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   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Andreeva, T.
Tobacco in Ukraine: national survey of knowledge, attitudes and behavior [Electronic resource] / T. Andreeva. - Kyiv : [s. n.], 2005. - 84 p.
Переклад назви: Тютюн в Україні: національне дослідження рівня знань, ставлення та поведінки


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A survey of Ukrainian population by Kiev International Institute of Sociology commissioned by the International Centre for Policy Studies kyiv. This publication was prepared as part of the “Policy Campaign for Tobacco Control” Project, implemented by the ICPS with funding from the International Renaissance Foundation and the Open Society Institute. This report on the results of sociological survey was written by Tatiana Andreeva. The report was prepared with the support from the following experts: Andriy Bega, Judith Watt, Konstantin Krasovsky, Maksym Mashlyakivsky, Victor Stepanenko, Ihor Shevliakov. Design and layout: Ostap Stasiuk

тютюн -- паління -- сигарета

   Тип видання:   зб. статей   

Aspects of toleration: philosophical studies [Electronic resource] / ed. J. Horton, S. Mendus. - London : Methuen, 1985. - 194 p.
Переклад назви: Питання толерантності: Філософські дослідження

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терпимість -- мораль

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Bell, C. A.
Homicides In U.S. Workplaces [Electronic resource] : a Strategy For Prevention And Research / C. A. Bell, E. L. Jenkins. - Morgantown : U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1992. - 13 p.
Переклад назви: Убивства на робочих місцях в США: стратегії попередження і дослідження


Географічні рубрики:

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Homicide was the third leading cause of occupational injury death in the U.S. for the period from 1980 through 1985, accounting for nearly 13% of the nation's total deaths from trauma in the workplace. Homicide was the manner of death for 12% if the men and 42% of the women who died from injuries sustained in U.S. workplaces during the 6-year period for which data were available at the time of the workshop.

вбивство -- праця

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Brudner, A.
The Unity of the Common Law [Electronic resource] : studies in Hegelian Jurisprudence / A. Brudner. - Los Angeles : University of California Press, 1995. - 357 p.
Переклад назви: Єдність загального права: Дослідження в гегелівської юриспруденції


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Several chapters of this book have appeared elsewhere in previous versions. Chapter I contains material from "Hegel and the Crisis of Private Law," which appeared in 10 Cardozo Law Review (1989) and in Drucilla Cornell, Michel Rosenfeld, and David Gray Carlson, eds., Hegel and Legal Theory (New York: Routledge, 1991); Chapter II reworks material published in 4 Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence (1991); Chapter III reworks and expands material published in 43 University of Toronto Law Journal (1993); Chapter V reworks and expands material published in Stephen Shute, John Gardner, and Jeremy Horder, eds., Action and Value in Criminal Law (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993); and Chapter VI contains material from "The Ideality of Difference: Toward Objectivity in Legal Interpretation," 11 Cardozo Law Review (1990). I thank the editors and publishers of these volumes for their permission to republish this material.


   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Chertok, Boris.
Rockets and people [Electronic resource] : in 4 vol. / Boris Chertok. - Washington : National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2005-2011
Переклад назви: Ракети і люди


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Vol. 1. - 2005. - 402 p.

Vol. 2 : Creating a Rocket Industry. - 2006. - 669 p.

Vol. 3 : Hot Days of the Cold War. - 2009. - 796 p.

Vol. 4 : The Moon Race. - 2011. - 708 p.

In an extraordinary century, Academician Boris Yevseyevich Chertok lived an extraordinary life. He has witnessed and participated in many important technological milestones of the 20th century, and in these volumes, he recollects them with clarity, humanity, and humility. Chertok began his career as an electrician in 1930 at an aviation factory near Moscow. Thirty years later, he was one of the senior designers in charge of the Soviet Union’s crowning achievement as a space power: the launch of Yuriy Gagarin, the world’s first space voyager. Chertok’s 60-year-long career, punctuated by the extraordinary accomplishments of both Sputnik and Gagarin, and continuing to the many successes and failures of the Soviet space program, constitutes the core of his memoirs, Rockets and People. In these four volumes, Academician Chertok not only describes and remembers, but also elicits and extracts profound insights from an epic story about a society’s quest to explore the cosmos.

