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   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Birx, H. James.
Encyclopedia of time [Electronic resource] : science, philosophy, theology, and culture : in 3 vol. / H. J. Birx. - Thousand Oaks : Sage Publications, 2009. - 1576 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія часу: наука, філософія, теологія та культура


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Surveying the major facts, concepts, theories, and speculations that infuse our present comprehension of time, the Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, and Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and creative artists from ancient times to the present. By drawing together into one collection ideas from scholars around the globe and in a wide range of disciplines, this Encyclopedia will provide readers with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the elusive phenomenon experienced as time. Features · Surveys historical thought about time, including those that emerged in ancient Greece, early Christianity, the Italian Renaissance, the Age of Enlightenment, and other periods+ Covers the original and lasting insights of evolutionary biologist Charles Darwin, physicist Albert Einstein, philosopher Alfred North Whitehead, and theologian Pierre Teilhard de Chardin + Discusses the significance of time in the writings of Isaac Asimov, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Fyodor M. Dostoevsky, Francesco Petrarch, and numerous other authors+ Includes the contributions of naturalists, philosophers, physicists, theologians, astronomers, anthropologists, geologists, paleontologists, and psychologists+ Includes artistsÆ portrayals of the fluidity of time, including painter Salvador DaliÆs The Persistence of Memory and The Discovery of America by Christopher Columbus, and writers Gustave FlaubertÆs The Temptation of Saint Anthony and Henryk SienkiewiczÆs Quo Vadis+ Provides a truly interdisciplinary approach, with discussions of Aztec, Buddhist, Christian, Egyptian, Ethiopian, Islamic, Hindu, Navajo, and many other culturesÆ conceptions of time

наука -- філософія -- теологія -- культура

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Black, R.
Critical testing processes [Electronic resource] : plan, prepare, perform, perfect / R. Black. - Boston : Addison Wesley, 2003. - 608 p.
Переклад назви: Критичні процеси тестування: планування, підготовка, виконання, ідеал


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The advent of agile methodologies and test-driven development has brought software testing to the forefront of application development. Yet in today's harried rush-to-market development environment, organizations must find a delicate balance between product release and product quality.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brown, D. M.
Communicating Design [Electronic resource] : developing Web Site Documentation for Design and Planning / D. M. Brown. - Washington, D.C. : New Riders, 2006. - 368 p.
Переклад назви: Співтовариство дизайну: розробка веб-сайті документації з проектування та планування


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Most discussion about Web design seems to focus on the creative process, yet turning concept into reality requires a strong set of deliverablesthe documentation (concept model, site maps, usability reports, and more) that serves as the primary communication tool between designers and customers. Here at last is a guide devoted to just that topic. Combining quick tips for improving deliverables with in-depth discussions of presentation and risk mitigation techniques, author Dan Brown shows you how to make the documentation you're required to provide into the most efficient communications tool possible. He begins with an introductory section about deliverables and their place in the overall process, and then delves into to the different types of deliverables. From usability reports to project plans, content maps, flow charts, wireframes, site maps, and more, each chapter includes a contents checklist, presentation strategy, maintenance strategy, a description of the development process and the deliverable's impact on the project, and more.

дизайн -- сайт

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Фізика   

Callender, Craig.
Time, Reality & Experience [Electronic resource] / Craig Callender. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2002. - 337 p
Переклад назви: Час, реальність та досвід


Географічні рубрики:

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Why does time seem to flow in one direction? Can we influence the past? Is only the present real? Does relativity conflict with our common understanding of time? Could science do away with time? These questions and others about time are among the most puzzling problems in philosophy and science. In this exciting collection of original articles, eminent philosophers propose novel answers to these and other questions. Based on the latest research in philosophy and physics, these essays will be enjoyable to anyone with a speculative turn of mind.

феноменологія -- філософія часу -- екзистенціалізм

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Davis, P.
Photoshop CS timesaving techniques for dummies [Electronic resource] / P. Davis. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 405 p.
Переклад назви: Техніки збереження часу в Photoshop CS для чайників


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This plain-English guide provides a comprehensive overview of Photoshop so you can customize your workspace, develop your own digital negatives, install plug-ins, download tool presets, and much more.

