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   Тип видання:   підручник   

Gilster, R.
A+ Certification for dummies [Electronic resource] / R. Gilster. - 3rd. ed.. - Indianapolis : John Wiley & Sons, 2004. - 390 p.
Переклад назви: Сертифікація А+ для чайників


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This painless test preparation tool begins with an introduction to basic electronics and numbering systems relevant to computer processing, then builds hardware knowledge from the bottom up, and finishes off by demonstrating how to work on computers.


   Тип видання:   довідник   

Allen, R.
Active directory cookbook [Electronic resource] : for Windows Server 2003 and Windows 2000 / R. Allen. - Sebastopol : O'Reilly, 2003. - 622 p
Переклад назви: Активний каталог для Windows Server 2003 і Windows 2000


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Those of you who run networks on Windows 2000 know the benefits of using Active Directory for managing user information and permissions. You also know what a bear it can be. The newer version included with Windows Server 2003 has over 100 new and updated features to simplify deployment, but once it's in place many system administrators still find Active Directory challenging. If you're among those looking for practical hands-on support, help is here with our new Active Directory Cookbook for Windows Server 2003 & Windows 2000, a unique problem-solving guide that offers quick answers for both versions of the directory. The book contains hundreds of step-by-step solutions for both common and uncommon problems that you might encounter with Active Directory on a daily basis--including recipes to deal with the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), multi-master replication, Domain Name System (DNS), Group Policy, the Active Directory Schema, and many other features. Author Robbie Allen, a Senior Systems Architect at Cisco Systems and co-author of our Active Directory tutorial, based this collection of troubleshooting recipes on his own experience, along with input from Windows administrators throughout the industry. Each recipe includes a discussion to explain how and why the solution works, so you can adapt the problem-solving techniques to similar situations.

домен -- протокол доступу -- адміністратор

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Wallace, K.
Authorized self-study guide cisco voice over IP (CVoice) [Electronic resource] / K. Wallace. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2006. - 504 p.


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The second edition of Cisco Voice Over IP (CVOICE) provides readers with all the critical information needed to implement and support data and voice integration solutions at the network-access level. In addition, this book prepares the reader for the CVOICE certification exam 642-432, which applies to multiple Cisco IP Telephony Specialist certifications and the Cisco Certified Voice Professional (CCVP) certification. The book is based on the 5.0 curriculum, and has extra coverage on particularly tough areas of that course, such as H.323 gateway/gatekeeper and QoS configuration. This book will serve readers as a valuable study aid and an invaluable theory, configuration, and troubleshooting reference. Coverage starts with a review for readers new to voice technologies and continues with in-depth information on implementation, concepts and protocols, call control models available, roadblock and troubleshooting strategies, and QoS issues. The book also expands beyond the curriculum to cover topics such as WRR, AutoQoS on a Catalyst switch, LFI, using MQC to configure classification, marking, LLQ, WRED, policing, and shaping. How does the book differ from the previous edition? It includes updated coverage of voice technologies, IOS version 12.3 updates including AutoQoS, H.323 enhancements, MGCP enhancements, and SIP enhancements, and practical editorial elements like hands-on lab exercises and configuration examples are given greater emphasis.

комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Deal, R. A.
BCMSN exam cram™ 2 (exam cram 642-811) [Electronic resource] / R. A. Deal. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 528 p.


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The Exam Cram Method of study focuses on exactly what you need to get certified now

Cisco Systems -- комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Reddy, K.
Building MPLS-Based Broadband Access VPNs [Electronic resource] / K. Reddy. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2003. - 408 p.
Переклад назви: Побудова VPN-мережі широкополосного доступу на основі MPLS


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This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

комп'ютерна мережа -- багатопротокольна комутація -- віртуальна мережа

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Lammle, T.
CCDA: Cisco certified design associate study guide (exam 640-861) [Electronic resource] / T. Lammle, A. Barkl. - 2nd. ed.. - Alameda : Sybex, 2003. - 622 p.


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Organized for optimal learning and retention, this book provides in-depth coverage of all CCDA exam (640-861)objectives along with practical insights drawn from real-world experience.

