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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Белшоу, К.
12 ведущих философов современности [Електронний ресурс] / К. Белшоу, Г. Кэмп. - М. : АСТ, 2014. - 414 с.. - (Новая философия)


Географічні рубрики:

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Двенадцать влиятельных философов современности, каждый из которых считается ключевой фигурой в одном из направлений различных наук: логике, этике, политической философии и других областях, — знакомят читателя со своими теориями, от самых академичных до самых дерзких. Что же такое современная философия? В каких направлениях она развивается? Как воспринимают важнейшие темы философии ее корифеи наших дней? Какие ответы находят на вечные вопросы сейчас, в начале третьего тысячелетия? Перед вами — замечательная книга, которая открывает двери в мир основных направлений "царицы наук"…

сучасна філософія -- логіка -- етика -- постмодернізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Басыров, Роберт.
1С-Битрикс: постройте профессиональный сайт сами [Електронний ресурс] / Роберт Басыров. - СПб. : Питер, 2009. - 304 с.


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В последнее время всемирная сеть Internet стала привычным явлением, и представительство в нем имеют все желающие. Действительно, для поиска информации, обмена ею и общения с единомышленниками удобнее инструмента не сыскать. Данная книга позволяет изучить одну из существующих технологий создания сайтов – технологию CMS и, главное, один из вариантов реализации программ этого класса – CMS «1С-Битрикс: Управление сайтом». Сравнивая технологию CMS, с широко распространенным языком Интернета – HTML не сложно увидеть разницу пожалуй даже школьнику. CMS (система управления содержимым сайта) удобна тем, что редактировать, обновлять и управлять работой сайта может пользователь, не обладающий профессиональными знаниями в области IT-технологий. Достаточно знаний уровня обычного офисного работника, поэтому CMS и получила широкое распространение. Книга рассчитана на тех, кто хочет создать сайт с использованием CMS «1С-Битрикс: Управление сайтом», но не имеет опыта и знаний. Это начинающие фрилансеры, работники мелких и средних компаний, начинающие предприниматели, служащие бюджетных и государственных организаций и частные пользователи — то есть те, у кого есть личная или производственная потребность в создании частного или корпоративного сайта, однако либо нет финансовых средств для обращения к профессиональным разработчикам, либо есть личный интерес в освоении технологии создания сайтов.

інтернет -- комп'ютерні технології -- веб-програмування

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Бойко, Эльвира Викторовна.
1С: Предприятие 8.0 [Електронний ресурс] : универсальный самоучитель / Эльвира Викторовна Бойко. - М. : Омега-Л, 2010. - 232 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Одним из весомых условий успешной профессиональной деятельности на современном рынке труда среди экономистов, работников финансовых служб, бухгалтеров и менеджеров является знание и свободное владение навыками работы с системой «1С: Предприятие 8.0». Корпоративная информационная система «1С:Предприятие 8.0» является гибкой настраиваемой системой, с помощью которой можно решать широкий круг задач в сфере автоматизации деятельности предприятий, поэтому на отечественном рынке данная система занимает одну из лидирующих позиций. Настоящее руководство адресовано экономистам и бухгалтерам, пользователям системы «1С: Предприятие 8.0», а также всем желающим самостоятельно изучить и использовать возможности настройки системы для конкретного предприятия. Руководство дает полное описание функциональных возможностей и приемов работы с данной системой и содержит простые примеры решения конкретных задач.

інформаційна система -- автоматизація підприємства

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

30 главных правил делового этикета [Електронний ресурс] / авт.-сост. Т. И. Ревяка. - Минск : Харвест, 2005. - 96 с.. - (Успех в обществе - успешный бизнес)


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В чем секрет успешного бизнеса? Где тот "золотой ключик", который откроет перед вами новые возможности? Мы привыкли, что, работая в офисе, надо соответственно одеваться, что, обедая в ресторане, не стоит класть локти на стол, а наводить марафет в носовых отверстиях при разговоре не рекомендуется. Это знают все, но в то же время многие не задумываются об элементарном этикете на работе и не придерживаются общепринятых норм. Эта книга поможет каждому определить, казалось бы, самые простые "можно" и "нельзя", с которыми чаше всего мы сталкиваемся в деловой сфере.

