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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Непомнящий, Николай Николаевич.
100 великих загадок природы [Електронний ресурс] / Н. Н. Непомнящий. - М. : Вече, 2006. - 433 с.. - (100 великих)


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Книга из популярной серии «100 великих» рассказывает о самых удивительных, захватывающих загадках и тайнах неживой природы, растительного мира и царства животных, а также о невероятных, но вполне реальных существах, больше похожих на персонажи мифов и легенд. Тунгусский «зал саркофагов» и балтийские «гейзеры», поющие барханы и огнедышащие призраки, гигантская трава и чудо-кактусы, реликтовые ящеры и сумчатый дьявол, мокеле-мбембе и птица Рух... Все непознанное, малоизученное и труднообъяснимое заставляет людей задуматься о тайнах нашего мира, дает сюжеты для фантастических романов и кинофильмов, подвигает ученых на научные исследования и экспедиции, а любителей-энтузиастов — на смелые догадки. Будущее все настойчивее ставит вопрос: найдут ли люди пути к достойному сосуществованию как друг с другом, так и с миром природы, или человечество погрузится в пучину климатических, генетических и психотронных войн?

екологія -- природознавство -- біологія -- географія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kellehear, Allan.
A social history of dying [Electronic resource] / Allan Kellehear. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2007. - 310 p
Переклад назви: Соціальна історія вмирання

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Our experiences of dying have been shaped by ancient ideas about death and social responsibility at the end of life. From Stone Age ideas about dying as otherworld journey to the contemporary Cosmopolitan Age of dying in nursing homes, Allan Kellehear takes the reader on a 2 million year journey of discovery that covers the major challenges we will all eventually face: anticipating, preparing, taming and timing for our eventual deaths. This book, first published in 2007, is a major review of the human and clinical sciences literature about human dying conduct. The historical approach of this book places our recent images of cancer dying and medical care in broader historical, epidemiological and global context. Professor Kellehear argues that we are witnessing a rise in shameful forms of dying. It is not cancer, heart disease or medical science that presents modern dying conduct with its greatest moral tests, but rather poverty, ageing and social exclusion.

танатологія -- смерть -- мораль -- соціологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Науки про Землю   

Barlow, Maude.
Blue Gold [Electronic resource] : the fight to stop the corporate theft of the world's wate / Maude Barlow, Tony Clarke. - New York : The New Press, 2005. - 289 p
Переклад назви: Синє золото: боротьба за припинення корпоративної крадіжки світових водних ресурсів


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In this “chilling, in-depth examination of a rapidly emerging global crisis” (In These Times), Maude Barlow and Tony Clarke, two of the most active opponents to the privatization of water show how, contrary to received wisdom, water mainly flows uphill to the wealthy. Our most basic resource may one day be limited: our consumption doubles every twenty years—twice the rate of population increase. At the same time, increasingly transnational corporations are plotting to control the world’s dwindling water supply. In England and France, where water has already been privatized, rates have soared, and water shortages have been severe. The major bottled-water producers—Perrier, Evian, Naya, and now Coca-Cola and PepsiCo—are part of one of the fastest-growing and least-regulated industries, buying up freshwater rights and drying up crucial supplies. A truly shocking exposé that is a call to arms to people around the world, Blue Gold shows in frightening detail why, as the vice president of the World Bank has pronounced, “The wars of the next century will be about water.”

водні ресурси -- екологія -- світова економіка

   Тип видання:   фотоальбом   

Smolan, R.
Blue planet run [Electronic resource] : the race to provide safe drinking water to the world / R. Smolan, J. Erwitt. - San Rafael : Earth Aware Editions, 2007. - 122 p.
Переклад назви: Пробіг Блакитною Планетою


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Blue Planet Run provides readers with an extraordinary look at the water problems facing humanity and some of the hopeful solutions being pursued by large and small companies, by entrepreneurs and activists, and by nongovernmental organizations and foundations. By the end of the book, readers are left to form their own conclusions as to whether or how the human race is capable of taking the steps necessary to solve this global crisis before it is too late.

