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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Adeyeye, Adefolake O..
Corporate social responsibility of multinational corporations in developing countries [Electronic resource] : perspectives on Anti-Corruption / Adefolake O. Adeyeye. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2012. - 245 p
Переклад назви: Корпоративна соціальна відповідальність транснаціональних корпорацій в країнах, що розвиваються: перспективи боротьби з корупцією


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The increasing importance of CSR means that companies must consider multi-stakeholder interests as well as the social, political, economic, environmental and developmental impact of their actions. However, the pursuit of profits by multinational corporations has led to a series of questionable corporate actions and the consequences of such practices are particularly evident in developing countries. Adefolake Adeyeye explores how CSR has evolved to aid the anti-corruption campaign. By examining voluntary rules applicable for curbing corruption, particularly bribery and analysing the domestic and extra-territorial laws of Nigeria, United Kingdom and the United States for holding corporations liable for bribery, she assesses the adequacy of international law's approach towards corporate liability for bribery and explores direct corporate responsibility for international corruption. The roles of corporate governance, global governance and civil liability in curbing corporate corrupt practices are given special focus.

корупція -- економіка -- боротьба

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Bennett, W.
The lawyer’s myth: reviving ideals in the legal profession [Electronic resource] / W. Bennett. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2001. - 254 p.
Переклад назви: Міф адвоката: відродження ідеалів юридичної професії

Географічні рубрики:

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This book is the culmination of a personal quest that began sixteen years ago when I left law practice and began to cast about for other ways to make a living through my self-bred compulsion to live and think like a lawyer. It has been a meandering journey.

юриспруденція -- адвокатура

   Тип видання:   методичний посібник   

Bodine, P.
Perfect Phrases for Law School Acceptance [Electronic resource] / P. Bodine. - New York : McGRAW-HILL, 2009. - 221 p.
Переклад назви: Ідеальний фрази для прийняття на юридичний факультет


Географічні рубрики:

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You've taken the LSAT, your transcript is in order, and you're ready to apply to law schools. Your personal statement and the interview are your major opportunity to distinguish yourself from the pack and demonstrate your full potential. Perfect Phrases for Law School Acceptance gives you the phrases, statements, and approaches that will help you form a compelling and memorable personal statement, stand out during the interview process, and impress your admissions officers.

навчання -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brieger, N.
Test Your Professional English [Electronic resource] : law / N. Brieger. - Harlow : Pearson Education Inc., 2003. - 104 p.
Переклад назви: Перевірте Вашу професійну англійську: закон


Географічні рубрики:

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This practical series includes a number of specialist titles which help students communicate more effectively. Each book contains over 60 tests and over 500 key words and expressions. They are ideal for class use or self-study.

англійська мова -- юридична термінологія

   Тип видання:   довідник   

Business and Legal Forms for Graphic Designers [Electronic resource]. - New York : Allworth Press, [20_ _?]. - 54 p.
Переклад назви: Бізнесові і юридичні форми для графічних дизайнерів


Географічні рубрики:

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Business and Legal Forms for Graphic Designers provides 51 essential forms and checklists—all ready to copy and put to immediate use in any graphic design studio!


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Cipriani, D.
Childrens Rights and the Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility [Electronic resource] : a Global Perspective / D. Cipriani. - Farnham : Ashgate, 2009. - 232 p.
Переклад назви: Дитячі права і мінімальний вік кримінальної відповідальності: глобальна перспектива


Географічні рубрики:

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Children of almost any age can break the law, but at what age should children first face the possibility of criminal responsibility for their alleged crimes? This work is the first global analysis of national minimum ages of criminal responsibility (MACRs), the international legal obligations that surround them, and the principal considerations for establishing and implementing respective age limits. Taking an international children's rights approach, with a rich theoretical framework and the vitality of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this work maintains a critical perspective, such as in challenging the assumptions of many children's rights scholars and advocates. Compiling the age limits and statutory sources for all countries, this book explains the broad historical origins behind most of them, identifying the recurring practical challenges that affect every country and providing the first comprehensive evidence that a general principle of international law requires all nations, regardless of their treaty ratifications, to establish respective minimum age limits.

дитина -- законодавство -- кримінальна відповідальність

   Тип видання:   словник   

Diccionario Juridico Mexicano [Electronic resource]. - México : Editorial Porrua, 1985
Переклад назви: Мексиканська юридичний словник


Географічні рубрики:

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T. 4 : E-H. - 347 p.


