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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Шилова, Ю. В.
777 рецептов от Юлии Шиловой [Електронний ресурс] : любовь, страсть и наслаждение / Ю. В. Шилова. - [Б. м. : б. в.]. - 248 с.


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Как покорить мужчину? Этот вопрос волнует женщин испокон веков. Однако, несмотря на изобилие рекомендаций, самой верной остается старая добрая истина – «путь к сердцу мужчины лежит через желудок». Даже Адам заметил прелести Евы только после того, как вкусил яблоко. И хотя сейчас умение готовить считается немодным, ни один мужчина по-прежнему не откажется вкусно поесть. Конечно, можно устроить романтический ужин и в ресторане. Но только у себя дома вы сможете продемонстрировать мужчине не только ваши кулинарные способности, но и саму себя. Приглушенный свет, приятная музыка, расслабляющая атмосфера, пропитанная вашим эротизмом, позволят вам значительно быстрее добиться своих целей. Ведь каждая женщина мечтает именно о том, чтобы романтический ужин перерос в романтический завтрак. На страницах этой книги мастер криминальной мелодрамы Юлия Шилова делится с читательницами секретами эротической кулинарии и тайнами обольщения. Теперь вы сможете не только поразить воображение вашего избранника кулинарными изысками, но и аппетитно себя подать. И тогда ваш гость будет не в силах покинуть вас.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

A History of Infanticide in Britain, c. 1600 to the Present [Electronic resource]. - New York : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013. - 349 p
Переклад назви: Історія дітовбивства у Великобританії від 1600 року до наших днів


Географічні рубрики:

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This work provides a detailed history of infanticide in mainland Britain from 1600 to the modern era for the very first time. It examines continuity and change in the nature and characteristics of new-born child murder in Scotland, England and Wales over a chronology of more than four centuries. Alongside offering a comparative analysis of the types of individuals suspected of the offence, and a detailed appreciation of the different ways in which the crime was carried out, the work also exposes the broad nexus of causal factors which underpinned its enactment. In addition, the work investigates the evolving attitude in social, medical and legal contexts to the killing of young infants in Britain over a substantive time period. Thus the work as a whole is both compelling and innovative as it provides the reader with much more than a mere history of infanticide. The book also contributes much to our understanding of criminal history, gender history, legal history, medical history and social history in its analyses of the different contexts allied to the offence. It does this also through its exploration of the complex characteristics of accusers, commentators and perpetrators across cultures, borders and time.

інфантицид -- вбивства -- кримінал

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Michaelis, R. C.
A Litigator’s guide to DNA. From the laboratory to the courtroom [Electronic resource] / R. C. Michaelis, R. G. Flanders, P. H. Wulff. - Burlington : Elsevier academic press, 2008. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Адвокатський посібник з ДНК: від лабораторії до суду


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A Litigator's Guide to DNA educates litigators, judges, criminalists, students, and others about all aspects of the use of DNA evidence in criminal and civil trials. It includes discussions of the molecular biological basis for the tests, essential laboratory practices, probability theory and mathematical calculations. It presents issues relevant to all parties involved in trying a case, from the prosecution and the defense, and to the judge and jury. The book is also extremely useful as a text for students aspiring to careers in forensic science and criminal law. The authors provide a full background on both the molecular biology and the mathematical theory behind forensic tests written specifically for people with little or no science background. No other book relates the foundational information on molecular biology and statistics to legal practice issues as extensively as this book does.

криміналістика -- судова справа

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

A threat assessment, 2011 [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2011. - 162 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінка загрози, 2011


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   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Addiction, crime and insurgency [Electronic resource] : the Transnational Threat of Afghan Opium. - Vienna : UNODC, 2009. - 145 p.
Переклад назви: Наркоманія, злочинність і бунти: Транснаціональна загроза афганського опіуму


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кримінал -- наркотики

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Baron, C.
Adobe Photoshop Forensics [Electronic resource] : sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography / C. Baron. - Boston : Thomson course technology PTR, 2008. - 364 p.
Переклад назви: Adobe Photoshop Криміналістика: слідчі, істина, штучні фотографії


Географічні рубрики:

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Thanks to TV's crime scene investigation shows, forensic technology has entered popular culture. Combining puzzle solving and a dramatic storyline, these shows fascinate audiences as high-tech procedures uncover the truths hidden in seemingly insignificant clues. What many people may not realize is that forensic teams also use items they probably have in their own homes Â- digital cameras, computers, and Photoshop image editing software. "Adobe Photoshop Forensics: Sleuths, Truths, and Fauxtography" shows you how Photoshop is used to create many types of fakery and fraud, including scientific, counterfeiting, art, journalism, and political propaganda. You'll discover that with some basic training in Photoshop's manipulation capabilities and a critical eye, you too can see through photographic hoaxes. Follow along as each chapter explores a different genre of real-life frauds, both historical and current, and explains how the fakery was or could be detected. A featured case file in each chapter carefully deconstructs a faked image so you can see the methods and processes followed by the image editing professionals who solve - and the perpetrators who commit - a variety of crimes. Even if you've never considered altering an image or becoming a crime scene investigator, you'll get a kick out of discovering the how and why behind both famous and common acts of image fraud with "Adobe Photoshop Forensics!"