вода -- життя -- екологія

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   
Категорія: Хімічні науки   

Eisner, Th.
Chemical ecology [Electronic resource] / Th. Eisner, J. Meinwald. - Washington : National academy press, 1995. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Хімічна екологія


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This volume is based on the National Academy of Sciences' colloquium entitled "Chemical Ecology: The Chemistry of Biotic Interaction." The articles appearing in these pages were contributed by speakers at the colloquium. Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this volume are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Academy of Sciences.

хімія -- екологія

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Brand, U.
Conflicts in environmental regulation and the internationalization of the state [Electronic resource] : contested terrains / U. Brand. - New York : Routledge, 2008. - 293 p.
Переклад назви: Конфлікти в екологічному регулюванні та інтернаціоналізація держави


Географічні рубрики:

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This book examines the global regulation of biodiversity politics through the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the WTO and other international treaties. Using historical-materialist state and regulation theory, it assesses how the discourse and politics of sustainable development have contributed to the internationalisation of the state.

навколишнє середовище -- екологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adeyeye, Adefolake O..
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries [Electronic resource] : perspectives on Anti-Corruption / Adefolake O. Adeyeye. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 245 p
Переклад назви: Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність транснаціональних корпорацій в країнах, що розвиваються: перспективи боротьби з корупцією


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The increasing importance of CSR means that companies must consider multi-stakeholder interests as well as the social, political, economic, environmental and developmental impact of their actions. However, the pursuit of profits by multinational corporations has led to a series of questionable corporate actions and the consequences of such practices are particularly evident in developing countries. Adefolake Adeyeye explores how CSR has evolved to aid the anti-corruption campaign. By examining voluntary rules applicable for curbing corruption, particularly bribery and analysing the domestic and extra-territorial laws of Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States for holding corporations liable for bribery, she assesses the adequacy of international law's approach towards corporate liability for bribery and explores direct corporate responsibility for international corruption. The roles of corporate governance, global governance and civil liability in curbing corporate corrupt practices are given special focus.

корупція -- економіка -- боротьба

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Brandt, D.
Delinquency, Development, and Social Policy [Electronic resource] / D. Brandt. - New Haven : Yale University Press, 2006. - 164 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність, розвиток та соціальна політика


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In this book, David E. Brandt examines the legal, psychological, and cultural issues relevant to understanding antisocial behavior in adolescence. Based on his own research and a broad analysis of recent work in the field, Brandt identifies the factors that are common in cases of delinquency. The discussion considers the long-term effects of social issues such as poverty as well as psychological issues such as the high levels of stress and anxiety suffered during childhood by many delinquents. He shows how a failure to meet the developmental needs of children—at both the family level and at a broader social and political level—is at the core of the problem of juvenile delinquency. Brandt concludes with an inquiry into how best to prevent delinquency. Programs that address the developmental needs of children, Brandt argues, are more effective than policing, juvenile courts, or incarceration.

культура -- поведінка -- правопорушення

   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Будівництво   

Christensen, A. J.
Dictionary of landscape architecture and construction [Electronic resource] / A. J. Christensen. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2005. - 479 p.
Переклад назви: Словник ландшафтної архітектури та будівництва


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In an industry that involves the skills, expertise, and labor of a wide-range of professionals and workers, good communications become crucial, and a common vocabulary is key to successful projects. Many of the terms used in landscape architecture, land planning, environmental planning, and landscape construction are unavailable, or so new, or industry-specific that they can’t be found in conventional dictionaries. This unique resource delivers definitions as well as how-to information via details and photos, going above and beyond the scope of a typical professional dictionary. With straightforward definitions and clear illustrations on each page, everyone from architects, designers, and contractors through grounds maintenance workers will benefit from this important resource. In addition, an appendix with labeled construction details will illustrate not just what a term means, but also how it’s applied in the profession.

