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   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

1С: Предприятие 8.2. Клиент-серверный вариант [Електронний ресурс] : руководство администратора / А. Алексеев, А. Безбородов, Д. Бескоровайнов. - М. : 1С, 2009. - 160 с.


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В книге "1С: Предприятие 8.2. Клиент-серверный вариант. Руководство администратора" содержатся сведения об установке и особенностях использования приложений в варианте "клиент-сервер".

додаток -- клієнт-сервер -- програма

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Alur, D.
Core J2EE patterns [Electronic resource] : best practices and design strategies / D. Alur, J. Crupi, D. Malks. - 2nd. ed.. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 650 p
Переклад назви: Базові зразки J2EE: кращі методи і стратегії проектування


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This book is about patterns for the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE). The J2EE patterns documented in this edition provide solutions for problems typically encountered by designers of software applications for the J2EE platform. All the patterns documented in the catalog have been discovered in the field, where they have been used to create successful J2EE applications for our customers. This book describes proven solutions for the J2EE platform with a particular emphasis on such key J2EE technologies as: JavaServer Pages (JSP), servlets, Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) components, Java Message Service (JMS), JDBC, and Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI). We offer solutions for recurring problems for the J2EE platform through the J2EE Pattern Catalog and J2EE refactorings. You can apply these ideas when developing new systems or when improving the design of existing systems. The patterns in this book will help you quickly gain the proficiency and skills to build robust, efficient enterprise applications.

платформа -- сервлет -- додаток -- програмування

   Тип видання:   законодавчі матеріали   

Arvanitoyannis, I. S.
HACCP and ISO 22000 [Electronic resource] : application to Foods of Animal Origin / I. S. Arvanitoyannis. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 549 p.
Переклад назви: HACCP та ISO 22000: Додаток до продуктів тваринного походження


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Food Safety is an increasingly important issue. Numerous food crises have occurred internationally in recent years (the use of the dye Sudan Red I; the presence of acrylamide in various fried and baked foods; mislabelled or unlabelled genetically modified foods; and the outbreak of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease) originating in both primary agricultural production and in the food manufacturing industries. Public concern at these and other events has led government agencies to implement a variety of legislative actions covering many aspects of the food chain. This book presents and compares the HACCP and ISO 22000:2005 food safety management systems. These systems were introduced to improve and build upon existing systems in an attempt to address the kinds of failures which can lead to food crises. Numerous practical examples illustrating the application of ISO 22000 to the manufacture of food products of animal origin are presented in this extensively-referenced volume. After an opening chapter which introduces ISO 22000 and compares it with the well-established HACCP food safety management system, a summary of international legislation relating to safety in foods of animal origin is presented. The main part of the book is divided into chapters which are devoted to the principle groups of animal-derived food products: dairy, meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. Chapters are also included on catering and likely future directions. The book is aimed at food industry managers and consultants; government officials responsible for food safety monitoring; researchers and advanced students interested in food safety.

харчова промисловість -- норми

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Ash, L.
The web testing companion: the insider's guide to efficient and effective tests [Electronic resource] / L. Ash. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 554 p.
Переклад назви: Помічник з веб тестування: посібник з ефективного та дієвого тестування


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This guide provides practical, hands-on techniques for testing the design, globalization, performance, and security of Web applications.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Avery, J.
Microsoft ASP.NET [Electronic resource] : setup and configuration / J. Avery. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2003. - 240 p. - (Pocket reference)
Переклад назви: Microsoft ASP.NET: установка і налаштування


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Portable and precise, this pocket-sized reference is the Web application developer’s fast-answers guide to ASP.NET configuration architecture, settings, and custom settings. Zero in on key ASP.NET configuration details and techniques using quick-reference tables, lists, step-by-step instructions, and real world tips, including coding examples for version 2003 of Microsoft Visual Basic® .NET and Microsoft Visual C#® .NET. This handy, one-stop guide delivers the focused, streamlined direction you need to get your Web solutions up and running quickly.

веб-додаток -- конфігурація -- кодування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bergsten, Н.
JavaServer faces [Electronic resource] / Н. Bergsten. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2004. - 606 p.


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In JavaServer Faces, developers learn how to use the new JavaServer Faces framework to build real-world web applications. The book contains everything you'll need: how to construct the HTML on the front end; how to create the user interface components that connect the front end to your business objects; how to write a back-end that's JSF-friendly; and how to create the deployment descriptors that tie everything together. This book is a complete guide to the crucial new JSF technology.