фотографія -- шахрайство -- редагування

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Koppenhaver, Katherine M..
Attorney's guide to document examination [Electronic resource] / K. M. Koppenhaver. - Westport : Quorum books, 2002. - 272 p.
Переклад назви: Прокурорське керівництво для перевірки документів


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This book, as the title depicts, is primarily for attorneys who believe they have a forged document but do not know exactly how to proceed. It answers all the questiones to ask in depositons and on cross examination, gives an understanding of how genuiness is determined and what you need to proceed with a case. Not only is it an excellent book for attorneys but a great reference for document examiners as well. Document examiners can review the chapters to assure they do a commendable job representing their client. It also gives an excellent chapter on court citations in reference to handwriting analysis. Attorneys need no longer guess if they are approaching a case in the best way possible.

юридичні документи -- ідентифікація -- криміналістика -- розслідування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Finn, J.
Capturing the criminal image. From mug shot to surveillance society [Electronic resource] / J. Finn. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, 2009. - 186 p.
Переклад назви: Фіксація криміналу: Від фото злочинця до до суспільного нагляду


Географічні рубрики:

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At the beginning of the twentieth century, criminals, both alleged and convicted, were routinely photographed and fingerprinted-and these visual representations of their criminal nature were archived for possible future use. At the beginning of the twenty-first century, a plethora of new tools-biometrics, DNA analysis, digital imagery, and computer databases-similarly provide new ways for representing the criminal.Capturing the Criminal Image traces how the act of representing-and watching-is central to modern law enforcement. Jonathan Finn analyzes the development of police photography in the nineteenth century to foreground a critique of three identification practices that are fundamental to current police work: fingerprinting, DNA analysis, and surveillance programs and databases. He shows these practices at work by examining specific police and border-security programs, including several that were established by the U.S. government after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Contemporary law enforcement practices, he argues, position the body as something that is potentially criminal. As Finn reveals, the collection and archiving of identification data-which consist today of much more than photographs or fingerprints-reflect a reconceptualization of the body itself. And once archived, identification data can be interpreted and reinterpreted according to highly mutable and sometimes dubious conceptions of crime and criminality.

криміналістика -- слідкування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cipriani, D.
Childrens Rights and the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility [Electronic resource] : a Global Perspective / D. Cipriani. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Дитячі права і мінімальний вік кримінальної відповідальності: глобальна перспектива


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Children of almost any age can break the law, but at what age should children first face the possibility of criminal responsibility for their alleged crimes? This work is the first global analysis of national minimum ages of criminal responsibility (MACRs), the international legal obligations that surround them, and the principal considerations for establishing and implementing respective age limits. Taking an international children's rights approach, with a rich theoretical framework and the vitality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this work maintains a critical perspective, such as in challenging the assumptions of many children's rights scholars and advocates. Compiling the age limits and statutory sources for all countries, this book explains the broad historical origins behind most of them, identifying the recurring practical challenges that affect every country and providing the first comprehensive evidence that a general principle of international law requires all nations, regardless of their treaty ratifications, to establish respective minimum age limits.

дитина -- законодавство -- кримінальна відповідальність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Shover, N.
Choosing white-collar crime [Electronic resource] / N. Shover, A. Hochstetler. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2006. - 212 p.
Переклад назви: Вибір злочину "білих комірців"

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For more than three decades, rational-choice theory has reigned as the dominant approach both for interpreting crime and as underpinning for crime-control programs. Although it has been applied to an array of street crimes, white-collar crime and those who commit it have thus far received less attention. Choosing White-Collar Crime is a systematic application of rational-choice theory to problems of explaining and controlling white-collar crime. It distinguishes ordinary and upperworld white-collar crime and presents reasons theoretically for believing that both have increased substantially in recent decades. Reasons for the increase include the growing supply of white-collar lure and non-credible oversight. Choosing White-Collar Crime also examines criminal decision making by white-collar criminals and their criminal careers. The book concludes with reasons for believing that problems of white-collar crime will continue unchecked in the increasingly global economy and calls for strengthened citizen movements to rein in the increases.