ландшафт -- екологія -- дизайн

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Kusmer, Kenneth L..
Down & out, on the road [Electronic resource] : the homeless in American history / Kenneth L. Kusmer. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2003. - 345 p
Переклад назви: На узбіччі: бездомні в американській історії


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Covering the entire period from the colonial era to the late twentieth century, this book is the first scholarly history of the homeless in America. Drawing on sources that include records of charitable organizations, sociological studies, and numerous memoirs of formerly homeless persons, Kusmer demonstrates that the homeless have been a significant presence on the American scene for over two hundred years. He probes the history of homelessness from a variety of angles, showing why people become homeless; how charities and public authorities dealt with this social problem; and the diverse ways in which different class, ethnic, and racial groups perceived and responded to homelessness. Kusmer demonstrates that, despite the common perception of the homeless as a deviant group, they have always had much in common with the average American. Focusing on the millions who suffered downward mobility, Down and Out, On the Road provides a unique view of the evolution of American society and raises disturbing questions about the repeated failure to face and solve the problem of homelessness.

Америка -- соціальна історія -- бездомні

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Callicott, J. Baird.
Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy [Electronic resource] / J. Baird Callicott, Robert Frodeman. - New York : Macmillan, 2009. - 1127 p
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія екологічної етики і філософії


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The field of environmental ethics is a new but now well-established sub-discipline of philosophy. Emerging in the mid-1970s, the field coalesced with the inaugural volume of the journal Environmental Ethics in 1979 and developed rapidly. By the turn of the century, most colleges and universities offered courses, if not major programs of study, in this important discipline. The Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy addresses the needs of upper high school students, undergraduate researchers, teachers and professors, as well as general readers by examining the philosophical and ethical issues underlying contemporary and historical environmental issues, policies, and debates. More than 300 peer-reviewed articles cover concepts, institutions, topics, events and people, including global warming, animal rights, environmental movements, alternative energy, green chemistry, industrial ecology, and eco-sabotage. Encyclopedia of Environmental Ethics and Philosophy joins the suite of other MacMillan applied ethics titles: Encyclopedia of Bioethics and the Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Ethics. Additional features include 200 photographs and illustrations, thematic outline, annotated bibliography, and a comprehensive index.

філософія -- етика -- екологія

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Endangered Species [Electronic resource] : encyclopedia : in 3 vol. / S. Benson, R. Nagel.. - Farmington Hills : Gale, 2004
Переклад назви: Види під загрозою зникнення


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Vol. 1 : Mammals. - 320 p.

Vol. 2 : Arachnids, Birds, Crustaceans, Insects and Molluscs. - 320 p.

Vol. 3 : Amphibians, Fish, Plants and Reptiles. - 300 p.

Including the addition of 40 new species, this 2nd edition is completely updated to reflect the changes in endangered and threatened status. Color photographs and maps provide students with many species threatened by extinction, including amphibians, birds, crustaceans, fish, insects, mammals, mollusks, reptiles and more. Each of the 240 entries gives a species description, location, reason for endangerment and measures being taken to protect it.

тварина -- рослина -- охорона довкілля -- екологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Diehl, Paul.
Environmental conflict [Electronic resource] : an anthology / Paul Diehl, Nils Petter Gleditsch. - Boulder : Westview Press, 2000. - 352 p
Переклад назви: Екологічний конфлікт: антологія


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As environmental security gains increasing attention, there is a pressing need for rigorous examinations of environmental causes of conflict and the potential for conflict resolution. Environmental Conflict explores the relationship between environmental degradation or scarcity and either intrastate or interstate violent conflict. Informed by theoretical perspectives, a major strength is the focus on demanding empirical tests of hypothesized relationships between environmental factors and violence. Identifying the causes of conflict can assist in developing meliorative measures. The contributors are eminent scholars who address a pressing issue in innovative ways.