програмування -- веб-додаток -- користувацький інтерфейс -- дескриптор розгортання

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Blanchette, J.
C++ GUI programming with Qt 3 [Electronic resource] / J. Blanchette, M. Summerfield. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2004. - 464 p
Переклад назви: C++ GUI програмування з Qt 3


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The book is divided into two parts. Part I covers all the concepts and practices necessary for programming GUI applications using Qt. Knowledge of this part alone is sufficient to write useful GUI applications. Part II covers central Qt topics in more depth and provides more specialized and advanced material. The chapters of Part II can be read in any order, but they assume familiarity with the contents of Part I.

програмування -- графічний інтерфейс -- додаток

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Boling, D.
Programming Microsoft Windows CE.NET [Electronic resource] / D. Boling. - 3rd. ed.. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2003. - 1224 p
Переклад назви: Програмування Microsoft Windows CE.NET


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This author expertly demonstrates how to apply your Windows or embedded programming experience to the Windows CE .NET environment to build fast, small-footprint applications for the Windows Powered Pocket PC, Smartphone, and other next-generation devices.

додаток -- пристрій -- смартфон

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Cohen, L. I.
The Web Programmer's Desk Reference [Electronic resource] / L. I. Cohen, J. I. Cohen. - San Francisco : No Starсh Press, 2004. - 1102 p.
Переклад назви: Настільний довідник веб-програміста


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Written for web programmers and designers, this reference alphabetically lists every HTML tag supported by Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer, along with their attributes, event handlers, CSS and JavaScript style properties, and much more


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Crawford, W.
J2EE design patterns [Electronic resource] / W. Crawford, J. Kaplan. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 368 p
Переклад назви: Шаблони дизайна J2EE


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Crawford and Kaplan's J2EE Design Patterns approaches the subject in a unique, highly practical and pragmatic way. Rather than simply present another catalog of design patterns, the authors broaden the scope by discussing ways to choose design patterns when building an enterprise application from scratch, looking closely at the real world tradeoffs that Java developers must weigh when architecting their applications. Then they go on to show how to apply the patterns when writing realworld software. They also extend design patterns into areas not covered in other books, presenting original patterns for data modeling, transaction / process modeling, and interoperability.

проектування -- додаток -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Dahlen, T.
Advanced J2EE platform development [Electronic resource] : applying integration tier patterns / T. Dahlen, T. Fritzon. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 224 p
Переклад назви: Розширена платформа розробки J2EE: застосування інтеграції рівня моделі


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This book does not provide any defined solutions or silver bullets. Integrating J2EE Platform applications with legacy systems is a difficult task that requires a thorough understanding of both legacy system applications and object-oriented design. We have tried to find a practical approach to applying the J2EE integration tier patterns in real-world situations, the main design principle being that of separation of concerns. Some of the designs described in this book are currently running in production, while others represent theoretical work that has not yet been tested in a full-scale production environment. We hope, however, that in reading this book you will gain valuable tools with which to start the long journey toward application integration.

об'єктно-орієнтоване проектування -- системна програма -- додаток

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Denne, M.
Software by numbers [Electronic resource] : low-risk, high-return development / M. Denne, J. Cleland-Huang. - Upper Saddle River : Prentice Hall PTR, 2003. - 208 p
Переклад назви: Програмне забезпечення за номерами: з низьким рівнем ризику, високою віддачею розвитку


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Ultimately, software development is about creating value-yet, all too often, applications fail to deliver the business value customers need. This book will help you change that, by linking software development directly to value creation. You'll learn how to identify which features add value and which don't-and refocus on delivering more value, more rapidly.

програмне забезпечення -- додаток -- програма

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hadjisotiriou, С.
ASP.NET web development with Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 [Electronic resource] / С. Hadjisotiriou, K. Marshall, R. Andrew. - New York : Apress, 2004. - 424 p.


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This is a concise, compact, no-nonsense book that teaches the reader how to develop accessible, standards compliant ASP.NET-driven web sites using the latest technologies: ASP.NET and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 is the development tool.

веб-програмування -- веб-додаток -- веб-застосунок

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jamsa, K.
.NET web services solutions [Electronic resource] / K. Jamsa. - Alameda : Sybex, 2003. - 440 p.
Переклад назви: Рішення веб-сервісів .NET


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This solutions-oriented book gives you the background you need to understand the concept of web services and quickly moves into showing you how to publish and consume web services.