   Тип видання:   довідник   

Emanuel, L.
Latin for lawyers [Electronic resource] : the language of the Law / L. Emanuel. - 1th. ed.. - New York : Emanuel Publishing Corporation, 1999. - 446 p.
Переклад назви: Латинська мова для юристів: мова закону


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If you're just starting law school, you'll soon find out that lawyers like to use old latin phrases. If you don't have a guide To The confusing terminology, you'll quickly get lost in terms like 'replevin,' 'seisin,' 'habeus corpus,' and similar phrases. Even if you've been practicing law for many years, this book is a must-have reference tool. You'll be able to quickly understand what opposing counsel is trying to say in their briefs and motions. You'll be able to make better sense of the old cases you read. Latin for Lawyers will prove to be the reference tool that will help you through law school and throughout your professional career. the author, Lazar Emanuel, has had a distinguished career in law. A graduate of Harvard Law School, his resume includes founding partner of Cowan, Liebowitz & Emanuel (now Cowan, Liebowitz & Latman), president of Communication Industries, a multi-station radio and television company, and executive vice-president and general counsel of Emanuel Law Outlines, Inc. Oh, by the way, he's Steve Emanuel's father, too, which should speak volumes.

юридична термінологія -- юриспруденція -- право

   Тип видання:   підручник   

English for Law Students [Електронний ресурс] : підручник з англійської мови для студентів І-ІІІ курсів юридичних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів. - Х. : Право, 2004. - 416 с.


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Підручник ставить за мету ознайомити студентів5юристів з країнознавчою термінологією України, Великої Британії, США – про державний устрій цих країн, політичні партії, виборчі системи, правові системи, систему судочинства. У підручнику міститься матеріал про право Європейського Союзу, права людини, міжнародне право, конституційне право, трудове право. Підручник призначений для студентів І–ІІІ курсів юридичних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів.

право -- закон -- мовознавство -- іноземна мова

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Feldman, S. M.
American legal thought from premodernism to postmodernism: an intellectual voyage [Electronic resource] / S. M. Feldman. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2000. - 285 p.
Переклад назви: Американська юридична думка з премодернізму до постмодернізму: інтелектуальна подорож


Географічні рубрики:

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To travel from premodernism through modernism and into post-modernism might take several centuries and even millennia. American legal thought, remarkably so, has made the voyage in just over two hundred years. My purpose is to tell the story of this mercurial journey.

модернізм -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   монографія   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Halliday, S.
Conducting law and society research: Reflections on methods and practices [Electronic resource] / S. Halliday, P. Schmidt. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 2009. - 306 p.. - (Cambridge Studies in Law and Society)
Переклад назви: Проведення юридичних та соціальних досліджень: відображення на методах та практика


Географічні рубрики:

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Through interviews with many of the most noteworthy authors in Law and Society, Conducting Law and Society Research takes students and scholars behind the scenes of empirical scholarship, showing the messy reality of research methods. The challenges and the uncertainties, so often missing from research methods textbooks, are revealed in candid detail. These accessible and revealing conversations about the lived reality of classic projects will be a source of encouragement and inspiration to those embarking on empirical research, ranging across the full array of disciplines that contribute to Law and Society. For all of the ambiguities and challenges to the social "scientific" study of law, the reflections found in this book - collectively capturing a portrait of the field through the window of the research efforts - individually remind readers that "good research" displays not an absence of problems, but the care taken in negotiating them.

соціологія -- законодавство

   Тип видання:   словник   

Hill, N.
Nolo’s plain-English law dictionary [Electronic resource] / N. Hill, G. Hill, K. Hill. - Berkeley : NOLO, 2009. - 485 p.
Переклад назви: Юридичний словник Nolo - простою мовою


Географічні рубрики:

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Learn the language of the law, without the legalese! Open the average law dictionary and chances are you'll feel more confused than before you read a word. Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary is different. From "abrogate" to "zero tape", we've cut down on the Latin and defined common (and some not-so-common) terms you can really use to understand and access the law. Set aside those dusty, outdated law dictionaries! Written for the 21st century, this essential reference contains complete definitions of the legal terms you need today. If you're a law student, paralegal, accountant, small business owner or librarian -- anyone whose work or life touches the law -- this fully up-to-date A to Z guide puts access to the law into your hands. Nolo's Plain-English Law Dictionary contains 3,800 plain-English legal definitions, including many newly coined terms you'll find online and off, such as "typosquatting" and "patent troll". Of course, if you need definitions for legal standards -- even when they're in Latin -- you'll find those here too. Plus, find a copy of the Constitution of the United States of America for your reference in the pages following the complete list of definitions.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Jack, R.
Moral vision and professional decisions [Electronic resource] : the changing values of women and men lawyers / R. Jack, D. C. Jack. - Cambridge : Cambridge university press, 1989. - 236 p.
Переклад назви: Моральне бачення і професійні рішення: цінності, які змінюються, адвокатів жінок і чоловіків


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What does it mean today to "think like a lawyer"? Drawing on extensive interviews with men and women attorneys, the authors explore how moral reasoning affects lawyers' understanding of justice and their own role in promoting it. This examination of personal and institutional imperatives in the legal profession, illustrated with quotations from the lawyers themselves, raises questions that transcend traditional discussions of legal ethics. The authors examine: the relationship between gender and patterns of moral thinking; the ways that personal morality affects public and professional responsibility; the legal system's response to social changes in public ethics and in women's roles. For example, has the recent influx of women to the legal profession brought moral views that challenge the traditional defining characteristics of a lawyer's job? What happens when a lawyer's personal morality conflicts with the role demands of the profession? In conclusion the authors offer suggestions for constructive changes in legal education and the code of professional ethics to foster morally responsive democracy. All those concerned with moral reasoning, gender roles, and the evolution of the legal system will find this stimulating and timely reading.

юриспруденція -- юридична етика -- правова система

   Тип видання:   монографія   

Koppenhaver, Katherine M..
Attorney's guide to document examination [Electronic resource] / K. M. Koppenhaver. - Westport : Quorum books, 2002. - 272 p.
Переклад назви: Прокурорське керівництво для перевірки документів


Географічні рубрики:

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This book, as the title depicts, is primarily for attorneys who believe they have a forged document but do not know exactly how to proceed. It answers all the questiones to ask in depositons and on cross examination, gives an understanding of how genuiness is determined and what you need to proceed with a case. Not only is it an excellent book for attorneys but a great reference for document examiners as well. Document examiners can review the chapters to assure they do a commendable job representing their client. It also gives an excellent chapter on court citations in reference to handwriting analysis. Attorneys need no longer guess if they are approaching a case in the best way possible.

юридичні документи -- ідентифікація -- криміналістика -- розслідування

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Laufer, W. S.
Corporate bodies and guilty minds: the failure of corporate criminal liability [Electronic resource] / W. S. Laufer. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2006. - 304 p.
Переклад назви: Юридичні особи та винні голови: відмова юридичних осіб від кримінальної відповідальності


Географічні рубрики:

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We live in an era defined by corporate greed and malfeasance—one in which unprecedented accounting frauds and failures of compliance run rampant. In order to calm investor fears, revive perceptions of legitimacy in markets, and demonstrate the resolve of state and federal regulators, a host of reforms, high-profile investigations, and symbolic prosecutions have been conducted in response. But are they enough? In this timely work, William S. Laufer argues that even with recent legal reforms, corporate criminal law continues to be ineffective. As evidence, Laufer considers the failure of courts and legislatures to fashion liability rules that fairly attribute blame for organizations. He analyzes the games that corporations play to deflect criminal responsibility. And he also demonstrates how the exchange of cooperation for prosecutorial leniency and amnesty belies true law enforcement. But none of these factors, according to Laufer, trumps the fact that there is no single constituency or interest group that strongly and consistently advocates the importance and priority of corporate criminal liability. In the absence of a new standard of corporate liability, the power of regulators to keep corporate abuses in check will remain insufficient. A necessary corrective to our current climate of graft and greed, Corporate Bodies and Guilty Minds will be essential to policymakers and legal minds alike.