космічні дослідження -- астронавтика -- астрономія

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Соціологія   

Clarke, Adele E..
Situational Analysis [Electronic resource] : grounded theory after the postmodern turn / Adele E. Clarke. - Thousand Oaks : SAGE Publications, 2005. - 400 p
Переклад назви: Ситуаційний аналіз: обґрунтована теорія після постмодерністського повороту


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Situational Analysis: Grounded Theory After the Postmodern Turn provides an innovative approach to grounded theory useful in a wide array of qualitative research projects. Extending Anselm Strauss’s ecological social worlds/arenas/discourses framework, this book offers researchers three kinds of maps that place an emphasis on the range of differences rather than commonalities, as found via the traditional grounded theory approach. These maps include situational, social worlds/arena, and positional maps.

екологія -- соціологія -- наукові дослідження

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Contemporary anarchist itudies. An introductory anthology of anarchy in the academy [Electronic resource] / ed. R. Amster. - London : Routledge, 2009. - 336 p.
Переклад назви: Сучасні дослідження анархістів. Вступна академічна антологія анархії


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This volume of collected essays by some of the most prominent academics studying anarchism bridges the gap between anarchist activism on the streets and anarchist theory in the academy. Focusing on anarchist theory, pedagogy, methodologies, praxis, and the future, this edition will strike a chord for anyone interested in radical social change. This interdisciplinary work highlights connections between anarchism and other perspectives such as feminism, queer theory, critical race theory, disability studies, post-modernism and post-structuralism, animal liberation, and environmental justice. Featuring original articles, this volume brings together a wide variety of anarchist voices whilst stressing anarchism's tradition of dissent. This book is a must buy for the critical teacher, student, and activist interested in the state of the art of anarchism studies.

анархізм -- політична течія

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Crime and instability [Electronic resource] : case studies of transnational threats. - Vienna : UNODC, 2010. - 65 p.
Переклад назви: Злочинність та нестабільність: тематичні дослідження транснаціональних загроз


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   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Транспорт   

Dick, Steven J..
NASA's first 50 years [Electronic resource] : historical perspectives / Steven J. Dick ; NASA 50th anniversary proceedings. - [S. l.] : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2009. - 765 p
Переклад назви: Перші 50 років НАСА: історичні перспективи


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On 29 July 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed the National Aeronautics and Space Act, creating the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which became operational on 1 October of that year. Over the next 50 years, NASA achieved a set of spectacular feats, ranging from advancing the well-established field of aeronautics to pioneering the new fields of Earth and space science and human spaceflight. In this volume, a wide array of scholars turn a critical eye toward NASA’s first 50 years, probing an institution widely seen as the premier agency for exploration in the world, carrying on a long tradition of exploration by the United States and the human species in general. Fifty years after its founding, NASA finds itself at a crossroads that historical perspectives can only help to illuminate. Includes the following and more: NASA at 50*Imagining an Aerospace Agency in the Atomic Age*Evolution of Aeronautics Research at NASA*The NACA, NASA, and the Supersonic-Hypersonic Frontier*Fifty Years of Human Spaceflight: Why Is There Still a Controversy?* From the Secret of Apollo to the Lessons of Failure*The “Von Braun Paradigm” and NASA’s Long-Term Planning for Human Spaceflight*Life Sciences and Human Spaceflight*Space Science*Earth Science and Applications*NASA’s Role in History

космічні дослідження -- астрономія -- супутниковий зв'язок

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Dietrich, Orlow.
The nazis in the Balkans [Electronic resource] : a case study of totalitarian politics / Orlow Dietrich. - Ostin : University of Texas press, 1968. - 248 p
Переклад назви: Нацисти на Балканах: дослідження з тоталітарної політики


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The Südosteuropa-Gesellschaft (Southeast Europe Society or SOEG) was founded in 1940 to formulate wartime policy in Southeast Europe; its organizational life began and ended with the Third Reich.

правиця -- друга світова війна -- геополітика

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Digby, Anne.
From idiocy to mental deficiency [Electronic resource] : historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities / Anne Digby, David Wright. - London : Routledge, 1996. - 248 p
Переклад назви: Від ідіотизму до розумової відсталості: історичне дослідження розумових розладів


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From Idiocy to Mental Deficiency is the first book devoted to the social history of people with learning disabilities in Britain. Approaches to learning disabilities have changed dramatically in recent years. The implementation of 'Care in the Community', the campaign for disabled rights and the debate over the education of children with special needs have combined to make this one of the most controversial areas in social policy today. The nine original research essays collected here cover the social history of learning disability from the Middle Ages through the establishment of the National Health Service. They will not only contribute to a neglected field of social and medical history but also illuminate and inform current debates. The information presented here will have a profound impact on how professionals in mental health, psychiatric nursing, social work and disabled rights understand learning disability and society's responses to it over the course of history.