   Тип видання:   атлас   

Dix, J.
Color Atlas Of Forensic Pathology [Electronic resource] / J. Dix. - Boca Raton : CRC Press, 2000. - 180 p.
Переклад назви: Кольоровий атлас з судової патології


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A male homicide victim with a shotgun blast to the chest. A female drug addict who has overdosed on crack cocaine. An elderly woman with deep stab wounds to the neck. A two-year-old motor vehicle accident victim with blunt head trauma. For forensic pathologists, police detectives, and crime scene investigators, dealing with death and injury is a daily routine. But even after investigating thousands of drownings, shootings, stabbings, electrocutions, overdoses, and traffic accidents, most professionals in the investigative fields still haven't seen it all. Originally published on CD-ROM, the Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology addresses much of the basic information which forensic pathologists and other investigators deal with on a day to day basis. Packed with 780 full-color, captioned photographs, this atlas examines everything from time of death and decomposition, to identification, to causes of death from blunt trauma, firearm injuries, asphyxia, cutting and stabbing injuries, and more. The atlas shows the various causes of death and injury with case -- "visuals" to help investigators understand the work they perform. Indeed, with its exhaustive coverage, the Color Atlas of Forensic Pathology will provide investigators with valuable insight into the many different causes of death and injury they must deal with and how the manners of death are diagnosed.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Madinger, J.
Confidential informant: law enforcement’s most valuable tool [Electronic resource] / J. Madinger. - [S. l.] : Press LLC, 2000. - 319 p.
Переклад назви: Конфіденційний інформатор: найцінніший інструмент правоохоронних органів


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This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.

закони -- кримінальне розслідування -- інформатор

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Laufer, W. S.
Corporate bodies and guilty minds: the failure of corporate criminal liability [Electronic resource] / W. S. Laufer. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2006. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Юридичні особи та винні голови: відмова юридичних осіб від кримінальної відповідальності


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We live in an era defined by corporate greed and malfeasance—one in which unprecedented accounting frauds and failures of compliance run rampant. In order to calm investor fears, revive perceptions of legitimacy in markets, and demonstrate the resolve of state and federal regulators, a host of reforms, high-profile investigations, and symbolic prosecutions have been conducted in response. But are they enough? In this timely work, William S. Laufer argues that even with recent legal reforms, corporate criminal law continues to be ineffective. As evidence, Laufer considers the failure of courts and legislatures to fashion liability rules that fairly attribute blame for organizations. He analyzes the games that corporations play to deflect criminal responsibility. And he also demonstrates how the exchange of cooperation for prosecutorial leniency and amnesty belies true law enforcement. But none of these factors, according to Laufer, trumps the fact that there is no single constituency or interest group that strongly and consistently advocates the importance and priority of corporate criminal liability. In the absence of a new standard of corporate liability, the power of regulators to keep corporate abuses in check will remain insufficient. A necessary corrective to our current climate of graft and greed, Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds will be essential to policymakers and legal minds alike.

корпоративне право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Дикки, Д.
Cosa Nostra история сицилийской мафии [Електронний ресурс] / Д. Дикки. - М. : Эксмо, 2007. - 528 с.


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Имя этой преступной организации давно стало нарицательным. Коза Ностра – не просто название, фактически это – криминальный бренд, олицетворение тайной власти, основанной на насилии и кровопролитии. Самая жестокая, самая неуловимая, самая эффективная преступная организация мира – такова сицилийская мафия, широко известная под именем Коза Ностра.

кримінал -- правосуддя -- злочинність -- мафія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Дикки, Джон.
Cosa Nostra, история сицилийской мафии [Електронний ресурс] / Джон Дикки. - М. : Эксмо, 2007. - 539 с.


Географічні рубрики:

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Книга Джона Дикки "Cosa Nostra: история сицилийской мафии" в настоящее время является самым объемным исследованием жизни тайного преступного сообщества Сицилии, переведенным на русский язык. Без налета кинемотографического романтизма описана ужасающая реальность преступной деятельности Коза Ностра на протяжении двух столетий: рэкет, торговля наркотиками, похищения и убийства невинных людей, политическая коррупция, террор. Мафия, описанная здесь, совсем не похожа на ее стилизованное отображение в фильмах и романах с мифами о "верности традициям" и благородстве "людей чести". Имя этой преступной организации давно стало нарицательным. Коза Ностра – не просто название, фактически это – криминальный бренд, олицетворение тайной власти, основанной на насилии и кровопролитии. Самая жестокая, самая неуловимая, самая эффективная преступная организация мира – такова сицилийская мафия, широко известная под именем Коза Ностра. Война с мафией, продолжающаяся почти двести лет, создала этой организации ореол неуязвимости, но, как показали события конца XX столетия, мафию все же возможно победить. Как мафия достигла своего могущества, чего она добивается и чьей поддержкой пользуется, каковы ее планы на будущее – обо всем этом рассказывается в уникальном исследовании Джона Дикки. Коза Ностре посвящено немало книг; тем не менее, работа Джона Дикки стоит особняком – до сих пор ничего подобного этой книге еще не было. Впервые под одной обложкой собраны все известные на сегодня сведения о Коза Ностре, все подробности жизни тайного преступного общества Сицилии: от мафиозного кодекса чести и обрядов посвящения до политической коррупции и деловых интересов мафиози, от методов управления этой криминальной организацией до «бизнес-модели», которой она придерживается. Если вы хотите узнать, какой мафия была и чем живет и дышит сегодня, составить представление о ее деятельности на протяжении двух столетий, понять, благодаря чему мафия добилась той степени влияния, которой она ныне обладает, тогда эта книга – для вас.