культура -- етика -- ділове життя -- офісний етикет

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hobbs, C.
A practical approach to WBEM/CIM management [Electronic resource] / C. Hobbs. - Boca Raton : Auerbach Publications, 2004. - 325 p.
Переклад назви: Практичний підхід до менеджменту WBEM/CIM


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This text describes in detail WBEM/CIM architecture and explores the standard models developed by the Distributed Management Task Force (DMTF). It also explores interfaces your WBEM/CIM code will have to work with and offers examples of models and code.

корпоративна мережа -- управління підприємством

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Krejci, Julie.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Austria [Electronic resource] / Julie Krejci, Susan Roraff. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 353 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Австрії

Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or a combination of the two, the ever-popular "Culture Shock!" series belongs in your backpack or briefcase. Get the nuts-and-bolts information you need to survive and thrive wherever you go. "Culture Shock!" country guides are easy-to-read, accurate, and entertaining crash courses in local customs and etiquette. "Culture Shock!" practical guides offer the inside information you need whether you're a student, a parent, a globetrotter, or a working traveler. "Culture Shock!" at your Door guides equip you for daily life in some of the world's most cosmopolitan cities. And "Culture Shock!" Success Secrets guides offer relevant, practical information with the real-life insights and cultural know-how that can make the difference between business success and failure.

Центральна Європа -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Cramer, Mark.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Bolivia [Electronic resource] / Mark Cramer. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 329 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Болівії


Географічні рубрики:

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Whether you travel for business, pleasure, or a combination of the two, the ever-popular "Culture Shock!" series belongs in your backpack or briefcase. Get the nuts-and-bolts information you need to survive and thrive wherever you go. "Culture Shock!" country guides are easy-to-read, accurate, and entertaining crash courses in local customs and etiquette. "Culture Shock!" practical guides offer the inside information you need whether you're a student, a parent, a globetrotter, or a working traveler. "Culture Shock!" at your Door guides equip you for daily life in some of the world's most cosmopolitan cities. And "Culture Shock!" Success Secrets guides offer relevant, practical information with the real-life insights and cultural know-how that can make the difference between business success and failure. Each "Culture Shock!" title is written by someone who's lived and worked in the country, and each book is packed with practical, accurate, and enjoyable information to help you find your way and feel at home.

Південна Америка -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Hargraves, Orin.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Chicago [Electronic resource] / Orin Hargraves. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 299 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Чікаго


Географічні рубрики:

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CultureShock! Chicago is an insightful and thorough guide that will help you make Chicago your home. Discover the real Chicago beyond the usual tourist attractions and the gloss of promotional brochures and be acquainted with the reality of living and working in this exciting city. Find out what lies behind the Chicagoan facade and how to make friends in your new community. Chock-full of useful information to help you settle in, CultureShock! Chicago covers a wide range of practical issues such as how to negotiate the grid and get around the city, what to expect from Chicago's extreme weather, how to find suitable accommodation and how to conduct business and manage your finances, among others. It also explores the many excellent recreational facilities in this vibrant and cosmopolitan city. CultureShock! Chicago is the one book you will need to make a success of living, working or studying in Chicago. Book jacket.