графічний редактор -- растрова графіка

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Eggleston, B.
Liquidated Damages and Extensions of Time [Electronic resource] : in Construction Contracts / B. Eggleston. - 3rd. ed.. - Chichester : Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. - 394 p.
Переклад назви: Оцінення збитків і розширення часу: в договорі на будівництво


Географічні рубрики:

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Liquidated damages and extensions of time frequently form the basis of contract claims made under the standard building and civil engineering contracts. This book, which was very well received in its first edition, covers the legal principles and examines in depth the relevant clauses of the standard construction contracts. The second edition includes a number of new contracts, including the New Engineering Contract, and takes account of recent decisions of the courts.

будівництво -- право

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of time [Electronic resource] / ed. H. J. Birx. - Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2009. - 1541 p.
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія часу


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Surveying the major facts, concepts, theories, and speculations that infuse our present comprehension of time, the Encyclopedia of Time: Science, Philosophy, Theology, & Culture explores the contributions of scientists, philosophers, theologians, and creative artists from ancient times to the present. By drawing together into one collection ideas from scholars around the globe and in a wide range of disciplines, this Encyclopedia will provide readers with a greater understanding of and appreciation for the elusive phenomenon experienced as time.

наука -- філософія -- теологія -- культура -- час

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Фізика   

Frampton, Paul H..
Did time begin? Will time end? Maybe the Big Bang never occurred [Electronic resource] / Paul H. Frampton. - Singapore : World Scientific, 2010. - 116 p
Переклад назви: Чи починався час? Чи закінчиться час? Можливо, великого вибуху ніколи не було


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Although everyone is familiar with the concept of time in everyday life and has probably given thought to the question of how time began, recent scientific developments in this field have not been accessible in a simple understandable form. This book is important as it presents to readers current ideas about the role of time in theoretical cosmology. Recent observational discoveries, especially that the expansion rate of the universe is accelerating, have revolutionized the understanding of the energy content of the universe. This development leads to new possibilities for the beginning and end of cosmological time. This book emphasizes the notion of entropy and describes how it is theoretically possible that the universe may end in a finite time or that time can cycle and never end. Provided here is twenty-first century scientific knowledge, written by one of the world's most eminent theoretical physicists, that will better enable the public to discuss further the fascinating idea of time. It is ideally suited also for young people considering a career in scientific research. Readership: Professional non-scientists to high school students considering a career in science.

теоретична фізика -- психологія часу -- космологія

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Garsia, M.
How to write your will. The complete guide to structuring your will, inheritance tax planning, probate and administering an estate [Electronic resource] / M. Garsia. - 19th. ed.. - London : Kogan Page, 2009. - 278 p.
Переклад назви: Як написати ваш заповіт: Посібник зі складання заповіту, планування податку на спадок та управління нерухомістю


Географічні рубрики:

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Essential reading for an executor and anyone thinking about making or updating a will, "How to Write Your Will" is full of expert advice and easy-to-use information set out in jargon free language. It covers all the important issues, including: why to write a will; where to start; tax and legal considerations; and, the problems of dying intestate. It also provides detailed instructions for executors on valuing and administering an estate prior to winding it up. Fully revised to include all new changes to tax laws and the latest legislation on trusts, "How to Write Your Will" now features an extended chapter on documentation, information on the legal situation in Scotland, a 'how to' section and an explanation of the implications for assets in other countries. Packed with helpful information, practical examples and FAQs, it is the complete guide to wills and probate.

спадкове право -- спадкоємство

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gysin, B.
Dreamachine plans [Electronic resource] / B. Gysin. - Brighton : Temple Press Ltd, 1994
Переклад назви: Машина для планування мрій


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Absurdly simple, the dreamachine creates a flickering of light calibrated to match alpha brainwaves. It is this that induces the multiplicity of colour and image in the brain. Gysin based his device (designed in collaboration with Ian Somerville) on the work of W. Grey Walter, one of the pioneers of the mechanics of brain function. The booklet contained just a couple of short essays, plus a card template and instructions on how to build your own dreamachine. Apart from a sheet of card, all that was needed was an old 78rpm record deck, and a light bulb. The dreamachine crosses the line between art and experience, and is the first device designed to be viewed with eyes closed.

мрія -- мозок

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hallows, J.
Information systems project management: how to deliver function and value in information technology projects [Electronic resource] / J. Hallows. - 2nd. ed.. - New York : AMACOM, 2005. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Інформаційні системи управління проектами: Як доставити функції і значення в проектах інформаційних технологій


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Whether your project entails implementing major packages, upgrading hardware, designing a technology architecture or developing a systems strategic plan, this book will help you deliver your projects on time, on budget, and with desired results.