сертифікація Cisco -- Cisco Systems

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Hussain, F.
CCIE security practice labs [Electronic resource] / F. Hussain, Y. Bhaiji. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 552 p.
Переклад назви: Лабораторні практичні роботи з безпеки CCIE


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The explosive growth of the Internet economy over the past several years and new IP-based enterprise applications has heightened requirements for continuous availability of mission-critical data. Today's network administrators and managers are under big pressure to satisfy ever-increasing demands from customers, suppliers, and employees for 100 percent network resource availability and access to applications and data. The end result is that the cost of a network security breach has never been higher. Accordingly, the demand for networking professionals with expert-level network security configuration and troubleshooting skills is also great. The Cisco Systems CCIE Security certification is a prestigious program that sets the professional benchmark for internetworking expertise, validating proficiency with advanced technical skills required to design, configure, and maintain a wide range of network security technologies.

сертифікація Cisco

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Шварц, Дж.
CCIE. Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert [Електронний ресурс] : учебное руководство / Дж. Шварц, Т. Леммл. - М. : Лори, 2002. - 790 с.


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Эта книга облегчит и сделает максимально эффективной подготовку к сертификационному экзамену Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (350-001). Написанное экспертами по объединенным сетям, учебное руководство включает в себя:- Предварительный оценочный тест, который помогает определить направление вашей подготовки- Целенаправленное освещение технологий, используемых в сетевых комплексах Cisco- Контрольные вопросы с пояснениями- Подробный анализ всех экзаменационных заданий:- Иерархическая структура сети- Общие стандарты транспорта- Настройка и управление IOS- Frame Relay и Х.25- Отказоустойчивость- Основы TCP/IP- Протоколы внутреннего шлюза- Протоколы граничного шлюза- Взаимодействие протоколов маршрутизации IP- Преобразование сетевых адресов- Маршрутизация групповых IP-рассылок- Обзор комплексных услуг Cisco- Мосты- Коммутация канального уровня- ATM и его эмуляция для локальной сети- Обеспечение безопасности сети

мережа -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Quinn, E.
CCNP BCRAN exam Cram 2 [Electronic resource] / E. Quinn, F. Glauser. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 456 p. - (Exam 642-821)
Переклад назви: CCNP BCRAN іспит Cram 2


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Join the ranks of readers who have trusted Exam Cram 2 to their certification preparation needs! The CCNP BCRAN Exam Cram 2 (Exam 642-821) is focused on what you need to know to pass the CCNP BCRAN exam. The Exam Cram 2 Method of Study provides you with a concise method to learn the exam topics. The book includes tips, exam notes, acronyms and memory joggers in order to help you pass the exam.

знання -- підготовка -- сертифікація -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Odom, S.
CCNP CIT exam Cram 2 [Electronic resource] / S. Odom. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 552 p. - (Exam 642-831)
Переклад назви: CCNP CIT іспит Cram 2


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Join the ranks of readers who have trusted Exam Cram 2 to their certification preparation needs! The Cisco CCNP CIT Exam Cram 2 (Exam 642-831) is focused on what you need to know to pass the CCNP CIT exam. The Exam Cram 2 Method of Study provides you with a concise method to learn the exam topics. The book includes tips, exam notes, acronyms and memory joggers in order to help you pass the exam.

знання -- підготовка -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

CCNP practical studies: remote access [Electronic resource] / W. Shuo [et al.]. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2003. - 528 p.


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CCNP Practical Studies: Remote Access (CCNP Self-Study) prepares readers for the CCNP 642-821 BCRAN exam and for workplace challenges in implementing remote access network applications. Designed as a topic-by-topic guide of how to apply remote access concepts in a real network setting, this book is useful in preparing a CCNP candidate for the general exam questions by providing a better understanding of how remote access really works. It is also essential in preparing candidates for the new simulation-based questions that are on the Cisco certification exams. Finally, it serves anyone wanting a guide to real-world application of these concepts, regardless of certification interest.

мережі -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   навчальний посібник   

Леммл, Т.
CCNP. Настройка коммутаторов Cisco [Електронний ресурс] : учебное руководство. / Т. Леммл, К. Хейлз. - М. : Лори, 2002


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Изучение книги Настройка коммутаторов Cisco - это недорогой и эффективный способ подготовки к последней версии экзамена Cisco по коммутации (640-504). Учебное руководство написано двумя экспертами в области сетевых технологий и содержит следующие элементы подготовки: Предварительную оценочную контрольную работу, помогающую направить усилия по подготовке к экзамену в правильное русло Тематическое рассмотрение коммутационных технологий Cisco Письменные и практические лабораторные работы для закрепления материала Трудные вопросы для повторения

мережа -- комутатор

   Тип видання:   підручник   

Jack, T.
CCNP: building Cisco multilayer switched networks study guide (642-811) [Electronic resource] / T. Jack. - Alameda : Sybex, 2003. - 562 p.