Північна Америка -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Wallerstein, Claire.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Costa Rica [Electronic resource] / Claire Wallerstein. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 329 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Коста-Риці


Географічні рубрики:

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The CultureShock! series is a dynamic and indispensable range of guides for those travelers who are looking to truly understand the countries they are visiting. Each title explains the customs, traditions, social and business etiquette in a lively and informative style. CultureShock! authors, all of whom have experienced the joys and pitfalls of cultural adaptation, are ideally placed to provide warm and informative advice to those who seek to integrate seamlessly into diverse cultures. Each CultureShock! book contains insights into local culture and traditions, advice on adapting into the local environment, linguistic help, and how to get the most out of your travel experience

Центральна Америка -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Smith, Liz.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Munich [Electronic resource] / Liz Smith. - 3th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 329 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Мюнхені


Географічні рубрики:

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Join us as we celebrate the 30th anniversary of CultureShock! With over three million copies in print, CultureShock! is a bestselling series of culture and etiquette guides covering countless destinations around the world. For anyone at risk of culture shock, whether a tourist or a long term resident, these handy guides provide a sympathetic and fun-filled crash course on the do's and don'ts in foreign cultures. Each title contains invaluable advice for the traveller to adapt seamlessly into the local environment and is packed with useful details on transportation, taxes, accommodation, health, shopping and festivals. Additionally, each book provides concise insights into the history, language, cuisine and business practises of each country, as well as explaining the customs, traditions and social etiquette in a lively and informative style. Each Culture Shock title is written by someone who's lived and worked in the country, and each book is packed with practical, accurate, and enjoyable information to help you find your way and feel at home.

Німеччина -- Баварія -- туризм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

South, Coleman.
A Survival Guide to Customs and Etiquette Syria [Electronic resource] / Coleman South. - 4th. ed.. - New York : Marshall Cavendish, 2011. - 289 p. - (CultureShock!)
Переклад назви: Керівництво зі звичаїв та етикету в Сирії


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

With over three million copies in print, CultureShock! is a bestselling series of culture and etiquette guides covering countless destinations around the world. For anyone at risk of culture shock, whether a tourist or a long-term resident, CultureShock! provides a sympathetic and fun-filled crash course on the do's and don'ts in foreign cultures. Fully updated and sporting a fresh new look, the revised editions of these books enlighten and inform through such topics as language, food and entertaining, social customs, festivals, relationships, and business tips. CultureShock! books are packed with useful details on transportation, taxes, finances, accommodation, health, food and drink, clothes, shopping, festivals, and much, much more.

Близький Схід -- туризм

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

After Enron [Electronic resource] : improving Corporate Law and Modernising Securities Regulation in Europe and the US / ed. J. Armour, J. A. McCahery. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2006. - 718 p.
Переклад назви: Після Enron: вдосконалення корпоративного права і цінних паперів Модернізація регулювання в Європі і США


Географічні рубрики:

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At the end of the 20th century, it was thought by many that the Anglo-American system of corporate governance was performing effectively and some observers claimed to see an international trend towards convergence around this model. There can be no denying that the recent corporate governance crisis in the US has caused many to question their faith in this view. This collection of essays by the leading British and American scholars provides a comprehensive attempt to answer the following questions: firstly, What went wrong—when and why do markets misprice the value of firms, and what was wrong with the incentives set by Enron? What has been done in response, and how well will it work? This study includes essays on the Sarbanes-Oxley Act in the US, UK company law reform, and European company law and auditor liability reform, along with a consideration of corporate governance reforms in historical perspective. Three approaches emerge. The first two approaches share the premise that the system is fundamentally sound, but these approaches part ways over whether a regulatory response is required. The third view, in contrast, argues that the various scandals demonstrate fundamental weaknesses in the Anglo-American system itself, which cannot hope to be repaired by the sort of reforms that have taken place.