проект -- планування проекту

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Hayes, K.
Going Mobile [Electronic resource] : building Real-Time Enterprise with Mobile Applications that Work / K. Hayes, S. Kuchinskas. - Gilroy : CMP Books, 2003. - 270 p.
Переклад назви: Мобільний Перехід: Створення в режимі реального часу підприємства з мобільних додатків, які працюють


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This book gives an objective analysis of the opportunities for working smarter-while saving time and money-by using mobile and wireless applications. It provides the information managers need in order to ask hard questions of mobile technology vendors

мобільний зв'язок -- програмування

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Hel-Or, Y.
Real Time Pattern Matching [Electronic resource] : using Projection Kernels / Y. Hel-Or, H. Hel-Or. - Herzeliya : Sch. of Comput. Sci., Interdisciplinary Center, 2003. - 27 p.
Переклад назви: Реальна картина часу відповідності: Використання проекції ядра


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A novel approach to pattern matching is presented in which time complexity is reduced by two orders of magnitude compared to traditional approaches. The suggested approach uses an efficient projection scheme which bounds the distance between a pattern and an image window using very few operations on average. The projection framework is combined with a rejection scheme which allows rapid rejection of image windows that are distant from the pattern. Experiments show that the approach is effective even under very noisy conditions. The approach described here can also be used in classification schemes where the projection values serve as input features that are informative and fast to extract.


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kaza, R.
Cisco IP Telephony: Planning, Design, Implementation, Operation, and Optimization [Electronic resource] / R. Kaza, S. Asadullah. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2005. - 672 p.
Переклад назви: Cisco IP телефонія: планування, розробка, операція і оптимізація


  Повний текст доступний у читальних залах НБУВ

The comprehensive guide to planning and implementing your Cisco IP Telephony system, as shown by the experts. Understand how to work through the different implementation phases of a Cisco IP telephony solution Plan your implementation with tools and guides from the most seasoned experts in the industry Avoid pitfalls in the process with best-practice suggestions and other tips derived from years of actual implementation experience Cisco IP Telephony: Planning, Design, Implementation, and Operation of the IP Telephony Network, is a guide for network engineers as they go through the deployment of a Cisco IP telephony (IPT) solution. Although an IPT system brings several benefits to an organization, understanding all the components of that system is necessary for a successful implementation. Engineers tasked with implementation must also keep in mind that the architecture they are installing must be scalable in the future. The authors of this book, Ramesh Kaza and Salman Asadullah, have taken an approach to address the questions that come to these engineers while planning, designing, implementing, and operating the Cisco IPT solutions. The deployment process has been divided into four phases: Planning, Design, Implementation, and Operation (PDIO). Each phase provides specific details about the tasks involved and best practices for successful implementation of the IPT solution. This book also contains pre-designed questionnaires and assistance tools that will help engineers determine the requirements of each phase of the PDIO cycle. This book is written by experts from Cisco with extensive experience in implementing these solutions. Readers are provided step-by-step explanations, specific details, and best practices acquired by the authors while working with the top Cisco IPT customers.

VoIP -- цифрова телефонія

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Kerzner, H.
Project management: a systems approach to planning, scheduling, and controlling [Electronic resource] / H. Kerzner. - 8th ed.. - New York : John Wiley & Sons, 2003. - 891 p.
Переклад назви: Управління проектами: Системний підхід до планування, розкладу і контролю


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This eighth edition updates the classic reference on project management theory and techniques within today’s changing marketplace. A wealth of knowledge is put into this practical study guide that managers can rely on.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Lawson, F.
Restaurants, clubs & bars [Electronic resource] : planning, design and investment for food service facilities / F. Lawson. - 2th. ed.. - Oxford : Architectural Press, 1994. - 332 p.
Переклад назви: Ресторани, клуби та бари: планування, проектування та інвестиції для підприємств громадського харчування


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This book covers all aspects of planning, design and investment in commercial restaurants, from fast food outlets to night clubs. It also examines requirements for food services in the social and welfare sector. With changing social and living habits creating an increasing demand for meals to be taken away from the home, investment in restaurants is taking place on a massive scale throughout the world. Restaurant design is also constantly evolving as changing fashions and competition demand more frequent refurbishment and reinvestment coupled with technical advances in food production and equipment. The book is illustrated by many examples of the most interesting projects in the field worldwide. Any student or practising caterer, architect or interior designer working in a restaurant in the food service industry will find this volume packed with invaluable guidance on planning, design and management.