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This book prepares you for Cisco’s Building Cisco Multilayer Switched Networks (BCMSN) exam, 642-811.

Cisco Systems -- комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bastien, G.
CCSP Cisco Secure PIX® Firewall advanced exam certification guide [Electronic resource] / G. Bastien, E. Carter, C. Degu. - 2th. ed.. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 816 p.


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Becoming a CCSP distinguishes you as part of an exclusive group of experts, ready to take on today's most challenging security tasks. Administration of the Cisco PIX Firewall is a difficult and complex task, critical for protecting a network. Whether you are seeking a PIX-focused certification or the full-fledged CCSP certification, learning what you need to know to pass the Cisco Secure PIX Firewall Advanced (CSPFA) exam will qualify you to keep your company's network safe while meeting business needs.

адміністрування мереж -- захист мережі

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hines, A.
CCSP CSI exam Cram 2 [Electronic resource] / A. Hines. - Indianapolis : Que, 2003. - 480 p. - (Exam Cram 642-541)
Переклад назви: CCSP CSI іспит Cram 2


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CCSP CSI Exam Cram 2 covers the fifth and final exam in the CCSP certification program. The SAFE Implementation is a very broad topic and the book's primary objective is to detail the proper scope for testing purposes. It accomplishes this through strict mapping of book content to the Cisco exam blueprint, actual configuration examples, and unparalleled analogies to help demystify complex technologies. The CD includes PrepLogic Practice Tests, Preview Edition, which offers a complete PrepLogic Practice Test, a test engine with two study modes, Practice Test and Flash Review, full exam customization, and a detailed score report. www.examcram.com features industry news, study tips, practice questions, and an online professional community discussion board.

знання -- підготовка -- тестування -- комп'ютер

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Dubrawsky, I.
CCSP Self-Study CCSP CSI [Electronic resource] : exam Certification Guide / I. Dubrawsky, P. Grey. - 2-е вид.. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 528 p.
Переклад назви: CCSP самовчитель CCSP CSI: Керівництво сертифікаційного іспиту


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The official self-study test preparation guide for the CCSP CSI exam 642-541 This study guide helps you master all the topics on the CCSP CSI exam, including Classifying and mitigating network attacks Securing designs for small, medium-sized, remote-user, and enterprise networks Understanding the SAFE network modules Using Host IPS and the Cisco Security Agent Identifying security threats Securing a wireless network Applying the SAFE Blueprint to networks utilizing IP telephony Implementing appropriate security products to prevent or counteract vulnerabilities Defining a security policy Using the Cisco Secure product portfolio, including perimeter security, IDS, secure connectivity, security management, and Cisco AVVID Understanding the SAFE architectural overview CCSP CSI Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, is a best-of-breed Cisco exam study guide that focuses specifically on the objectives for the CSI exam. Inside, you'll find preparation hints and test-taking tips to help you identify areas of weakness and improve both your conceptual and hands-on knowledge of network security. CCSP CSI Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, presents you with an organized test preparation routine through the use of proven series elements and techniques. "Do I Know This Already?" quizzes open each chapter and allow you to decide how much time you need to spend on each section. Foundation Summary lists and tables make referencing easy and give you a quick refresher whenever you need it. Challenging chapter-ending review questions reinforce key concepts. An entire chapter of scenarios helps you place the exam objectives in real-world situations, thus increasing recall during exam time. New in this edition is coverage of wireless networks, IP telephony, Host Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and enterprise networks. The companion CD-ROM contains a powerful testing engine that allows you to focus on individual topic areas or take a complete, timed exam. The assessment engine tracks your performance and provides feedback on a module-by-module basis, presenting links to the text for further review and helping you devise a complete study plan. Well-regarded for its level of detail, assessment features, challenging review questions, and hands-on exercises, this book helps you master the concepts and techniques that will enable you to succeed on the exam the first time. CCSP CSI Exam Certification Guide, Second Edition, is part of a recommended study program from Cisco Systems that includes simulation and hands-on training from authorized Cisco Learning Partners and self-study products from Cisco Press. To find out more about instructor-led, e-learning, and hands-on instruction offered by authorized Cisco Learning Partners worldwide, please visit www.cisco.com/go/authorizedtraining. Companion CD-ROM The CD-ROM contains more than 200 practice questions for the CCSP CSI exam, including simulation-based questions. CD-ROM test engine powered by www.boson.com. Boson Software is a Cisco Learning Partner.