право -- цінні папери

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Berlinger, Nancy.
After harm [Electronic resource] : medical error and the ethics of forgiveness / Nancy Berlinger. - Baltimore : Johns Hopkins University Press, 2007. - 176 p
Переклад назви: Після завданої шкоди: лікарська помилка і етика прощення


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Medical error is a leading problem of health care in the United States. Each year, more patients die as a result of medical mistakes than are killed by motor vehicle accidents, breast cancer, or AIDS. While most government and regulatory efforts are directed toward reducing and preventing errors, the actions that should follow the injury or death of a patient are still hotly debated. According to Nancy Berlinger, conversations on patient safety are missing several important components: religious voices, traditions, and models. In After Harm, Berlinger draws on sources in theology, ethics, religion, and culture to create a practical and comprehensive approach to addressing the needs of patients, families, and clinicians affected by medical error. She emphasizes the importance of acknowledging fallibility, telling the truth, confronting feelings of guilt and shame, and providing just compensation. After Harm adds important human dimensions to an issue that has profound consequences for patients and health care providers.

медицина -- лікування -- етика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Curzer, Howard J..
Aristotle and the Virtues [Electronic resource] / Howard J. Curzer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2012. - 462 p
Переклад назви: Арістотель і чесноти


Географічні рубрики:

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Aristotle is the father of virtue ethics--a discipline which is receiving renewed scholarly attention. Yet Aristotle's accounts of the individual virtues remain opaque, for most contemporary commentators of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics have focused upon other matters. In contrast, Howard J. Curzer takes Aristotle's detailed description of the individual virtues to be central to his ethical theory. Working through the Nicomachean Ethics virtue-by-virtue, explaining and generally defending Aristotle's claims, this book brings each of Aristotle's virtues alive. A new Aristotle emerges, an Aristotle fascinated by the details of the individual virtues.

Арістотель -- етика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Barlow, Maude.
Blue Gold [Electronic resource] : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's wate / Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke. - New York : The New Press, 2005. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Синє золото: боротьба за припинення корпоративної крадіжки світових водних ресурсів


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In this “chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging global crisis” (In These Times), Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, two of the most active opponents to the privatization of water show how, contrary to received wisdom, water mainly flows uphill to the wealthy. Our most basic resource may one day be limited: our consumption doubles every twenty years—twice the rate of population increase. At the same time, increasingly transnational corporations are plotting to control the world’s dwindling water supply. In England and France, where water has already been privatized, rates have soared, and water shortages have been severe. The major bottled-water producers—Perrier, Evian, Naya, and now Coca-Cola and PepsiCo—are part of one of the fastest-growing and least-regulated industries, buying up freshwater rights and drying up crucial supplies. A truly shocking exposé that is a call to arms to people around the world, Blue Gold shows in frightening detail why, as the vice president of the World Bank has pronounced, “The wars of the next century will be about water.”

водні ресурси -- екологія -- світова економіка

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Lougheed, Lin.
Business Correspondence [Electronic resource] : a guide to everyday writing / Lin Lougheed. - 2nd ed.. - New York : Longman, 2003. - 161 p
Переклад назви: Ділове листування: керівництво з повсякденного письма


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"Business Correspondence, Second Edition" introduces adult ESL students to the proper formats and approaches to use in basic office communication. It offers students extensive contextualized practice, while extra grammar and punctuation exercises boost students' basic English skills. Because each chapter centers around an office situation, students are exposed to "real" language in "real" situations. Key features:Extensive guided practice in understanding and preparing business correspondence. Numerous models of appropriate business correspondence, all based on authentic documents. "That's Good Business!" boxes provide practical tips about business practice and etiquette. Provides practice with correspondence in employee relations, customer relations, and personal business letters. Activities on business style, grammar and usage, and mechanics. Enhanced "reference section," with practical tips about business practices, can be removed and carried as a minibook. A complete answer key for self-study.