психіатрія -- ментальне здоров'я -- психічні розлади -- розумова відсталість

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Diner, D.
Beyond the Conceivable [Electronic resource] : studies on Germany, Nazism and the Holocaust / D. Diner. - Los Angeles : University of California Press, 2000. - 287 p
Переклад назви: Поза мислимого: дослідження Німеччини, нацизму і Голокосту


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The evidence has become notorious. As our chronological distance from Nazism and its phenomenal core the mass extermination has increased, the latter's historical weight has grown as well. No introduction can do justice to this paradox's many sources, some of which I explore in the chapters that follow. Let us here simply note that the growing centrality of the Holocaust has altered the entire warp and woof of our sense of the passing century. If, well into the 1970s, wide-ranging portraits of the epoch would grant the Holocaust a modest (if any) mention, it now tends to fill the entire picture. The incriminated event has thus become the epoch's marker, its final and inescapable wellspring.

нацизм -- масове знищення

   Тип видання:   енциклопедія   

Encyclopedia of Science [Electronic resource] : in 10 vol. / R. Nagel. - Detroit : UXL, Gale Group, 2002
Переклад назви: Енциклопедія науки


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Vol. 1-10. - 2111 p.

This resource provides clear, nontechnical information on more than 600 scientific theories, life forms, inventions, controversies and discoveries - written in language that makes sense to all students. This new edition includes approximately 50 new essays and more than 250 fully updated entries. Covering the physical, life and earth sciences as well as engineering, technology, math, environmental science, anthropology and psychology, the Encyclopedia is sure to address all the topics that students and younger researchers want to know about. Includes approximately 600 color and black-and-white photographs.

наука -- дослідження -- теорія -- гіпотеза

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

English, James F..
The global future of English studies [Electronic resource] / James F. English. - London : Wiley-Blackwell, 2012. - 212 p
Переклад назви: Глобальне майбутнє англійської освіти


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I could not have written this book without assistance from faculty and students in various English departments around the world. My colleagues at Penn, especially Peter Conn and Max Cavitch, have been among my most thoughtful and well-informed interlocutors. During my time teaching at Kings College, London, I learned much about the specificities of the British system from conversations with Mark Turner, Jo McDonagh, and Gordon McMullan. When he was at the University of Edinburgh, John Frow engaged me in a project of administrative data exchange between the English departments there, at Penn, and at the University of Melbourne. Elizabeth Anderson performed heroic labor in assembling the Penn data for that study, the results of which proved helpful to this book in a number of ways. David Carter arranged for me to make an extended visit to the University of Queensland, where my sense of the situation of English departments in Australia was sharpened by conversations with Nathan Garvey, Roger Osborne, Ian Hunter, and David himself. I also learned much from the Australian and New Zealand scholars at the 2011 SHARP Conference in Brisbane, and especially from Simone Murray of Monash University, who, among other things, explained to me the “Melbourne model.” Henrik Enbohm of the Swedish Writers’ Union invited me to a large gathering of writers, scholars, and translators in Stockholm, where I was able to speak with faculty and graduate students from literature departments in Sweden and elsewhere in Scandinavia. Andrew Shields at the University of Basel provided me with helpful information about English studies in Switzerland and Germany, as did Philipp Schweighauser and Ina Habermann. In Vienna, my Austrian guide was Hanno Biber,and I am grateful to Lianna Giorgi of the ICCR and the Euro- Festival Project for arranging my visit to that city, as well as to Bologna.Most recently, Rudolph Glitz arranged for me to visit the University of Amsterdam and provided clear and detailed answers to my queries regarding English studies in the Netherlands. For helping me to learn something about English departments in China, I owe a particular debt to Danling Li, my tireless guide and native informant in Beijing, who has continued to assist me back in Philadelphia. Wang Ning arranged my visit to Tsinghua University and set up a series of meetings and meals there; Shen Anfeng gave me a most informative tour of the campus. Mao Liang arranged my visit to Peking University, where he, Ding Hongwei, Thomas Rendall, and Shen Dan all patiently answered my many questions about their students, curriculums, teaching methods, and funding arrangements. Zhang Hongxia was a charming and informative guide in Shanghai. Junsong Chen of Shanghai International Studies University led me on a most enlightening tour of the English literature section of the SISU bookstore. He Weiwen, vice dean of the School of Foreign Languages at Shanghai Jiaotong University, hosted me on his campus, where I enjoyed helpful discussions with him and Wang Zhenhua. Sun Jian, the chair of English at Fudan University, generously made time for me in the middle of a busy week. My visit to Nanjing University was especially productive, and Liu Haiping did me great service in arranging for meetings with groups of administrators, faculty, and graduate students. Especially helpful was the participation of Yang Jincai, the dean of the School of Foreign Studies, and Gao Wei, Zhu Gang, Zhao Wenshu, Zhu Xuefeng, Hu Jing, and Fan Hao. Finally, Phoebe Liu, my student at Penn, translated Chinese documents and websites for me, and canvassed her friends at universities in China for information that we could not find online. No one has assisted me more with this book than David Dunning, who prepared all the charts and contributed much clarity of thought to the task of gathering and analyzing the statistical data. David also read the book in manuscript, steering me around numerous mistakes, as did the copyeditor Cheryl Adam at a later stage in the process. Fraser Sutherland worked rapidly to prepare an index. Aileen Castell was a superbly efficient project manager. Emma Bennett is the editor who originally encouraged me to write the book for her Manifesto series, and Ben Thatcher kept the projectmoving forward despite my habitual dodges, detours, and delays. None of these people will fully agree with the analysis and arguments in the book. Nor do they share responsibility for whatever errors of fact and flaws of reasoning it contains. But the opportunity to discuss with them the present circumstances and possible futures of a discipline in which we are all invested has greatlyenriched my understanding and enlivened my professional life these past few years.