програмне забезпечення -- база даних -- електронний ресурс -- сервер -- захист даних -- CCSP CSI exam

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Deal, R. A.
Cisco ASA Configuration [Electronic resource] / R. A. Deal. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2009. - 753 p. - (Networking Professional's Library)
Переклад назви: Конфігурація Cisco ASA


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The Cisco ASA product replaces Cisco PIX Firewalls, and Cisco expert Richard Deal updates his bestselling book, Cisco PIX Firewalls, to cover ASA. This book shows you how to configure and maintain a Cisco ASA appliance to control traffic in the corporate network and protect the network from internal and external threats and attacks. Cisco ASA Configuration covers the latest features available in versions 8.0 and 8.1, and includes detailed examples of complex configurations and troubleshooting. Implement and manage this powerful multifunction network adaptive security appliance with help from this expert guide.

продукт -- захист мережі -- пристрій

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Cisco CallManager Best Practices [Electronic resource] / S. Collora [et al.]. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2004. - 624 p.
Переклад назви: Кращі практики в Cisco CallManager


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Delivers the proven solutions that make a difference in your Cisco IP Telephony deployment


   Тип видання:   підручник   

Flannagan, M.
Cisco Catalyst QoS: quality of service in campus networks [Electronic resource] / M. Flannagan , R. Froom. - Indianapolis : Cisco Press, 2003. - 432 p.


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Quality of service (QoS) is the set of techniques designed to manage network resources. QoS refers to the capability of a network to provide better service to selected network traffic over various LAN and WAN technologies. The primary goal of QoS is to provide flow priority, including dedicated bandwidth, controlled jitter and latency (required by some interactive and delay-sensitive traffic), and improved loss characteristics. While QoS has become an essential technology for those organizations rolling out a new generation of network applications such as real-time voice communications and high-quality video delivery, most of the literature available on this foundation technology for current and future business applications focuses on IP QoS. Equally important is the application of QoS in the campus LAN environment, which is primarily responsible for delivering traffic to the desktop. Cisco Catalyst QoS is the first book to concentrate exclusively on the application of QoS in the campus environment. This practical guide provides you with insight into the operation of QoS on the most popular and widely deployed LAN devices: the Cisco Catalyst family of switches. Leveraging the authors' extensive expertise at Cisco in the support of Cisco Catalyst switches and QoS deployment, the book presents QoS from the campus LAN perspective. It explains why QoS is essential in this environment in order to achieve a more deterministic behavior for traffic when implementing voice, video, or other delay-sensitive applications. Through architectural overviews, configuration examples, real-world deployment case studies, and summaries of common pitfalls, you will understand how QoS operates, the different components involved in making QoS possible, and how QoS can be implemented on the various Cisco Catalyst platforms to enable truly successful end-to-end QoS applications. This book is part of the Networking Technology Series from Cisco Press, which offers networking professionals valuable information for constructing efficient networks, understanding new technologies, and building successful careers.

комп'ютерна мережа

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Liu, D.
Cisco CCNA/CCENT exam 640-802, 640-822, 640-816 preparation kit [Electronic resource] / D. Liu, B. Barber. - Burlington : Syngress Publishing, 2009. - 830 p.


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The CCNA exam is an entry-level IT certification from Cisco Systems for professionals installing and maintaining route and switched networks. The current exam material covers networking concepts along with new and updated content on network security fundamentals and the basics of wireless networking. This book can be used as a study guide for either track you choose to receive your CCNA – the single exam, 640-802 or the combined 640-822 and 640-816, and for the CCENT certification which a student will receive upon completion of the 640-822 exam. The author team has arranged the content so that you can easily identify the objectives for each half of the combined exam.

мережа -- сертифікат -- іспит

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