діловий лист -- корпоративна етика

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Goulding, S.
Company law [Electronic resource] / S. Goulding. - 2nd. ed.. - London : Cavendish Publishing Limited, 1999. - 479 p.
Переклад назви: Корпоративне право


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It is well recognised that company law is a large and complex subject which has expanded rapidly in volume in recent years. Added to this is the continual reform to the existing law. This is partly due to the need to comply with obligations imposed on the United Kingdom from Brussels, but partly because of the increasing complexity of commercial life generally. There is no sign that the growth and reform is at an end. In addition, there are now two established series of specialist company law reports (Butterworths Company Law Cases and British Company Cases) which have obviously resulted in many more cases reaching the public domain for comment and analysis. Further, no work on Company Law can now ignore the extra-legal controls and influences on director’s conduct contained in the recent reports on corporate governance nor the proposals for reform put forward, in particular, by the Law Commission. This edition deals with the main features of both the Law Commission’s Report on Shareholder Remedies and the Law Commission’s Consultation Paper on the reform of director’s duties.

законодавство -- корпоративні відносини

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Conflict in the Workplace [Electronic resource] / ed. H. Falconer, M. Bagshaw. - New York : Routledge, 2004. - 184 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти на робочому місці

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Conflict, bullying and harassment can destroy the foundations of the most enterprising organisations. Bullying is now a key complaint received by HR departments. Destructive conflict creates stress, which can lead to poor morale and performance, increased staff turnover and an overall decline in organisational effectiveness. The good news is destructive conflict can be reduced – but this is a sensitive issue, requiring managers to call on tried and tested techniques. Published for HR and line managers, IRS Managing Conflict in the Workplace will help employers to recognise and resolve destructive conflict issues more effectively, enabling them to become more positive, productive and efficient. It gives invaluable advice on conflict prevention, mediation and negotiation; it explains how to manage conflict in a wide variety of situations; and includes guidance on the new statutory requirements for disciplinary and grievance procedures.

психологія конфлікту -- корпоративна етика -- професійна взаємодія -- колектив

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Laufer, W. S.
Corporate bodies and guilty minds: the failure of corporate criminal liability [Electronic resource] / W. S. Laufer. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2006. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Юридичні особи та винні голови: відмова юридичних осіб від кримінальної відповідальності


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We live in an era defined by corporate greed and malfeasance—one in which unprecedented accounting frauds and failures of compliance run rampant. In order to calm investor fears, revive perceptions of legitimacy in markets, and demonstrate the resolve of state and federal regulators, a host of reforms, high-profile investigations, and symbolic prosecutions have been conducted in response. But are they enough? In this timely work, William S. Laufer argues that even with recent legal reforms, corporate criminal law continues to be ineffective. As evidence, Laufer considers the failure of courts and legislatures to fashion liability rules that fairly attribute blame for organizations. He analyzes the games that corporations play to deflect criminal responsibility. And he also demonstrates how the exchange of cooperation for prosecutorial leniency and amnesty belies true law enforcement. But none of these factors, according to Laufer, trumps the fact that there is no single constituency or interest group that strongly and consistently advocates the importance and priority of corporate criminal liability. In the absence of a new standard of corporate liability, the power of regulators to keep corporate abuses in check will remain insufficient. A necessary corrective to our current climate of graft and greed, Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds will be essential to policymakers and legal minds alike.

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Finch, W.
Corporate insolvency law [Electronic resource] / W. Finch. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 916 p.
Переклад назви: Закон про корпоративну неплатоспроможність


Географічні рубрики:

  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

Vanessa Finch provides an interesting look at corporate insolvency laws and processes. She adopts an interdisciplinary approach to place two questions at the centre of her discussion. Are current UK laws and procedures efficient, expert, accountable and fair? Are fundamentally different conceptions of insolvency law needed for it to develop in a way that serves corporate and broader social ends? Topics considered in this wide-ranging book include different ways of financing companies, causes of corporate failure and prospects for designing rescue-friendly processes. Also examined are alternative asset distribution of failed companies, allocations of insolvency risks and effects of insolvency on a company's directors and employees. Finch argues that changes of approach are needed if insolvency law is to develop with coherence and purpose. This book will appeal to academics and students at advanced undergraduate and graduate level, and to legal practitioners throughout the common law world.

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