наука -- педагогіка -- Англія -- дослідження

   Тип видання:   аналітична доповідь   

Global study on homicide [Electronic resource]. - Vienna : UNODC, 2011. - 128 p.
Переклад назви: Глобальне дослідження вбивств


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The 2011 Global Study on Homicide has been conceived to provide a unique overview of the ultimate crime. The picture it paints is of a phenomenon marked by large disparities in distribution, demographics, typologies and mechanisms.

вбивство -- злочинність

   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hage, J.
Studies in Legal Logic [Electronic resource] / J. Hage. - Dordrecht : Springer, 2005. - 328 p.
Переклад назви: Дослідження в галузі правової логіки


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Studies in Legal Logic is a collection of nine interrelated papers about the logic, epistemology and ontology of law. All of the papers were written after the publication of the author’s Reasoning with Rules and supplement the issues addressed therein. Some of the papers are new; others have been revised substantially after the publication of their original versions. The emphasis is on analysis, not on logical technicalities. Studies in Legal Logic contains chapters about the nature of norms, the role of coherence in the law, the nature of defeasibility, the role of dialectics in law and artificial intelligence, the statics and dynamics of the law, and the consistency of rules. Moreover, it contains a new, simplified and yet more powerful version of Reason-based Logic and extensive examples of how it can be used for the analysis of legal reasoning. The examples deal with legal theory construction, case-based reasoning, and judicial proof.


   Тип видання:   наукове видання   

Hett, Benjamin Carter.
Burning the Reichstag : an investigation into the Third Reich’s enduring mystery [Electronic resource] / B. C. Hett. - New York : Oxford University Press, 2014. - 1052 p.
Переклад назви: Підпал Райхстагу: дослідження невмирущої таємниці Третього Райху


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In February 1933, Adolf Hitler had only a tenuous grasp on power. Chancellor of Germany for merely four weeks, he led a fragile coalition government. The Nazis had lost seats in the Reichstag in the recent election, and claimed only three of thirteen cabinet posts. Then on February 27th, arson sent the Reichstag, the home and symbol of German democracy, up in flames. Immediately blaming the Communists, Hitler's new government approved a decree that tore the heart out of the democratic constitution of the Weimar Republic and cancelled the rule of law. Five thousand people were immediately arrested. The Reichstag fire marked the true beginning of the Third Reich, which ruled for 12 more years. The controversy surrounding the fire's origins has endured for 80. In Burning the Reichstag, Benjamin Hett offers a gripping account of Hitler's rise to dictatorship-one that challenges orthodoxy and recovers the true significance of the part the fire played. At the scene the police arrested 23-year-old Marinus van der Lubbe, a Dutch Communist stonemason. Though he was initially dismissed abroad as a Nazi tool, post-war historians since the 1950s have largely judged him solely guilty-a lone arsonist exploited by Hitler. Hett's book reopens the case, providing vivid portraits of key figures, including Rudolf Diels, Hermann Goering, Joseph Goebbels, and the historian Fritz Tobias, whose account of the fire has, until now, been the standard. Making use of a number of new sources and archives, Hett sets the Reichstag fire in a wider context, revealing how and why it has remained one of the last mysteries of the Nazi period, and one of the most controversial and contested events in the 20th century.