управління -- дизайн -- громадський заклад

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Merrill, A. R.
Life matters: creating a dynamic balance of work, family, time & money [Electronic resource] / A. R. Merrill, R. R. Merrill. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2003. - 261 p.
Переклад назви: Питання життя: створення динамічної рівноваги роботи, сім'ї, часу і грошей


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This book covers creative ways to successfully balance four major aspects of life: family, money, work and time; the program rests on what the authors call three gotta do's--validate expectations, optimize effort and develop navigational intelligence.

тайм-менеджмент -- управління часом

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Meyerson, M.
Politics, planning and the public interest. The case of public housing in Chicago [Electronic resource] / M. Meyerson, E. C. Banfield. - New York : Free Press, 1969. - 353 p.
Переклад назви: Політика, планування та суспільний інтерес: справа про соціальне житло в Чикаго


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нерухомість -- суспільне житло

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit [Electronic resource] : planning server deployments / Microsoft Corporation. - Redmond : Microsoft Press, 2003. - 650 p
Переклад назви: Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Deployment Kit: планування серверних розгортань


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This volume provides detailed guidelines to help you design and deploy file servers, print servers, server clusters, Network Load Balancing clusters, and terminal services.

сервер -- файл -- проектування

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Perovic, Sanja.
The Calendar in revolutionary France [Electronic resource] : perceptions of time in literature, culture, politics / Sanja Perovic. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 292 p
Переклад назви: Календар в революційній Франції: сприйняття часу в літературі, культурі, політиці


Географічні рубрики:

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This book began at Stanford University and I wish to express my gratitude to Sepp Gumbrecht, who first encouraged me to embark on this project, for his continuing advice, support and enthusiasm. I also wish to thank Jean-Marie Apostolidès and acknowledge the late Richard Rorty, both of whom provided useful guidance at an early stage of this project. At a crucial point in my thinking on this topic, Thomas Pavel gave me excellent suggestions that I have tried to follow. I would also like to thank Criscillia Benford, Marilynn Desmond, Emma Gilligan, Jan Goldstein, Tamara Griggs, Rebecca Lemon, Ellen McClure, Robert Morrissey, Larry Norman, Catriona Seth, Chenxi Tang, Caroline Warman and the participants of the Early Modern France workshop at the University of Chicago, all of whom have read or commented on parts of the manuscript. I owe a special debt of gratitude to my wonderful colleagues at King’s College London who have made teaching and working such a pleasure, in particular to Simon Gaunt, Nicholas Harrison and Jo Malt for their invaluable advice and generosity. Two anonymous readers for the Press made excellent suggestions for improving the manuscript. Any remaining errors in these pages are, of course, entirely my own. Anne-Célia Feutrie provided much appreciated help in the final stages of editing. Matthew Shaw generously shared his own research on the Republican calendar with me. A Geballe Dissertation Fellowship at the Stanford Humanities Centre provided financial support in the earlier stages of this project, and I would like to thank King’s College London for help with the cost of illustrations. I would also like to acknowledge the Musée de la Révolution française de Vizille, and especially Annick Le Gall, for a very hospitable stay during my preliminary research on this project. This book has benefitted from being presented at numerous conferences, in particular the British Society of Eighteenth-Century Studies where the opportunity to present the Haydn Mason lecture helped revise my thinking on the topic. Some of the material in Chapter 1 was published in my The French Republican Calendar: Time, History and the Revolutionary Event’, Journal of Eighteenth-Century Studies, 35 (2012):1–16. Chapter 4 is a modified version of ‘Death by Volcano: Revolutionary Theatre and Marie- Antoinette’, French Studies (forthcoming). Chapter 5 is adapted from ‘The Goddesses of Reason: Incorporating Real and Metaphorical Bodies in Year II ’, in The Body and Its Images: Health, Humours, Illnesses, eds. Sabine Arnaud and Helge Jordheim (Paris: Honoré Champion, forthcoming). I thank Wiley Publications, Oxford Journals and Slatkine Press for permission to reuse this material. Last but hardly least, my deepest thanks go to my parents for everything and more. This book is dedicated with much love to Dimitris, who has lived with it far longer than anyone should, but always with good humour and patience.

історія Франції -- культура протесту -- політика

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