корпоративне право

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Libraries, national security, freedom of information laws and social responsibilities [Electronic resource]. - Сopenhagen : IFLA/FAIFE, 2005. - 407 p.
Переклад назви: Бібліотеки, національна безпека, Закони про свободу інформації та соціальну відповідальність


Географічні рубрики:

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бібліотека -- інформація

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

McKay, William.
Legal English [Electronic resource] : how to understand and master the language of law / William McKay. - London : Longman, 2005. - 197 p
Переклад назви: Юридична англійська: як зрозуміти і освоїти мову закону


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The publishers and authors would like to thank the following individuals and publications for granting permission to reproduce copyright material. Employment Tribunals Service for permission to include sample copies of Employment Tribunal forms The Law Society Gazette for permission to reproduce the following articles ‘Shopping Around’ (edition dated 4 March 2004 ‘Having cross words in the courtroom’ (edition dated 1 April 2004 ‘Asian tigers prepare to spring’ (edition dated 20 May 2004) Nigel Hanson for permission to reproduce ‘Shopping Around’. Nigel Hanson is a member of the media team at Foot Anstey Sargent. Justin Michaelson (Weil, Gotshal & Manges) on behalf of the Solicitors’ Association of Higher Court Advocates, for permission to reproduce ‘Having cross words in the courtroom’. Lucy Trevelyan for permission to reproduce ‘Asian tigers prepare to spring’. Margot Taylor, Principal Lecturer at the Inns of Court School of Law, for permission to reproduce her article entitled 'Which route – solicitor or barrister?’ (The Times, 20 January 2004). The authors would also like to express their gratitude to Sharon Hanson nd David Ronson for providing valued comments and feedback in the ourse of this book being written.

правознавство -- юриспруденція -- юридична термінологія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Mertz, E.
The Language of Law School [Electronic resource] : learning to "Think Like a Lawyer" / E. Mertz. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2007. - 308 p.
Переклад назви: Мова юридичної школи: Навчання до "Думай як юрист"


Географічні рубрики:

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Mertz has produced nothing short of a masterpiece in the linguistic anthropology of law and society, one of those rare interdisciplinary efforts that comes along every decade or so. Just as important, the depth of the analysis is matched only by the eloquence of her prose. Her clear writing, coupled with liberal use of data excerpts through out the chapters and the fact that the book is available in an affordable paperback edition, makes The Language of Law School an attractive text for a number of courses in linguistic anthropology, discourse studies, legal discourse, law and society, and legal socialization at graduate, undergraduate, and professional levels

закон -- юриспруденція

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Murmann, U.
Die selbstverantwortung des opfers im strafrecht [Electronic resource] / U. Murmann. - Berlin : Springer, 2005. - 602 S.
Переклад назви: Особиста відповідальність постраждалих в Кримінальному праві


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Kaum ein anderes strafrechtliches Thema wurde in den letzten Jahren so lebhaft diskutiert wie die Selbstverantwortung des Opfers. Die vorliegende Untersuchung entwickelt die Selbstverantwortung als zentrales Prinzip des Rechts. Es wird gezeigt, dass sich ein begr ndetes Prinzip der Opferselbstverantwortung nur in einem Recht denken l sst, das von der Autonomie der Beteiligten seinen Ausgang nimmt. Von dieser Basis, wie sie auch der Verfassung zugrunde liegt, wird die Bedeutung der Selbstverantwortung des Opfers in den strafrechtsdogmatischen Kategorien entfaltet - und es werden ihre immanenten Grenzen aufgezeigt.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Responsible Parents and Parental Responsibility [Electronic resource] / ed. R. Probert, S. Gilmore, J. Herring. - Portland : Hart Publishing, 2009. - 354 p.
Переклад назви: Відповідальні батьки та особиста відповідальність


Географічні рубрики:

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This book examines the idea of 'parental responsibility' in English law and what is expected of a responsible parent. The scope of 'parental responsibility', a key concept in family law, is undefined and often ambiguous. Yet, to date, more attention has been paid to how individuals acquire parental responsibility than to the question of the rights, powers, duties and responsibilities they have once they obtain it. This book redresses the balance by providing the first sustained examination of the different elements of parental responsibility, bringing together leading scholars to comment on specific aspects of its operation. The book begins by exploring the conceptual underpinnings of parental responsibility in the context of parents' and children's rights. The analysis highlights the inherent constraints and limitations of 'parental responsibility' and how its scope has deliberately been curtailed in certain contexts. The book then considers what parental responsibility allows and requires in specific areas, for example, naming a child, education, religious upbringing, medical treatment, corporal punishment, dealing with any contracts entered into or property owned by the child, representing the child in legal proceedings, consenting to a child's marriage or civil partnership and the law's response to the death of a child. In the final section, the idea of the 'responsible parent' is considered in the contexts of child support, contact, tort, and criminal law.

батьківські права -- батьківські обов'язки

Всі права захищені © Національна бібліотека України імені В. І. Вернадського