Третій Райх -- політичні інтриги -- націонал-соціалізм -- пропаганда

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Holly, Harison.
Mixed - media collage [Electronic resource] : an exploration of contemporary artists, methods, and materials / Harison Holly. - Beverly : Quarry Books, 2007. - 130 p
Переклад назви: Мішаний медіа-колаж : дослідження сучасних художників, методів і матеріалів

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The term mixed media art signifies the use of different media in the creation of one work. This can allow for great versatility and a rich viewer experience as the eye uncovers the muliple layers that often characterize mixed media art. The character of mixed media contributes to its popularity within the contemporary art world, as it can blend well with conceptual visual formulation. The end result can be less a direct visual statement than a way to bring irony into play as a comment on a visual statement. Mixed media art is frequently used to express political views or social statements. Common media combinations include oil paint, graphite, textiles, or sculpture. However, mixed media pieces can include almost anything. For example, found objects can be used in conjunction with traditional artist media. The different combinations of media and varying composition, color, and texture can all be used for interesting effect. It has been said, “Art is not a thing; it is a way.” The process and materials used to create a work of art are always of interest; with mixed media they are central to the work itself. The fact of the mediums, their texture and look, their presence, are important parts of the message conveyed.

сучасне мистецтво -- художники

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   

Kamenetsky, Ihor.
Hitler's occupation of the Ukraine, 1941 1944 [Electronic resource] : a study of totalitarian imperialism / Ihor Kamenetsky. - Milwaukee : The Marquette University Press, 1956. - 110 p
Переклад назви: Гітлерівська окупація України, 1941-1944: дослідження тоталітарного імперіалізму


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Hitler's Occupation of the Ukraine (1941-1944) by Ihor Kamenetsky. Out of print for over 50 years, this is still the standard work on the occupation of the Ukraine by the Germans and how their policies turned success into failure. Give it 5 stars for the subject and content. Its not a novel however, its a serious study and my 5 stars is based on that and the content, not the rather dated writing style. The greatest reservoirs of anti-Bolshevik manpower - those in eastern Poland, the Baltics and in the Ukraine - were left untouched, as the population of these territories was to be reduced to colonial status within the German eastern empire; on the other hand, loud huzzahs and spectacular celebrations greeted the appearance of the Spanish Blue Division, and the "Wallon" and "French" SS-Legions... Originally welcomed as liberators, the Germans quickly squandered that good will, as they pressed ahead with their archaic racial policies, and proceed to turn the Ukraine into a "German India". The lessons to be learned are that almost any population, which is the key to an insurgency, can be won over by even the most odious occupier, if they so choose. The seeds of Germany's failure in the Ukraine (and the Soviet Union) were sown, and what rose was a guerrilla force that not only fought the Germans, but continued to fight the Soviets until 1950. A concise history of the occupation, this work is also one of the few studies available that addresses the various Ukrainian resistance groups. A must have for any World War II collection. Seems to now becoming available from Print on Demand Publishers. There is also a version available from Hailer Publishing. Again, worth reading for anyone interested in the subject. The book is not large (116 pages) and was first published in 1956 by The Marquette University Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin.

війна -- історія -- імперіалізм

   Тип видання:   науково-популярне видання   
Категорія: Астрономія   

Kanas, Nick.
The new martians [Electronic resource] : a scientific novel / Nick Kanas. - Berlin : Springer, 2013. - 130 p
Переклад назви: Нові марсіани: науковий роман


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The year is 2035, and the crew from the first expedition to Mars is returning to Earth. The crewmembers are anxious to get home, and ennui pervades the ship. The mood is broken by a series of mysterious events that jeopardize their safety. Someone or something is threatening the crew. Is it an alien being? A psychotic crewmember? A malfunctioning computer? The truth raises questions about the crewmembers’ fate and that of the human race. In this novel, the intent is to show real psychological issues that could affect a crew returning from a long-duration mission to Mars. The storyline presents a mystery that keeps the reader guessing, yet the issues at stake are based on the findings from the author’s research and other space-related work over the past 40+ years. The novel touches on actual plans being discussed for such an expedition as well as notions involving the search for Martian life and panspermia.

футурологія -- космічні дослідження

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