кримінал -- злочинність -- мафія

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Crimen y Desarrollo en Centroamérica [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2007. - 109 с.
Переклад назви: Злочинність і розвиток у Центральній Америці


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   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Trestrail III, J. H.
Criminal poisoning: investigational guide for law enforcement, toxicologists, forensic scientists, and attorneys [Electronic resource] / J. H. Trestrail III. - Totowa : Humana Press, 2007. - 188 p.
Переклад назви: Карне отруєння: Дослідницький посібник для правоохоронних органів, токсикологів, судових науковцій та адвокатів


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In Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys, leading forensic scientist John Trestrail offers a pioneering survey of all that is known about the use of poison as a weapon in murder. Topics range from the use of poisons in history and literature to convicting the poisoner in court, and include a review of the different types of poisons, techniques for crime scene investigation, and the critical essentials of the forensic autopsy. The author also examines what is known about poisoners in general (psychological profile, types, and statistical analyses) and their victims (who gets poisoned, investigative considerations, and classic symptoms of poisoning). Two chapters probe the problems of proving poisoning and convicting the poisoner in court. Comprehensive and informative, Criminal Poisoning: Investigational Guide for Law Enforcement, Toxicologists, Forensic Scientists, and Attorneys offers forensic scientists, police and private investigators, forensic psychologists, and criminal prosecutors a unique one-volume summary of the knowledge and techniques needed to solve the near-invisible crime of poisoning and convict the perpetrator.

отрута -- кримінал

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Baratta, A.
Criminologia critica e critica del diritto penale [Electronic resource] / A. Baratta. - Avellaneda : Siglo veintiuno editores, 2002. - 258 с.
Переклад назви: Критична кримінологія і критика кримінального права


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право -- кримінологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bass, B.
Death's Acre. Inside the legendary forensic lab. The body farm. Where the dead do tell yales [Electronic resource] / B. Bass, J. Jefferson. - New York : G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 2003. - 319 p.
Переклад назви: Акр смерті: Всередині легендарної судової лабораторії. Тілесна ферма. Там, де мертві розповідають казки


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Nowhere is there another lab like Dr. Bill Bass's: On a hillside in Tennessee, human bodies decompose in the open air, aided by insects, bacteria, and birds, unhindered by coffins or mausoleums. At the "Body Farm," nature takes its course, with corpses buried in shallow graves, submerged in water, concealed beneath slabs of concrete, locked in trunks of cars. As stand-ins for murder victims, they serve the needs of science - and the cause of justice. For thirty years, Dr. Bass's research has revolutionized the field of forensic science, particularly by pinpointing "time since death" in murder cases. In this riveting book, he investigates real cases and leads readers on an unprecedented journey behind the locked gates of the Body Farm. A master scientist and an engaging storyteller, Bass shares his most intriguing work: his revisit of the Lindbergh kidnapping and murder, fifty years after the fact; the mystery of a headless corpse whose identity astonished the police; the telltale bugs that finally sent a murderous grandfather to death row; and many more.

кримінал -- вбивство

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murmann, U.
Die selbstverantwortung des opfers im strafrecht [Electronic resource] / U. Murmann. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - 602 S.
Переклад назви: Особиста відповідальність постраждалих в Кримінальному праві


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Kaum ein anderes strafrechtliches Thema wurde in den letzten Jahren so lebhaft diskutiert wie die Selbstverantwortung des Opfers. Die vorliegende Untersuchung entwickelt die Selbstverantwortung als zentrales Prinzip des Rechts. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich ein begr ndetes Prinzip der Opferselbstverantwortung nur in einem Recht denken l sst, das von der Autonomie der Beteiligten seinen Ausgang nimmt. Von dieser Basis, wie sie auch der Verfassung zugrunde liegt, wird die Bedeutung der Selbstverantwortung des Opfers in den strafrechtsdogmatischen Kategorien entfaltet - und es werden ihre immanenten Grenzen aufgezeigt.


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