програмна платформа -- веб-додаток

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Jordan, D.
Java data objects [Electronic resource] / D. Jordan, C. Russell. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 380 p
Переклад назви: Об'єкти даних Java


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This book, written by the JDO Specification Lead and one of the key contributors to the JDO Specification, is the definitive work on the JDO API. It gives you a thorough introduction to JDO, starting with a simple application that demonstrates many of JDO's capabilities. It shows you how to make classes persistent, how JDO maps persistent classes to the database, how to configure JDO at runtime, how to perform transactions, and how to make queries. More advanced chapters cover optional features such as nontransactional access and optimistic transactions. The book concludes by discussing the use of JDO in web applications and J2EE environments Whether you only want to read up on an interesting new technology, or are seriously considering an alternative to JDBC or EJB CMP, you'll find that this book is essential. It provides by far the most authoritative and complete coverage available.

додаток -- програмний продукт -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Lam, H.
.NET Framework essentials [Electronic resource] / H. Lam, T. L. Thai. - 3rd. ed.. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 384 p
Переклад назви: Основи платформи .NET


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Fully updated for version 1.1 of the .NET Framework, .NET Framework Essentials, 3rd Edition is an objective, concise, no-nonsense overview of the Microsoft .NET Framework for developing web applications and services. Written for intermediate to advanced VB, C/C++, Java, and Delphi developers, .NET Framework Essentials, 3rd Edition is also useful to system architects and leaders who are assessing tools for future projects.

веб-додаток -- інтернет -- програмне забезпечення

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Managing data mining technologies in organizations [Electronic resource] : techniques and applications / ред. P. Pendharkar. - Hershey : Idea Group Publishing, 2003. - 288 p
Переклад назви: Управління технологіями інтелектуального аналізу даних в організаціях: методи та програми


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This book details the state-of-the-art data mining research, which reflects in a potpourri of chapters that demonstrate diverse use of techniques and their applications for data mining.

дослідження -- додаток -- аналіз даних

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Mathews, C. F.
Absolute beginner's guide to Tablet PCs [Electronic resource] / C. F. Mathews. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 384 p
Переклад назви: Абсолютний посібник для початківця по Tablet PCs


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Whether you use your Tablet PC for work or play, this easy to follow guide gets you going quickly! Using real world scenarios that apply to teachers, students, business professionals, medical professionals, and more, Absolute Beginner's Guide to Tablet PCs shows you how to put Tablet PCs to use in real life. The book shows you the basics for getting your Tablet PCs up and running, then kicks it into high gear and shows you how to put your newfound palmtop power to use! You will also learn how to use Microsoft's new OneNote application to take, store, sort, and share notes with other users.

нотатки -- планшет -- додаток

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Northover, S.
SWT [Electronic resource] : the standard widget toolkit / S. Northover, M. Wilson. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2003. - 592 p. - (The Eclipse)
Переклад назви: СІВ: стандартний інструментарій віджета


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Vol. 1

I enjoy programming user interfaces in Java, but users don't need to know that—they shouldn't be able to spot that I was using Java from the surface of my application. SWT solves this problem by providing an efficient portable native widget kit. The widget kit is rich enough to build full-fledged applications that look and feel like a native application developed for a particular target platform.

програмування -- платформа -- додаток -- інтерфейс

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Putz, J.
Maximizing ASP.NET [Electronic resource] : real world, object-oriented development / J. Putz. - Boston : Addison Wesley Professional, 2005. - 336 p
Переклад назви: Максимізація ASP.NET: реальний світ, об'єктно-орієнтована розробка


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Using ASP.NET, you can build Web applications that deliver unprecedented power and performance. But to make the most of ASP.NET, Web developers need to think and work very differently from the ways they've programmed in the past. In Maximizing ASP.NET Jeffrey Putz helps you make the transitionand reap the rewards. If you're a long-time scripter who's migrated from ASP, PHP, or other traditional platforms, Putz shows you how to use ASP.NET's object-oriented model to write code that's easier to deploy, manage, extend, and reuse. If you're already comfortable with the fundamentals of ASP.NET using C# or VB.NET, this book's platform-specific details and development best practices will make you dramatically more effective.

веб-додаток -- платформа -- програмування

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