екологія -- екополітика -- забруднення природи

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Zehner, Ozzie.
Green Illusions [Electronic resource] : the dirty secrets of clean energy and the future of environmentalism / Ozzie Zehner. - London : University of Nebraska Press, 2012. - 400 p
Переклад назви: Зелені ілюзії: брудні секрети чистої енергії і майбутнє захисту навколишнього середовища


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We don’t have an energy crisis. We have a consumption crisis. And this book, which takes aim at cherished assumptions regarding energy, offers refreshingly straight talk about what’s wrong with the way we think and talk about the problem. Though we generally believe we can solve environmental problems with more energy—more solar cells, wind turbines, and biofuels—alternative technologies come with their own side effects and limitations. How, for instance, do solar cells cause harm? Why can’t engineers solve wind power’s biggest obstacle? Why won’t contraception solve the problem of overpopulation lying at the heart of our concerns about energy, and what will? This practical, environmentally informed, and lucid book persuasively argues for a change of perspective. If consumption is the problem, as Ozzie Zehner suggests, then we need to shift our focus from suspect alternative energies to improving social and political fundamentals: walkable communities, improved consumption, enlightened governance, and, most notably, women’s rights. The dozens of first steps he offers are surprisingly straightforward. For instance, he introduces a simple sticker that promises a greater impact than all of the nation’s solar cells. He uncovers why carbon taxes won’t solve our energy challenges (and presents two taxes that could). Finally, he explores how future environmentalists will focus on similarly fresh alternatives that are affordable, clean, and can actually improve our well-being. Watch a book trailer.

природа -- альтернативна енергія -- екологія

   Тип видання:   словник   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Lamb, Peter.
Historical dictionary of socialism [Electronic resource] / Peter Lamb, James C. Docherty. - Lanham : The Scarecrow Press, 2006. - 506 p
Переклад назви: Історичний словник соціалізму


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Socialism has been one of the most resilient modern sociopolitical ideologies. At a time when communism has been “defeated,” socialism has continued growing and, if anything, gained from communism’s losses. But it still faces incessant criticism from capitalism and neoliberalism and is experiencing difficulty in some places. There is considerable concern among the leadership and sometimes friction with the rank and file, and everybody seems to call for reform, although agreement on just what that means in practice is hard to achieve. Yet, part of this “crisis” is only apparent because many of the early goals of socialism have become so much a part of the general consensus that they are hardly recognized as socialist any more. Among these are the need to overcome unemployment, improve the conditions of labor, create more egalitarian societies,ensure some form of welfare, and provide opportunities for all groups in society to express their o pinions.

політика -- соціальна держава -- ліва ідеологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Instagram [Електронний ресурс] : эффективное продвижение от А до Я. - [Б. м.] : Ingate, 2014. - 35 с.. - (Спроси Ingate)


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Социальные сети для бизнеса – это настоящий кладезь потенциальных клиентов. О том, как грамотно и в полной мере использовать в интересах своего бренда ресурсы одного из самых популярных сервисов, читайте в нашей новой книге «Instagram: эффективное продвижение от А до Я».

віртуальне спілкування -- соціальна мережа -- фотосховище

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Häyry, M.
Liberal utilitarianism and applied ethics [Electronic resource] / M. Häyry. - London : Routledge, 1994. - 205 p.
Переклад назви: Ліберальний уталітаризм та прикладна етика


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"Liberal Utilitarianism and Applied Ethics" explores the foundations of early utilitarianism as well as the theoretical basis of social ethics and policy in modern Western welfare states. Matti Hayry shows how philosophers have misunderstood the very nature of utilitarianism since the turn of the 19th century and identifies the resulting problems in contemporary utilitarianism. Hayry argues that when the classical utilitarian principles of happiness, hedonism and impartiality are combined, the ensuing ethical theory may demand that we act immorally or unjustly. This is because the scope of the utilitarian theory has been extended too far. Hayry develops a more limited utilitarian theory based on the ethos of early British universal altruism. He argues that a limited version of liberal utilitarianism and the methods of applied ethics should be employed to define our moral duties and rights. This is an important book in current discussions on social ethics and policy. Hayry's accomplished defense of utilitarian morality is certain to provoke debate.

