespread election fraud led to Europe's largest protest movement since the Cold War which became known as the Orange Revolution, known after the campaign colour of the democratic opposition. This book is the first to provide a collection of studies surveying different aspects of the rise of the Ukraine's democratic opposition from marginalization, to protest against presidential abuse of office and culminating in the Orange Revolution. It integrates the Kuchmagate crisis of 2000-2001 with that of the Orange Revolution four years later providing a rich, detailed and original study of the origins of the Orange Revolution.

політика -- влада -- протест -- сучасна Україна

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lewisohn, Cedar.
Street Art [Electronic resource] : the graffiti revolution / Cedar Lewisohn. - London : Tate, 2010. - 162 p
Переклад назви: Вуличне мистецтво: революція графіті


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Over the last decade, street art—art made in public spaces including graffiti, stickers, stencil art, and wheat-pasting— has become one of the most popular and hotly discussed areas of art practice on the contemporary scene. Developing out of the graffiti-writing tradition of the 1980s through the work of artists such as Banksy and Futura 2000, it has long since reached the mainstream. Street Art is the first measured, critical account of the development of this global phenomenon. Tracing street art’s origins in cave painting through the Paris walls photographed by Brassai in the ’20s through the witty, sophisticated imagery found on city streets today, the book also features new and exclusive interviews with key figures associated with street art of the last 35 years, including Lady Pink, Barry McGee, Shepard Fairy, Futura 2000, Malcolm McLaren, Miss Van, and Os Gemeos. Street Art reveals the extent to which the walls and streets of cities around the world have become the birthplace of some of the most dynamic and inspirational art being made today.

сучасне мистецтво -- графіті -- вулична субкультура -- стріт-арт

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murphy, J. D.
Military Aircraft, Origins to 1918 [Electronic resource] : an illustrated history of their impact / J. D. Murphy. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2005. - 319 p.. - (Weapons and Warfare)
Переклад назви: Військова авіація, від витоків до 1918 року: ілюстрована історія її розвитку


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An expert examination of the evolution of military aviation and its profound impact on warfare-from the employment of balloons during the French Revolutionary wars to the use of aircraft in World War I.

революція -- літак -- війна -- військова авіація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Prentzas, G. S.
The Cuban Revolution [Electronic resource] / G. S. Prentzas. - New York : Chelsea House Publishers, 2011. - 141 p. - (Milestones in Modern World History)
Переклад назви: Кубинська революція


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In the predawn darkness of January 1, 1959, an airplane lifted off from an airstrip at Camp Columbia, a military base located on the outskirts of Havana, Cuba. Aboard the aircraft were Fulgencio Batista y Zaldívar and members of his family. Hours earlier, Batista had resigned as president of Cuba. He had decided to step down when he heard from his military commanders that Cuba’s demoralized army could no longer prevent revolutionaries from seizing Santa Clara, a key town in central Cuba. Before departing, Batista named Supreme Court Justice Carlos Modesto Piedra as Cuba’s new president. He also handed over command of the military to General Eulogio Cantillo.

революція -- Карибська криза -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles [Electronic resource] : it was forty years ago today / ed. Olivier Julien. - Burlington : Ashgate, 2008. - 209 p
Переклад назви: Сержант Пеппер і Бітлз: це було сорок років тому

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The first concept album in the history of popular music, the soundtrack of the Summer of Love or 'Hippy Symphony No. 1': Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band is first and foremost the album that gave rise to 'hopes of progress in pop music' (The Times, 29 May 1967). Sgt. Pepper and the Beatles commemorates the fortieth anniversary of this masterpiece of British psychedelia by addressing issues that will help put the record in perspective.

гіпі -- музика -- психоделічна революція

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

The 1956 Hungarian Revolution [Electronic resource] : a history in documents / ed. Csaba Bekes, Malcolm Byrne, Janos M. Rainer. - Budapest : Central European University Press, 2000. - 665 p. - (National Security Archive Cold War Readers)
Переклад назви: Угорська революція 1956 року: історія в документах


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If there had been all-news television channels in 1956, viewers around the world would have been glued to their sets between October 23 and November 4. This book tells the story of the Hungarian Revolution in 120 original documents, ranging from the minutes of the first meeting of Khrushchev with Hungarian bosses after Stalin's death in 1953 to Yeltsin's declaration made in 1992. Other documents include letters from Yuri Andropov, Soviet Ambassador in Budapest during and after the revolt. The great majority of the material appears in English for the first time, and almost all come from archives that were inaccessible until the 1990s.

антикомуністична революція -- совєтська інвазія

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Іванис, В.
Боротьба Кубані за незалежність [Електронний ресурс] / В. Іванис. - Мюнхен : Український технічно-господарський інститут, 1968. - 137 с.


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Праця Василя Іваниса присвячена боротьбі українців Кубані за самостійність та союз з Україною у 1917-1920 рр.


   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Іванов, В. М.
Історія держави і права [Електронний ресурс] : навчальний посібник : в 2 ч. / В. М. Іванов. - К. : Вид-во МАУП, 2002-2003


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Ч. 1. - 2002. - 264 с.

Ч. 2. - 2003. - 224 с.

У другій частині посібника висвітлено процеси державно-правового розвитку України від Лютневої (1917 р.) революції у Петрограді до сьогодення; розглянуто нетривалий, але насичений подіями час, коли на новому виткові історії відродилася Українська національна держава (1917-1920 pp.). Зроблено історико-правовий аналіз складного й суперечливого шляху Радянської України, здійснено спробу систематизовано розглянути державно-правовий розвиток України після 1991 року. Посібник розроблений на кафедрі історії та теорії держави і права ім. кн. Володимира Великого МАУП відповідно до навчальної програми з дисципліни “Історія держави і права України”. Для студентів вищих юридичних навчальних закладів, а також для широ-кого загалу читачів, які цікавляться питаннями історії державно-правового розвитку України.

революція -- аналіз -- державно-правовий розвиток

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Іванущенко, Г. М.
Залізом і кров'ю. Сумщина в національно-визвольній боротьбі першої половини XX ст [Електронний ресурс] : історико-документальні нариси / Г. М. Іванущенко. - Суми : Собор, 2001. - 192 с.


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Книга присвячена маловивченим подіям Української Революції, війни за Незалежність 1917-1920 років та руху Опору в часи російської і німецької окупації на території нинішньої Сумської області. Дослідження побудоване на архівних документах, спогадах учасників і свідків подій та попередніх публікаціях. Розраховане на широкі кола читачів: істориків, краєзнавців, студентів, учнів — усіх, хто цікавиться історією рідного краю. Книга може бути використана на уроках історії України в 10-11 класах при вивченні теми «Наш край».

історія України -- Українська Революція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Історія селянства Української РСР [Електронний ресурс] : в 2 т.. - К. : Наукова думка, 1967


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Т. 1 : Від найдавніших часів до Великої жовтневої соціалістичної революції. - 1967. - 561 с.

Двотомна "Історія селянства української РСР" - це перша спроба в радянській історіографії дати синтетичний науковий огляд історії селінства України. Перший том охоплює великий відрізок часу - від прадавніх часів і до передодня Великої Жовтневої соціалістичної революції. Другий том присвячено нашій славній добі - історії селянства України за часів Радянської влади.

Радянська влада

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