моральність -- соціальна етика

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Kimmel, Michael.
Men and masculinities [Electronic resource] : a Social, Cultural, and Historical Encyclopedia / Michael Kimmel, Amy Aronson. - Santa Barbara : ABC-CLIO, 2004
Переклад назви: Чоловіки і мужність: соціальна, культурна та історична енциклопедія


Географічні рубрики:

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Т. 1 : A–J. - 2004. - 920 p.

The stereotypes of men in popular culture, from hairy-chested movie stars to rough-hewn heroes, do not alone represent masculinity. In fact, there are many ways to define masculine behavior, from revealing one's feminine side to consuming vast quantities of beer. Now, a leading scholar explores the origins, structures, and dynamics of masculinity in a unique new reference work.

чоловіки -- маскулінність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Löwy, Michael.
Morning star [Electronic resource] : surrealism, marxism, anarchism, situationism, utopia / M. Löwy. - Austin : University of Texas Press, 2009. - 175 p.
Переклад назви: Ранкова зоря: сюрреалізм, марксизм, анархізм, ситуаціонізм, утопія


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An expanded edition of revered theorist Michael Löwy's Morning Star: Marxism and Surrealism (previously published in French, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, and Greek), this masterwork collects the author's essays on the ways in which surrealism intersected with a variety of revolutionary political approaches, ranging from utopian ideals to Marxism and situationism. Taking its title from André Breton's essay "Arcane 17," which casts the star as the searing firebrand of rebellion, Löwy's provocative work spans many perspectives. These include surrealist artists who were deeply interested in Marxism and anarchism (Breton among them), as well as Marxists who were deeply interested in surrealism (Walter Benjamin in particular). Probing the dialectics of innovation, diversity, continuity, and unity throughout surrealism's international presence, Morning Star also incorporates analyses of Claude Cahun, Guy Debord, Pierre Naville, José Carlos Mariátegui and others, accompanied by numerous reproductions of surrealist art. An extraordinarily rich collection, Morning Star promises to ignite new dialogues regarding the very nature of dissent.

політичне мистецтво -- сучасне мистецтво -- соціальна критика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Gregor, A. James.
Mussolini's intellectuals [Електронний ресурс] : fascist social and political thought / A. J. Gregor. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2005. - 296 p.
Переклад назви: Інтелектуали Муссоліні: фашистська соціальна та політична думка


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This book appears after almost four decades of study, conferences, discussion, and publication. Over those years, students of “fascism,” as a subject of inquiry, have seen its “essence” change, in the judgments of scholars, from a movement of the “extreme right” into one that was neither of the “right” nor the “left.” We are now told that “Fascist ideology represented a synthesis of organic nationalism with the antimaterialist revision of Marxism.” From a political revolution entirely without any pretense of a rational belief system, we are now told, by those best informed, that “fascism’s ability to appeal to important intellectuals . . . underlines that it cannot be dismissed as . . . irrational. . . . [In] truth, fascism was an ideology just like the others.” Moreover, it has been acknowledged that “Fascism was possible only if based on genuine belief.” In effect, the study of Italian Fascism has delivered itself of significantly altered assessments over the past decades. Where, at one time, Fascism was simply dismissed as a phenomenon understood to be without intellectual substance, a right-wing excrescence that invoked violence and war, it is now more and more regularly understood to be a movement, and a regime, predicated on a reasonably well articulated belief system that engaged the rational commitment of many.

фашизм -- корпоративна держава -- праворадикальна думка

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